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28 Seriously Sizable Statues

From Enormous Baby Statues to Massive Anime Monuments

— October 20, 2012 — Art & Design
Sizable statues are more than just works of art, they are landmarks and wonders. The most famous of these is probably the Statue of Liberty, but there are many more that are lesser known. They range from classic statues of people to giant killer anime robot statues. Whether they are of the new age or old, these statues draw the attention of visitors wherever they may be.

Structures like these add to the character of a city. Many are found in popular public parks and squares, while others sit near the harbor to greet visitors who arrive by sea. The sheer scale of these sizable statues makes you consider how small we all are, but also how much we are capable of by working together.Grab your telescopic lens camera so you can get a close look at the top of these wondrous monuments.
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Branded Political Statues
Branded Political Statues
Benetton Unhate Dove Sculpture Symbolizes Newfound Peace
World-Whipped Wonders
World-Whipped Wonders
Julius von Bismarck 'Punishment' Project Cracks at the Earth's Landmarks
Monumental Living Rooms
Monumental Living Rooms
Discovering Columbus Installation Masks Landmark with Mundane Surroundings
$8,500 Yard Decorations
$8,500 Yard Decorations
This Life-Sized Elephant Statue is Staggering
Seaside Behemoth Bronze Statues
Seaside Behemoth Bronze Statues
The Damien Hirst 'Verity' Statue Stands For Truth and Justice
Super-Sized Sculptures
Super-Sized Sculptures
Design Toscano Reinvents the Statue of David
Silver Celebrity Statues
Silver Celebrity Statues
The Shiny and Nearly Nude H&M Beckham Monuments are Eye-Catching
Giant Iconic Statues
Giant Iconic Statues
Seward Johnson Unviels 26-Foot Sculpture of Marilyn Monroe
Massive Transformer Replicas
Massive Transformer Replicas
A Huge Optimus Prime Statue is on Display in China
Large-Scale Snow Sculptures
Large-Scale Snow Sculptures
Sapporo Snow Festival 2009 Features 277 Icy Works (UPDATE)
Soccer Ball Statues
Soccer Ball Statues
The Nike World Cup Sculpture is Entirely Created out of Soccer Balls
Monumental Playground Equipment
Monumental Playground Equipment
Swing by Kamila Szejnoch Brings New Meaning to Statue
Kitchen Utensil Sculpting
Kitchen Utensil Sculpting
Spoons As an Art Medium, Used From Jewelry to Statues
Massive Anime Monuments
Massive Anime Monuments
The Gundam Statue in Tokyo Japan is Majestic
Embracing Mythical Statues
Embracing Mythical Statues
The Giant Mermaid in Scotland Brings Myth Into Reality
Gaming Character Statues
Gaming Character Statues
The 'Life Size Papercraft Samus Aran' is a Lifeless God
Recycled Keyboard Animal Art
Recycled Keyboard Animal Art
The Hedonism(y) Trojaner by Babis Uses the Internet as a Medium
Energy-Generating Eco Sculptures
Energy-Generating Eco Sculptures
Huge Fred George Design is a Green Symb-Oil for Peace
Melting Superhero Sculptures
Melting Superhero Sculptures
'No One Can Save Us Now' is a Take on Global Warming
Naked Public Fountain Parades
Naked Public Fountain Parades
The Nude Rendition of Wagner's 'The Ring' Opens an Opera Festival
Monstrous Man Statues
Monstrous Man Statues
Arabic Storyteller of Giant Proportions in Dubai by VisionDivision
Naturally Made Human Sculptures
Naturally Made Human Sculptures
Anna Gillespie's 'Taste the Rain' Uses Green Material
Wise Giant-Sized Sculptures
Wise Giant-Sized Sculptures
Zhang Huan Crafts Humongous Confucius Figure and Other Works
Enormous Baby Statues
Enormous Baby Statues
Eddy Prabandono Creates an Oversized Sculpture of His Daughter
Giant Bubble Gum Sculptures
Giant Bubble Gum Sculptures
'Chewing in Venice' by Simone Decker Makes for Sticky Sightings
Super-Sized Swimmers
Super-Sized Swimmers
Discovery Unveils Giant Tattooed Statues for 'London Ink'
Recycled Coat Hanger Sculptures
Recycled Coat Hanger Sculptures
David Mach's Wirey Art
Giant Bunny Sculptures
Giant Bunny Sculptures
Florentijn Hofman's Big Yellow Rabbit Looks Like a Huge Plush Toy