From Spelling Bee Love to Twitter-Inspired Dictionaries
Bianca — May 29, 2009 — Art & Design
Word lovers are excited that the National Spelling Bee is attracting so much attention. Watching youngsters compete fiercely to out-do each other in a battle of complex vocabulary has word nerds curling their toes with sweet delight, adrenaline coursing with each new word.
If you're the type to enjoy the hype over a National Spelling Bee, there's a good chance you'll appreciate treasures like chocolate scrabble and fashion dictionaries in this compilation.
Implications - Other unique wordalicious innovations you will find include crowdsourced dictionaries, picture-based definitions, political magazine collages and seating made from words. This amazing word collection will surely leave you speechless.
If you're the type to enjoy the hype over a National Spelling Bee, there's a good chance you'll appreciate treasures like chocolate scrabble and fashion dictionaries in this compilation.
Implications - Other unique wordalicious innovations you will find include crowdsourced dictionaries, picture-based definitions, political magazine collages and seating made from words. This amazing word collection will surely leave you speechless.