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40 Star Wars Kitchen Tools

From Menacing Villain Food Molds to Jedi Shell Splitters

— May 3, 2014 — Lifestyle
With the help of some Star Wars kitchen gadgets, you could make it seem like you're eating your way through breakfast, lunch and dinner in a galaxy far, far away. To start off a totally thematic day of eating, you could begin with a pancake mold that brings Yoda and the helmeted head of Darth Vader to your plate. For lunch, you could opt to put your food in a Star Wars-print lunchbox, or pack it up inside of a R2-D2 container. When it comes time for dinner, there's plenty of cups and dinnerware to make your meal extra geeky too.

As well as being great for any Star Wars-themed party, these kitchen items are pretty fun to have around on May 4th to make Star Wars Day festivities that much more official.
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Pop Icon Food Storage
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Sci-Fi Meal Carriers
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The Star Wars R2-D2 Tin Tote is Perfect for Diehard Fans of the Saga
Dark Side Lunch Boxes
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The Star Wars Darth Vader Soft Bags Will Keep Your Meals Breathing Heavily
Jedi Shell Splitters
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The Darth Vader Cake Pan Will Make Your Treats Nerdy and Fun
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Decorate Your Star Wars Treats with R2D2 Cupcake Wrappers
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The Death Star Cookie Jar is Darth Vader-Approved
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R2-D2 Peppermill
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