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25 Ingenious Training Innovations

From Toddler Boot Camp to Parrot Potty-Training

— August 6, 2009 — Tech
If you want to be good at anything you have to train yourself, or get someone (or something) else to help you.

These training innovations reflect the hard work physically or digitally that is required in order to be at the peak of your game. On the other hand, you may just want animal slaves and pets that know where to pee.

Train yourself to keep clicking through this cluster!

Implications - Many individuals within Western society consider their physical health one of the most important priorities within their lives. Businesses and companies who provide consumers with a wide range of products to help them preserve their physical well-being will see great returns. Not all consumers are as informed as others when it comes to fitness and health and businesses who dedicate their time to consumers' wellness will be rewarded.
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Machine Guns for Kids
Machine Guns for Kids
Redneck Training Contrasted With Ad Campaign
Supercar Racing Circuits
Supercar Racing Circuits
Cool Victory is Offering Travel and Training with Lamborghini Race Team
Soccer Strategy Commercials
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Australian World Cup Qualifier Ads Showcase Japan's Training
Recruiting Animals for Evil
Recruiting Animals for Evil
Colombian Carrier Pigeons Trained to Smuggle Contraband
Disco Doctor Training
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Perfect Chest Compressions with "Stayin' Alive"
Squash Rackets That Talk
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Mana Trains With Audio
Potty-Trained Parrots
Potty-Trained Parrots
Owners Teach Their Bird to Poo in the Loo
Personal Trainer for iPods
Personal Trainer for iPods
Personal Trainers for Kids
Personal Trainers for Kids
Online Personal Training & Fitness Classes
Online Personal Training & Fitness Classes
FABS CyberFitness
Digital Personal Trainers
Digital Personal Trainers
Workout Couches For Couch Potatoes To Tone Up For Summer
Bootcamp for Toddlers
Bootcamp for Toddlers
"Potty Whisperer" Toilet Training
Rejuvenation Cruises
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Intermittent Hypoxic Training Wellness Vacations
High Tech Athlete Training
High Tech Athlete Training
RFID Ski Position Feedback System
Blackberry Training
Blackberry Training
Courses For People Too Stupid to Use Their Phone
Training Wheel-Free Training
Training Wheel-Free Training
Toddler 'Toot Scoot' Makes Learning to Ride a Bike Easy
Trained Dogs find Pirated DVDs in Asia
Trained Dogs find Pirated DVDs in Asia
Olympic Beauty Training
Olympic Beauty Training
Chinese Award Girls Get Groomed
Hypoxic Training
Hypoxic Training
Not Banned
Cruel Canine Training Tools
Cruel Canine Training Tools
The Belly-Binding Wizzer Trains Your Pooch When to Pee
Birds As Slaves
Birds As Slaves
Vending Machine Trains Crows To Make You Rich
Astronaut Trampolines
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The Spaceball Tramp is Fun Fitness for Outer SpaceTraining
Training Bees to Sniff Bombs
Training Bees to Sniff Bombs
Peter Potty: Training Urinal
Peter Potty: Training Urinal
Anime Potty Training
Anime Potty Training
Instructional Japanese Cartoon