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45 Gifts for Teachers

These Teacher Gift Ideas Include Portable Scanners and Educational Toys

— December 24, 2017 — Art & Design
These teacher gift ideas range from palm-sized, portable scanners to educational toys that aid in teaching a new language or the essentials of programming. In addition to educational products that help users develop new skills, other teacher gift ideas include practical lifestyle essentials like key rings, water bottles, and even creative notebooks.

While examples like Timothy Goodman's notebook target those with artistic talents -- featuring visual exercises that encourage creativity -- others like The Butterfly Effect Goal Planner help users stay on track with goals while juggling life's many responsibilities.

Other favorites include VitaJuwel’s Gem Stone Bottles. The eco-friendly water bottles are not only practical for on-the-go use, but also boast naturopathic properties that help curb symptoms of fatigue, stress, and anxiety.
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