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29 Tire Treads

From Tropical Tire Swings to Airless Army Tires

— November 23, 2009 — Autos
This is just a friendly reminder that you not only should be checking your tires routinely, but that the winter months are nearly here, which means that you should also have invested in some sturdy, winter tires. This cluster of tire treads may not all be on the practical side, but it will sure get you thinking about those roadster rubbers.
Computer Tires
Computer Tires
Electronic Sensors Improves Wheel Alignment
Studly Snow Chains
Studly Snow Chains
Thule's K-Summit Tire Chains Ensures Easy Mountain Driving
Self-Inflating Tires
Self-Inflating Tires
Coda Lets You Keep on Driving
Advertising on Spare Tires
Advertising on Spare Tires
Yuzu Sushi Guerrilla Ad
Hello Kitty Bicycle Tire
Hello Kitty Bicycle Tire
Leave Cute Eco-Tracks
Slithering Tire Sculptures
Slithering Tire Sculptures
The Recycled 'Kukulkan' Piece Resembles Quetzalcoatl Serpents
Car Tires as Paintbrushes
Car Tires as Paintbrushes
Artist Creates Giant Masterpiece with BMW Z4
Roadside Rubber as Art
Roadside Rubber as Art
Recycled Trash Art
Recycled Trash Art
Jim Darling Creates 'Junk Man' Out of Mattresses and Tires
Schlauch... The Recycled Tire Tube Belt
Schlauch... The Recycled Tire Tube Belt
Recycled Shoes
Recycled Shoes
Yellow Port Shoes Made From Recycled Tires and Trucking Canvas
Recycled Tire Fashion
Recycled Tire Fashion
Rubber Krejci Bags
Air-Free Tires
Air-Free Tires
Michelin Reinvents the Wheel with Tweel
Reflective Bike Tires
Reflective Bike Tires
Twisting Tire Art
Twisting Tire Art
Romero Betsabee Brings Life to the Rubber Road Warriors
iPhone Cases for Gearheads
iPhone Cases for Gearheads
Case-Mate ‘Vroom Tire Tread Pattern' for iPhone 3G
Tire Rings
Tire Rings
For Car Lovers
Tire Shaped Luggage
Tire Shaped Luggage
The Samsonite Obag
Tire-iffic Pool Tables
Tire-iffic Pool Tables
The Autosport Pool Table Rocks a Unique Wheel Design
Carbon Fiber Tires
Carbon Fiber Tires
Military Tank Tread Inspires 'Transforming Multifunctional Wheels'
Shoes Made of Old Truck Tires
Shoes Made of Old Truck Tires
Old Ho's Rubber Tire Sandals
Tire Gardens
Tire Gardens
Creative Recycling Brings New Life to Discarded Car Parts
Tire Swing T-Rexes
Tire Swing T-Rexes
Wildlife Creations Uses Imagination to Make Fun Tire Swings
Recycled Tire Seating
Recycled Tire Seating
The DIY Re-Tyre Lounger
Recycled Art
Recycled Art
Rubber Tire Sculptures as Art
Airless Army Tires
Airless Army Tires
Resilient Technologies Develops Non-Pneumatic Gadgets
Furniture From Old Tires
Furniture From Old Tires
Repurposed Rubber Makes Posh Poufs
Tropical Tire Swings
Tropical Tire Swings
Recycled Creations' Designs Include Bird Planters & Playground Equipment