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37 Tech Products for Pets

From Canine Camera Mounts to Advanced Pet Trackers

— August 28, 2014 — Lifestyle
While the idea of tech products for pets might seem goofy to some, we're seeing a distinct rise in the number of ways that consumers are looking to transfer their own obsession with tech onto their furry friends. There are a few ways that this is happening: there are naturally the human-operated options that include leashes or tracking devices, but we're seeing a lot more innovations that are particularly designed for dogs and cats to use themselves when humans aren't around.

As we start to live lifestyles that are far busier than ever anticipated and we see pets left alone for longer periods of time, we can see how tech products for pets are helping to make sure they stay fed and entertained when we aren't around.
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Keychain Remotes
Keychain Remotes
WiseButton Remotely Controls Smartphones and Laptops
Dog-Friendly Gaming Consoles
Dog-Friendly Gaming Consoles
The CleverPet Gaming Console Entertains Your Dog When You're Not Home
Dog Park Status Apps
Dog Park Status Apps
The SocialDog App Gives You a Heads Up Before Visiting the Dog Park
Mind-Reading Dog Devices
Mind-Reading Dog Devices
No More Woof Translates Canine Conversations for Pet Owners
Lost Pet Apps
Lost Pet Apps
The ASPCA App Lets You Create a Digital 'Missing' Poster for Your Pooch
Active Attaching Tracking Tags
Active Attaching Tracking Tags
This XY Tracking Device Detects Where Your Items Are
Advanced Pet Trackers
Advanced Pet Trackers
The WhistleGPS Tracks Pet Activity and Location
Canine Entertainment Consoles
Canine Entertainment Consoles
'CleverPet' Keeps Your Dog Entertained & Well-Fed While You're Away
Playful Monitoring Pet Apps
Playful Monitoring Pet Apps
The Petcube Pet App Allows Owners a Way to Keep Tabs on Their Pets
Dog Activity Trackers
Dog Activity Trackers
Enhance Your Pet’s Health and Activity with the MOTION Pet Activity Tracker
Remote Control Canine Collars
Remote Control Canine Collars
The New Pet-Remote Collar Tag Takes Control at CES 2014
Pet-Focused Networking Apps
Pet-Focused Networking Apps
Cats and Dogs Can Network too with the SmellMe App
GPS-Enabled Pet Trackers
GPS-Enabled Pet Trackers
This Pet Tracking Device by Tractive Shows Location in Real-Time
Canine Obesity Monitors
Canine Obesity Monitors
Fujitsu Launches a Cloud-Enabled Dog Obesity Collar in Japan
Interspecies Communicating Collars
Interspecies Communicating Collars
The Voyce Collar Lets You Know How Your Dog is Doing
Lookalike Pet Adoption Apps
Lookalike Pet Adoption Apps
The PetMatch App Helps You Find Pets Based on Their Looks
Pet Activity Apps
Pet Activity Apps
Tractive's MOTION Pet Tracker App Monitors a Pet's Daily Movement
Sophisticated Pet Trackers
Sophisticated Pet Trackers
The Garmin Astro Dog Tracking System Can Keep an Eye on Up to Ten Dogs
Flea-Zapping Animal Combs
Flea-Zapping Animal Combs
This Flea Zapper Will Help to Keep Your Animals Comfortable
Simplified Pet Training Apps
Simplified Pet Training Apps
Tractive's Pet-Remote Control Helps Owners Communicate with Dogs
Digitally-Tossed Pet Treats
Digitally-Tossed Pet Treats
iCPooch Treat Dispenser Tames Terrified Terriers and Other Pets
Gamified Pet Wellness Apps
Gamified Pet Wellness Apps
The Petbit Pet Tracker Helps Owners Set Goals to Keep Pets Healthy
Versatile Security Cameras
Versatile Security Cameras
The Butterfly Can Detect Movement and Switch on Its Camera Accordingly
Canine Camera Mounts
Canine Camera Mounts
GoPro Fetch is a Camera Mount for Dogs That Captures a Dog's Eye View
Reworked Video Game Leashes
Reworked Video Game Leashes
This Xbox Controller was Transformed into a Functional Dog Leash
Wireless Pet Communication Devices
Wireless Pet Communication Devices
'Petzila' Allows You to Stay in Touch with Your Pet All Day
Robotic Pet Babysitters
Robotic Pet Babysitters
The PetPal Lets You Feed and Watch Your Pet Anywhere at Anytime
Temperature Control Dog Leashes
Temperature Control Dog Leashes
This Dog Leash Sprays One Ounce Squirts of Water to Keep Dogs Cool
Pet GPS Trackers
Pet GPS Trackers
'G-Paws' Introduces Pet GPS to Track All the Movements of Your Pet
Tech-Infused Pet Glasses
Tech-Infused Pet Glasses
Google Glass for Dogs Hopes to Improve Communication in Crises
Pet Treadmills
Pet Treadmills
The PetZen DogTread Dog Treadmill Helps Animals Stay in Shape
Wireless Dog Welfare Collars
Wireless Dog Welfare Collars
This Dog Collar Helps Keep Track of Man's Best Friend at All Times
Self-Serving Pet Fountains
Self-Serving Pet Fountains
The NatureSPA Pet Fountain Spouts a Steady Stream of Water
Communicative Pet Feeders
Communicative Pet Feeders
The Pawport Remote Pet Feeder Concept Features Two-way Communication
Interactive Laser Cat Toys
Interactive Laser Cat Toys
The Bolt Interactive Laser Toy Will Give Your Cat the Time of its Life
Facial Recognition Cat Feeders
Facial Recognition Cat Feeders
The Bistro Cat Feeder Has Feline Facial Recognition for Portioning
Hi-Tech Pet Feeders
Hi-Tech Pet Feeders
The Electrolux Adroit Ensures that Fido Gets Fed When You're Away From Home