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25 Ways to Sneak Alcohol into Festivals

From Beer-Filled Bras to Booze-Concealing Sandals

— May 4, 2015 — Lifestyle
Sometimes it just feels necessary to sneak alcohol into an event, whether it's due to high drink prices inside or general no-booze rules. Given that millennials are likely to be the most affected by dry guidelines, they're necessarily the group that's most creative about getting around them.

Whether they're partying at an outdoor music festival or watching horse races on the lawns, young adults are typically subjected to strict admission procedures that involve security guards searching high and low for signs of spirits, beer and wine. Since retail bottles and even flasks are dead giveaways of alcohol possession, many 20-somethings look for more subtle solutions that blend in with their clothing or snacks.

Special flip-flops, sports bras, scarves and underwear have been made with beverage bladders inside. Meanwhile, disguised flasks in the forms of sunscreen bottles and binoculars provide additional options. For DIY alternatives, festival goers can sneak alcohol into events with loaves of bread and faux labels taken from soft drinks.
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Medical Manual Flask Covers
Medical Manual Flask Covers
This Fake Emergency Handbook Holds a Hidden Alcohol Container
Retro Walkman Flasks
Retro Walkman Flasks
The 'Drinkman' Conceals Alcohol in a Classic Vintage Piece
Concealing Phone Flasks
Concealing Phone Flasks
The 'Bev-Burry' Phone Flask Cleverly Hides Your Alcohol
Fabulous Flask Bracelets
Fabulous Flask Bracelets
This Areaware Accessory Styles You with an Accessible Shot of Alcohol
8-Bit Booze Containers
8-Bit Booze Containers
The NES Cartridge Flasks Let You Get Your Game and Drink On
Alcohol-Inspired Accessories
Alcohol-Inspired Accessories
The Flask Bracelet by Cynthia Rowley Provides Convenient Pick-Me-Ups
Boozing Binoculars
Boozing Binoculars
The Double Flask Binoculars is Perfect for Sports Fans
Secret Booze Fasteners
Secret Booze Fasteners
The Belt Buckle Flask Is Covert And Stylish
Baked Booze Covers
Baked Booze Covers
You Can Conceal Your Alcohol in Bread Where It's Considered a Contraband Drink
The Cell Phone Flask
The Cell Phone Flask
Hidden Flask Stadium Seats
Hidden Flask Stadium Seats
These Seats Let You Stay Comfortable and Hydrated During Games
Booze-Concealing Tampons
Booze-Concealing Tampons
These Booze Tubes Help Conceal Alcohol in the Form of a Tampon
Single Shot Garter
Single Shot Garter
For That Emergency Drink
Clever Can Concealers
Clever Can Concealers
These Hide-a-Beer Sleeves Keep Your Outdoor Booze a Secret
Lipstick Booze Concealers
Lipstick Booze Concealers
The 'Lip Flask' is the Perfect Item for the Girly Girl
Booze-Concealing Slippers
Booze-Concealing Slippers
The Flip Flask for Those Who Like to Sneak in a Drink Slyly
Incognito Flask Scarves
Incognito Flask Scarves
The Flask Scarf is the Perfect Way to Enjoy Alcohol On the Go
Deceptive Sunscreen Flasks
Deceptive Sunscreen Flasks
Smuggle Drinks Anywhere with Your Own Sunscreen Bottle Flask
Beer-Filled Bra
Beer-Filled Bra
The Wine Rack
Female-Friendly Secret Flasks
Female-Friendly Secret Flasks
The Bev Brush is Perfect for Ladies on a Budget
Fake Feminine Hygiene Flasks
Fake Feminine Hygiene Flasks
These Flask Tampons Provide a Sneaky Way to Transport Alcohol
Liquor Skins
Liquor Skins
Canoflage Labels Make Beer Cans Look Like Soda Cans for Public Drinking
Booze Bag Underwear
Booze Bag Underwear
The Freedom Flask Allows Users to Drink Alcohol Where Ever They Choose
Concealed Boozy Gadgets
Concealed Boozy Gadgets
The Binocktails Bev-Cam Camera Flask is Cleverly Disguised
Lingerie Booze Holders
Lingerie Booze Holders
Papa Bert WineRack Flask-Bra Makes You Look Bigger and Drink Better