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21 Creatively Shaped Wax Candles

From Quirky Low-Tech Illuminators to Skeleton Revealing Candles

— April 7, 2014 — Art & Design
Candles are a great way to set the mood in any room -- instead of creating a boring atmosphere with traditional candles, get a creatively shaped candle to suit your interests. A wide variety of square and cylindrical candles are out there but this list focuses on the shapes that are less prominent. You'll find candles shaped as animals, food, architecture and more.

There's a candle for everyone out there; candles exist for the religious, the eco-conscious and even the facial hair enthusiasts. The amount of wax candle shapes that can be made really has no limit; the malleable nature of wax allows designers to sculpt whatever they can imagine.

Whether you're looking for a fun way to top a birthday cake or a quirky decoration for your home, this lists is sure to offer you some insight into the selection of oddly shaped candles that are available.
Deeply Devotional Votives
Deeply Devotional Votives
The Insight Peace Candle Mimics Prayer Hand Motions
Cheesy Creamy Candles
Cheesy Creamy Candles
Kokocandles Creates a DYI Mac and Cheese Candle
Intricate Christmas Candles
Intricate Christmas Candles
Primacandle Designs a Sculptural Creation Inspired by Candy Canes
Skeleton-Revealing Candles
Skeleton-Revealing Candles
These Cute Cat Candles Melt Away to Reveal a Devilish Metallic Skeleton
Grisly Cerebral Torches
Grisly Cerebral Torches
Skull Candles Light up Homes in a Grim Manner
Scrumptious Fruit-Inspired Candles
Scrumptious Fruit-Inspired Candles
These Watermelon Fruit Candles Will Have You Easily Decieved
Ancient Numeral Candles
Ancient Numeral Candles
These Roman Candles Will Make You Feel Ancient on Your Birthday
Bearded Wax Busts
Bearded Wax Busts
The Eye Candle X Wisdom Mt. Gentleman Candle is for Hipsters
Breakfast Meal-Inspired Luminaries
Breakfast Meal-Inspired Luminaries
The Magic Egg Yolk Candles by Kittredge Candles Have Omega-3s
Nuclear Meltdown Votives
Nuclear Meltdown Votives
Cooltower Candles Represent the Destruction Process of Power Plants
Noodle Candles
Noodle Candles
Strange Designs by Kwangho Lee
Honey Comb Candles
Honey Comb Candles
The Pollen Arts Beeswax Candles are Eco Chic
Architectural Skyline Candles
Architectural Skyline Candles
Bring Mahattan to Your Home with the Lovely Building Candles
Candles that Burn at Both Ends
Candles that Burn at Both Ends
‘Candle by the Hour' Will Cause Your Girl to Melt
Candle Blocks
Candle Blocks
Decorate Your Home With Your Favourite Childhood Toy
Bleeding Hand Candles
Bleeding Hand Candles
These Spooky Candles Bleed When You Light Them
Quirky Low-Tech Illuminators
Quirky Low-Tech Illuminators
The B Light Imitates and Electronic Source by Rudimentary Means
Expeditionary Melted Wax Figures
Expeditionary Melted Wax Figures
Artist Ferdi Rizkiyanto’s Uncharted Piece Will Blow Your Mi
Self-Conscious Birthday Candles
Self-Conscious Birthday Candles
These Funny Birthday Candles Are Perfect for the Age-Sensitive
Garden-Inspired Candles
Garden-Inspired Candles
Plants, Flowers and Fruit Replace the Standard Pillar Candle
Hand Gesture Candles
Hand Gesture Candles
Give the Finger to Power Outages
Hipster Candle Designs
Hipster Candle Designs
The Insight Collectibles are Eccentrically Edgy Yet Laid-Back