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54 Transparent Designs

From Clear Nordic Cribs to See-Through High Heels

— June 16, 2010 — Art & Design
See-through, clear or translucent, there's no doubt that transparent designs are badass. With the natural curiosity humans have when it comes to objects and how things work on the inside, being able to view the interior of something is always a satisfying pleasure.

Whether it's a glass house or a cassette purse, there's no doubt that these transparent designs are always going to be unique and ultra-creative.

Implications - You may have the sudden urge to pick up a see-through item yourself after browsing through these transparent designs. There are small items such as watches, memory sticks and cell phones as well as big objects such as office buildings and homes. If you aren't in the market for a house, perhaps you should stick with a see-through briefcase.
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Transparent Figurine Art
Transparent Figurine Art
Jin Young Yu Rocks Our Visual World
Transparent Firewood
Transparent Firewood
Glass Logs by Jeff Benroth Won't Keep You Warm this Winter
Transparent Shoe Boxes
Transparent Shoe Boxes
Lezane Rousseau's Plexiglass Cases Show Off Kicks at a Glance
Transparent Tummies
Transparent Tummies
Khristian Mendoza's ‘Transparency' is a Clear View on Design
Ghostly See-Through Gadgets
Ghostly See-Through Gadgets
The Samsung Transparent AMOLED Display is Straight from the Future
See-Through Stadium
See-Through Stadium
Transparent Timepieces
Transparent Timepieces
Japanese Watchmaker Creates a Crazy Clock
Diamond Docks
Diamond Docks
The Calypso Crystal Dock Doesn't Skimp on the Handcrafted Glass
Transparent Trucks
Transparent Trucks
Transparentius Camera Projects ‘Blindspot' on Truck's Back Panel
Transparent Taps
Transparent Taps
Water-Waste Awareness Baths
Water-Waste Awareness Baths
Transparent Tub Has Measurements
See Through Briefcase
See Through Briefcase
Skeleton Attache
Transparent Tune Holders
Transparent Tune Holders
iAqua iPhone Dock is Clearly the Best Thing For Your Music
Transparent Legal Structures
Transparent Legal Structures
The International Criminal Court is Guilty of Having a Snazzy Design
Transparent OLED Displays
Transparent OLED Displays
Transparent Designs
Transparent Designs
10 Totally Clear Innovations With Nothing to Hide
Mobile With Transparent Screen
Mobile With Transparent Screen
Microsoft LucidTouch
Transparent Watch Faces
Transparent Watch Faces
Swiss Army Legacy 2006
See-Through Restrooms
See-Through Restrooms
Transparent Public Washroom in Lausanne, Switzerland (UPDATE)
Transparent iMac Design
Transparent iMac Design
Mac of the Future
See-Through Small Appliances
See-Through Small Appliances
Transparent B-Iron 725 Lets You Watch the De-Wrinkling
Glass Balconies
Glass Balconies
'The Ledge' at Chicago Sears Tower Opens to the Public (UPDATE)
Couture Clamshell Handbags
Couture Clamshell Handbags
Chanel Runway Accessory Packaging Given the Lagerfeld Touch
Transparent Seating
Transparent Seating
The Invisibles by Tokujin Yoshioka is an Optical Illusion
See-Through Cell Phone
See-Through Cell Phone
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Phone
Transparent Toilets
Transparent Toilets
Nature Scene Tanks
Transparent Supercars
Transparent Supercars
The Gamma Concept Car Hides Nothing
Transparent Memory Sticks
Transparent Memory Sticks
Mac Funazimu's Illuminated USB Drives are Playful Peripherals
Transparent Purses
Transparent Purses
Great for Airport Security, Bad for Secrets
Transparent Luxury Timpieces
Transparent Luxury Timpieces
The See-Through Ceramic Chanel J12 Retrograde Mysterieuse
See-Through Billiards
See-Through Billiards
The Glass G-1 Pool Table Takes Luxury to the Next Level of Fun
Transparent Buildings
Transparent Buildings
The Milanofiori Nord Office by Park Associati in Italy
Transparent Geo Facades
Transparent Geo Facades
The KNN Media Center Represents the Streaming Nature of Broadcasting
Cassette Purses
Cassette Purses
A High Fashion Transparent Bag That Looks Like a Tape
See-Through Soccer Balls
See-Through Soccer Balls
AGENT Suggests a Transparent Alternative with the CITRUS Soccer Ball
Transparent Cars
Transparent Cars
Alan Kravchenko's Peugeot Clear is an Open One-Seater
Clear Nordic Cribs
Clear Nordic Cribs
Wiel Arets Architects' H House is Clearly Amazing
Transparent Flowered Frocks
Transparent Flowered Frocks
The Riccardo Tisci Givenchy Resort 2011 Collection has a Holy Glow
Transparent Toaster Design
Transparent Toaster Design
Transparent Game Consoles
Transparent Game Consoles
Clear Playstation 4 by Tai Chem is From the Future
Clear Computer Screens
Clear Computer Screens
Super Geeky Desktop Magic Mimics a Transparent Screen
Transparent Vehicles
Transparent Vehicles
Sara Watson Makes a Car Disappear With Paint
Transparent Touchscreen Phones
Transparent Touchscreen Phones
The LG GD-900 Is Clear Innovation At Its Finest
Transparent Hilltop Abodes
Transparent Hilltop Abodes
The Division Knoll Residence is at the Peak of Luxury
See-Through Toasters
See-Through Toasters
Transparent Magimix Toaster Lets You Eyeball the Perfect Shade of Brown
See-Through Couture
See-Through Couture
7 Plastic Fashions
Transparent Apple Displays
Transparent Apple Displays
MacBook Touch
Glass Cell Phones
Glass Cell Phones
Lenovo 'Poison' Features Transparent Display
Transparent Tents
Transparent Tents
The Outlife Shelter is for the Extreme Nature-Lover
Transparent Homes
Transparent Homes
This Concept House is Made Completely from Glass
Voyeuristic Photography
Voyeuristic Photography
Peep Into 'The Transparent City'
Windowed Wireless Mobiles
Windowed Wireless Mobiles
See the Future Through the Transparent Nokia Concept Phone
Transparent Fashion
Transparent Fashion
Dior Couture Fall 08/09 Plays Peekaboo in Paris
See-Through High Heels
See-Through High Heels
Spring 2010 Shoes Take on Transparent Proportions