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22 Subversive Barbie Innovations

From Broken Barbie Marriages to Controversial Doll Set Ups

— August 14, 2012 — Naughty
These subversive Barbie innovations show the ways in which consumers and manufacturers have taken shots at the iconic and remarkably girly doll.

Often criticized for doll's appearance and ideals, Mattel, the maker of the toy, has been the center of much criticism. Instead of going the traditional route of complaining, many people have been more active and innovative in their approach to offsetting the damage done by Barbie, and made their own depictions of the doll that re-imagine the character as someone entirely different and better aligned with realistic expectations.

Though Barbie is sure to stick around in classic form for many years to come, it's good to see that those outside of toy companies are taking representation into their own hands with great creativity.
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Fake-n-Bake Barbies
Fake-n-Bake Barbies
The Patricia Krentcil-Inspired 'Tanorexic Doll' is Oompa Loompa-Colored
Eerie Embalmed Dolls
Eerie Embalmed Dolls
Mummified Barbies by E.V. Day is a Quest for New Doll Creations
Disturbing Mashup Figures
Disturbing Mashup Figures
Kristy Lynn Creates a DIY Human Centipede Doll
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Adorable Rapper Barbie Dolls
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Demented Plaything Photography
The Hayden Wood Living Doll Series is Bewitching
Barbie-Armed Jewelry
Barbie-Armed Jewelry
The 'Plastic Body Series' by Margaux Lange Uses Limbs
Subverted Toy Installations
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The Ken Kagami 'TOYS'A'SS' Collection is Uber-Strange
Daring Tattooed Dolls
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The tokidoki Barbie Doll is the First Ever Tattooed Barbie to Hit Shelves
Rich Housewife Dolls
Rich Housewife Dolls
The Barbie Lounge is the Place to be for Sophisticated Dolls
Cougar Barbies
Cougar Barbies
Video Makes Fun of Saggy-Boobed, Botox-Loving, 50-Year-Old Barbie
Life-Sized Barbie Dolls
Life-Sized Barbie Dolls
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'Kill Bill' Barbie
'Kill Bill' Barbie
Danny Choo Creates 'Mirai Dollfie,' a Manga-Inspired Murderess
Celebrity Dolls
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Digitally Aged Dolls
Digitally Aged Dolls
Barbie Gets Old, Complete With Wrinkles and Crow's Feet
Broken Barbie Marriages
Broken Barbie Marriages
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Demented Doll Installations
Demented Doll Installations
Barbie Gone Bad at the 7th Annual Altered Barbie Doll Exhibit
Cut-Up Doll Depictions
Cut-Up Doll Depictions
Peihang Huang Paints Pictures of Brutally Injured Toy Figurines
Controversial Doll Set-Ups
Controversial Doll Set-Ups
Mutated Barbie & Ken Figurines at the Altered Barbie Exhibition 2010
Naughty Dollies
Naughty Dollies
What Goes On Behind Closed Doors in Dollhouses
Iconic Doll Controversies
Iconic Doll Controversies
The Clothesless Matchbox Barbie Calendar Provokes Legal Problems
Naughty Doll Photography
Naughty Doll Photography
Lauren Nieburg Captures 'BARBIE in Compromising Positions'