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58 Twitter Innovations

— April 20, 2009 — Pop Culture
Twitter is the new Robert Pattinson... Even though Twitter has been around for a while, it has recently become a ubiquitous presence in the news and media.

CNN had a very publicized race to 1,000,000 followers with Hollywood star Ashton Kutcher. The young actor beat the world’s most famous news network in the end. Oprah made her first ever tweet on Twitter last week on her show. Ellen Degeneres keeps talking about it on her show, as do the ladies on 'The View.' Twitter was even blamed for the breakup of Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer.

This is rather curious, considering that the answer to the basic question, “What are you doing?” (or, what’s up?) is the basis of this free social messaging site.

So in acknowledgment of the dominance of Twitter right now, we present this cluster of all things Twitter. Now, be sweet and tweet this cluster to your followers!
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Micro-Blogging Auctions
Micro-Blogging Auctions
Tweebay Uses Twitter For Socially Connected Selling
Mocking Microblogging
Mocking Microblogging
With 26 Character Updates, Flutter is Twitter's Mini Me
Social Bribing For Charity
Social Bribing For Charity
@tferriss Donates to Charity With Every New Twitter Follower
Twitter Media Takeovers
Twitter Media Takeovers
Chicago Tribune Masthead Now Features Twitter Usernames
Celebratory Micro-Blogs
Celebratory Micro-Blogs
Twitter Buzzing with Congrats for Obama
Google Strongly Involved With US Elections
Google Strongly Involved With US Elections
Twitter & Google Super Tuesday Map
Twitter for Businesses
Twitter for Businesses
Yammer Brings Microblogging to Work
Demystifying Explosive Growth
Demystifying Explosive Growth
Evan Williams Speaks About Twitter's Success at TED
Twitter Style Video Updates
Twitter Style Video Updates
Microblogging Plane Crashes
Microblogging Plane Crashes
Twitter User Gives Firsthand Account of Accident in Real Time
Twittering Jurors
Twittering Jurors
Courtroom Live-Blogging Raises Legal Issues
Twitter for Terrorists
Twitter for Terrorists
Criminal Communication Through Microblogging
Twittering Surgeons
Twittering Surgeons
Social Network-Savvy Doctors Share Step-by-Step With Students
Twitter for iPhone
Twitter for iPhone
Twinkle with Geo-Action
Books About Microblogging
Books About Microblogging
"My Life in Tweets" Catalogues 4,100 of James Bridle's Twitter Updates
Real-Time Social Searches
Real-Time Social Searches
Twitter Adds Search and Trends to Home Page
Hijacked Micro-Blogging
Hijacked Micro-Blogging
Twitter is Penis
Twitter Stat Tools
Twitter Stat Tools
Xefer Analyzes Usage & Habits
Twitter on TV
Twitter on TV
Replacing Yellavision With On-ScreenTweeting To Express Yourself
Fake Celebrity Networking 2.0
Fake Celebrity Networking 2.0
‘FakTwitter' Involves Aussie Celebrity Twitter Profiles
Twitter Innuendo Stalking
Twitter Innuendo Stalking
Site Lists Comments That Provoke ‘That's What She Said’
Twitter For Saving Lives
Twitter For Saving Lives
Skiers Tracked Down Via Tweets and Google Maps
Silent Social Media
Silent Social Media
@TheMime Leaves Twitter Speechless Without Any Effort
Social Goofing
Social Goofing
Odd Uses For Twitter, From Farting Office Chairs to Tweeting Kitties
Twitter Proposals
Twitter Proposals
Popping the Question Online
Clever Twitter Clients
Clever Twitter Clients
Tweetie App for Mac Promises User Friendliness
Jail Bail Via Twitter
Jail Bail Via Twitter
Student Rescued After Tweet in Egypt
Twitter-Fueled TV Launches
Twitter-Fueled TV Launches
P. Diddy Leverages His 227,000 Followers for "P. Twitty TV"
Confess 2.0
Confess 2.0
Anonymous Twitter
Microblogging A-Listers
Microblogging A-Listers
Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore Twittered from Oscars, Posted Videos
Getting Punk'd On Twitter
Getting Punk'd On Twitter
Ashton Kutcher Ready to Punk CNN Founder Ted Turner
Twitter Aggregators
Twitter Aggregators
FAVRD Shows Day's Best Posts
Twittering Churches
Twittering Churches
What Would Jesus Tweet?
Twitter Wine Tastings
Twitter Wine Tastings
Eco-Friendly Experts Tweet to Facilitate Shared Experience
Ads Killed by Social Mothers
Ads Killed by Social Mothers
Twitter Moms Destroy Motrin Marketing in 48 Hours
Interactive Twitter Charts
Interactive Twitter Charts
Mailana Maps Your Tweets and Those of Your Followers
Twitter Pizza Promos
Twitter Pizza Promos
Kraft's DiGiorno Delivers Free Flatbread Pizza to Tweetups
Social Cartoon Lessons
Social Cartoon Lessons
'Twouble With Twitter' Viral Teaches You About The Twittersphere
Unborn Baby Bloggers
Unborn Baby Bloggers
The 'Kickbee' Fetus Sends Twitter Tweets Via Kicks
Twitter-Inspired Dictionaries
Twitter-Inspired Dictionaries
140pedia Defines the World in 140 Characters or Less
Get Paid to Use Twitter
Get Paid to Use Twitter
Linkbee Puts Ads in Your Tweets
Iconic Digital Illustrations
Iconic Digital Illustrations
The Twitterific Work of David Lanham
Catastrophic Candy Branding
Catastrophic Candy Branding
Skittles Relaunches Website as Twitter Search, Offensive Tweets Ensue
Adults Only Twitter
Adults Only Twitter
Live Revolutions on Twitter
Live Revolutions on Twitter
With All Media Channels Blocked, Moldova Shows Conflict on Interne
Twitter Cookies
Twitter Cookies
Fortunes Based on Real Tweets
Virtual Good Samaritans
Virtual Good Samaritans
'Twitter Angels' Aid Ailing Job-Seekers
Most Followed People on Twitter
Most Followed People on Twitter
Barack Obama is #1
Twitter Remorse
Twitter Remorse
John Mayer Disses Twitter After Jennifer Aniston Dumps Him For His Obsession
Twitter-Inspired Calendars
Twitter-Inspired Calendars
The ‘Status Calendar' Lets You Update Your Offline Activiti
Talking Plants
Talking Plants
Plants Twitter When They Need Water
Augmented Reality Tee Shirts
Augmented Reality Tee Shirts
Squidder's E-Shirt Displays Hologram of Your Last Twitter Post
Tattoos For Virtual Fans
Tattoos For Virtual Fans
Twitter Fail WhaleTattoo Created Thanks to @BaltimoreMD Friending
Positive Body Image PR
Positive Body Image PR
Meghan McCain Stands Up to Laura Ingraham on Twitter
Twittering Celebrity Moms
Twittering Celebrity Moms
Lindsay Lohan's Mom Expresses Outrage Over Underage Clubbing on Tw
Celebrity Twitterazzi
Celebrity Twitterazzi
Ashton Kutcher Sends Pic of Demi Moore's Rear on Twitter
Twittering Food Trucks
Twittering Food Trucks
Koji BBQ Taco Truck Fuels Hungry Angelenos