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25 Screwy Selections

From Transformer Tools to Corkscrews Instead of Crosses

— January 29, 2010 — Art & Design
Holy corkskrewing screwdrivers, Batman! This cluster on screwy innovations is downright: screwy. Sorry. That was jut terrible.

Anyway, from transformer tools to screwed lighting, check out the 25 screwy selections which will have you thinking about screwing in a whole new light.

This is bad: please, just click the pretty pictures.

Implications - Pieces that incorporate screws are an example of hybrid designs that use misplaced elements as a way to add artistic value and interest. Marrying two mismatched concepts creates fascinating pieces of work that will surely capture an audience's attention. Peculiar pairings can be seen throughout various industries and are a sure-fire way to update any product, service, company image or even art form.
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Cataloging Corporate Layoffs
Cataloging Corporate Layoffs
Crystal Corkscrews
Crystal Corkscrews
The Electric Corkscrew Deluxe is Adorned in Swarovski Crystals
Screwed Lighting
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The Sveid Way To Open Wine
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The Klipsch Lightspeaker Makes Install Effortless
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World Sexual Relationship Database
Google Screws Up Logo for Valentine's Day (Googe)
Google Screws Up Logo for Valentine's Day (Googe)
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The No Screw No Glue BBQ by Joost van Bleiswijk
Feminine Tools
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Corkscrews Instead of Crosses?
Corkscrews Instead of Crosses?
Heineken's Controvercial 'Fresher World' Campaign
Snow Bird 6 Screws Across Ice and Snow
Secret Corkscrew Storage
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The Wine Bottle Accessory Kit Conceals James Bond Style
Women Attacking Men
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Seth Rogen Gets Screwed by a Beautiful Model for Arena
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Bourgeois Brass Knuckles
The Caroline Collection Cufflinks
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From Bacon and Eggs to Corkscrews and Beer
Carbonation Savers
Carbonation Savers
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DIY Hardware Lamps
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Georgiosi's Screw Lamp is a Retro Way to Reuse
Multifunctional Nose Piercings
Multifunctional Nose Piercings
Carrying Cigarettes & Screwdrivers in Your Septum