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48 Sustainable Skyscrapers

From Hovering Ecotopias to Recycled Slum Skyscrapers

— November 19, 2010 — Eco
If you're still unconvinced that the future of architecture lies in eco-friendly innovation and sustainability, then you need to check out all of these sustainable skyscrapers ASAP.

The skyscrapers of the future will be eco-friendly and self-sustaining with things like solar panels and wind turbines being implemented to help cut costs and keep the Earth green. Click to see tomorrow's sustainable skyscrapers and high-rises today.

Implications - The mass environmental consciousness of society today is going full speed, creating a demand for eco concerns to be integrated into everything. Thus, companies are prompted to revamp their products, packaging, campaigns and even structures to be more environmentally conscious.
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Stacked Ring Skyscrapers
Stacked Ring Skyscrapers
‘Tokyo Mode' by Prop Studio is a Death-Defying Proposed Fashi
Wooden Skyscrapers
Wooden Skyscrapers
The Cree Wooden Tower Would Be the World's Tallest Wooden Building
Scintillating Skyscrapers
Scintillating Skyscrapers
The Brilliant Diamond Tower for NYC is Powered by the Sun and Wind
LEED Gold Skyscrapers
LEED Gold Skyscrapers
Tallest Building in South America Set to Debut in 2012
Lime Green Skyscrapers
Lime Green Skyscrapers
Stefano Boeri Architects 'Solid Waves' Design is Uniquely Eco-Friendly
Green Skyscraper Upgrades
Green Skyscraper Upgrades
Taipei 101 To Become World's Tallest Eco-Friendly Building
Eco-African High-Rises
Eco-African High-Rises
Makeka Design Laboratory Designs a Sustainable Skyscraper for Cape Town
Recycled Slum Skyscrapers
Recycled Slum Skyscrapers
The Tomorrow Skyscraper is Designed to Make Slum Life Safer
Sustainable Skyscraper Retrofits
Sustainable Skyscraper Retrofits
Empire State Building to Receive King Kong Size Upgrade
Water-Saving Condos
Water-Saving Condos
The Rain Collector Skyscraper Ensures We'll Never Go Thirsty
Water-Purifying Skyscrapers
Water-Purifying Skyscrapers
Chilean Students Design a Highrise to Filter the Mapocho River
Cocooned Architecture
Cocooned Architecture
The Nested Skyscraper is the World's Strongest Building
'Swiss Family Robinson' Zoos
'Swiss Family Robinson' Zoos
The 'Eco-Cliff' Zoo for the Buenos Aires Vertical Zoo Competition
Building Block Skyscrapers
Building Block Skyscrapers
Hans Hollein's SBF Tower is Precariously Original
Isosceles Skyscrapers
Isosceles Skyscrapers
Josephine Turner's 'Bangaroo Sky Village' Isn't for Squares
Solar Powered Skyscraper
Solar Powered Skyscraper
The Time Residences Tower
Eco Skyscraper Makeovers
Eco Skyscraper Makeovers
Sears Tower Gets Greener
Crystal Spire Skyscrapers
Crystal Spire Skyscrapers
R432 from Rojkind Arquitectos is a One-of-a-Kind High-Rise
Air-Filtering Architecture
Air-Filtering Architecture
The 'CO2 Scraper' is a Carbon-Positive Creation for High-Pollution Area
Sustainable Solar Skyscrapers
Sustainable Solar Skyscrapers
The Eco-Tower Building Has a Natural Ventilation System
Thousand-Foot Eco Towers
Thousand-Foot Eco Towers
The Solar Universe is a Proposed Sustainable Tower in Miami
Subaquatic Skyscrapers
Subaquatic Skyscrapers
The Zigloo 'Gyre' is a Floating Eco-Development
ECOnic Skyscrapers
ECOnic Skyscrapers
Rodderham City Tower by Monolab is a Green Status Statement
Green Skyscrapers
Green Skyscrapers
Chicago Clean Technology Tower
Super-Slim Skyscrapers
Super-Slim Skyscrapers
The Met Residence Wins World's Best Housing Development Award
Air-Cleaning Algae Towers
Air-Cleaning Algae Towers
The City Respiration Skyscraper Can Eliminate Pollution in Just 2 Weeks
The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse
Green Skyscraper Combines Wind Turbines and Solar Panels
Water-Purifying Skyscrapers
Water-Purifying Skyscrapers
The Jakarta Skyscraper Cleans up Flooded Slums
Sustainable Skyscraper Farms
Sustainable Skyscraper Farms
The Bio-Diversity Project Recycles Garbage into Edible Crops
Cracked High Rises
Cracked High Rises
Massimiliano & Doriana Fuksas Design a Split Skyscraper for Shenzhen, China
Hanging Skyscraper Gardens
Hanging Skyscraper Gardens
HP Skyline 2020 Online Competition Announces Winners
Vertical Farming
Vertical Farming
Skyscraper Farms to Combat Global Warming
Sustainable Skyscrapers
Sustainable Skyscrapers
Nakheel Tower in Dubai Will Dwarf Other Buildings
Green Indian Skyscrapers
Green Indian Skyscrapers
Eco Architecture For More Sustainable Towers in Mumbai
Organic Skyscrapers
Organic Skyscrapers
Food Growing, Energy Producing Harvest Green Tower
Turbine Mega Towers
Turbine Mega Towers
The Gullwing Twin Wind Towers is Completely Wind-Powered
Hovering Ecotopias
Hovering Ecotopias
The Shimizu Corporation Green Float Cities are Completely Self-Sufficient
Scenic Green Skyscrapers
Scenic Green Skyscrapers
'Collage Scape' by Woo-Young is the Future of Urban Landscaping
Asymmetrically Stacked Skyscrapers
Asymmetrically Stacked Skyscrapers
The Urban Forest by Mad Architects in Chongqing, China
Sustainable Spiral Skyscrapers
Sustainable Spiral Skyscrapers
The Edgar Street Towers Feature Bio-Filtration
Fluid Eco Skyscrapers
Fluid Eco Skyscrapers
Vahan Misakyan's Glistening Self-Sufficient Tower
Skyscraper Greenhouses
Skyscraper Greenhouses
Futuristic Farming in Dubai's Seawater Vertical Tower
Giant Exhaust Fan Architecture
Giant Exhaust Fan Architecture
The Anara Tower in Dubai
High-Rise Parks
High-Rise Parks
Vertical City in Mexico City Designed to Help Reduce Smog
Eco Intelligent Skyscrapers
Eco Intelligent Skyscrapers
Moving Buildings Will be the Future of Mangal City by Chimera
Mile-High Eco-Tower
Mile-High Eco-Tower
500 Floor London Building
Skyscraper Forests
Skyscraper Forests
'Logistic City' from JDS Architects is a Towering Man-Made Forest
Personal Green Skyscrapers
Personal Green Skyscrapers
The 60 Story Antilia House