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49 Salutes to Saturday Night Live

From Reality Star Dramatizations to SNL Photobombing

— July 16, 2014 — Pop Culture
While some have described the recent SNL firings as a bloodbath, these salutes to Saturday Night Live show just how resilient the series and cast are. After losing Andy Samberg, Kristen Wiig and more in the last couple of years, this past one was touted as a time for rebuilding. Apparently the creators are going back to the drawing board.

Perhaps referencing these salutes to Saturday Night Live will help them remember the glory days of the skit comedy show. There are some key elements that can be revisited to make the show even better than the past. Unless, of course, Wiig and Samberg are willing to ditch their successful movie and sitcom careers to make a welcome comeback. Yet favorites Kate McKinnon, Taran Killam and Taran Killam still remain.
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Anti-Hilarity Video Campaigns
Anti-Hilarity Video Campaigns
The Fred Armisen 'Be Serious for 30 Seconds' Gag is Excellent
Comedy Skit Ice Cream
Comedy Skit Ice Cream
The Ben & Jerry's SNL Batches Will Have People Laughing for Ice Cream
Boy Band Comedic Collaborations
Boy Band Comedic Collaborations
The One Direction and Paul Rudd SNL Monologue was Delightful
Star-Studded Video Gags
Star-Studded Video Gags
The SNL 100th Short Celebration Shows a Huge Collection of Celebs
Hysterical Millennial Show Parodies
Hysterical Millennial Show Parodies
SNL Gets It Right with Their Uproarious Girls Parody
Humorous Self-Deprecation Skits
Humorous Self-Deprecation Skits
The ‘Inside Amy Schumer: Compliments’ Video Plays on I
Funny Foreign Language Fantasies
Funny Foreign Language Fantasies
The Secret World of Arrietty Stars SNL Cast Members
Sketch Comedy Charts
Sketch Comedy Charts
The SNL Timeline by Laughspin Covers 37 Seasons of Hilarity
Academy Award-Nominated Spoofs
Academy Award-Nominated Spoofs
Jonah Hill and Michael Cera Create a Spoof to the Trailer of 'Her'
Talking Bottle Openers
Talking Bottle Openers
These Entertaining SNL Bottle Openers Feature Drunk Uncle
Muppet Late-Night Show Hosts
Muppet Late-Night Show Hosts
The Cookie Monster SNL Audition is 100 Percent Serious
Hilarious Rapper Spoof Skits
Hilarious Rapper Spoof Skits
The Drake SNL Skit Interview Shows off the Celeb's Sense of Humor
Non-Commercial Commercials
Non-Commercial Commercials
Saturday Night Live As an Unofficial Pepsi Endorsement
Reality Star Split Dramatizations
Reality Star Split Dramatizations
The Saturday Night Live Kardashian Divorce Spoof is Spot On
80s TV Spoofs
80s TV Spoofs
SNL's Will Forte Confirms 'MacGruber' Movie
Self-Spoofing Reality Shows
Self-Spoofing Reality Shows
'Jersey Shore' Sketch Creates Some Fist-Pumping Comedy
SNL Photobombing
SNL Photobombing
MacGruber Photobombs Will Get You Stoked for his Film
Disgruntled Feline Festival Appearances
Disgruntled Feline Festival Appearances
The Grumpy Cat SXSW Appearance is Breaking the Internet
Mom Swinging
Mom Swinging
Justin Timberlake Returns to SNL for More Musical Comedy
Viral Profanity Slips
Viral Profanity Slips
The Jenny Slate Slip is the Third Ever in SNL History
Comedian Slumber Party Editorials
Comedian Slumber Party Editorials
The ‘SNL Sleepover’ is a Provocative Affair
Viral Presidential Spoofs
Viral Presidential Spoofs
Barack Obama Does Beyonce's “Single Ladies”
Endless SNL Political Parodies
Endless SNL Political Parodies
SNL Thursdays to Focus on Election
Presidential Parodies
Presidential Parodies
Josh Brolin to Play George W. Bush on SNL
Celeb Adoption Parodies
Celeb Adoption Parodies
Angelina Jolie and Madonna Spoofed For Baby Obsession on SNL
Athlete Comedians
Athlete Comedians
Michael Phelps to Host SNL
From Late Night to Prime Time
From Late Night to Prime Time
Amy Poehler on The Office
Politicians on Late Night TV
Politicians on Late Night TV
Sarah Palin To Do SNL and Letterman
Marijuana Monologues
Marijuana Monologues
'Saturday Night Live' Sketches Parody Michael Phelps' Pot-Smoking Debacle
Hilarious Heartthrobs
Hilarious Heartthrobs
Zac Efron Pulls A Justin Timberlake on SNL
Self-Spoofing Politicians
Self-Spoofing Politicians
Sarah Palin as Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live (SNL)
Political Parodies III
Political Parodies III
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin in the Palin-Biden Debate on SNL
Political SNL Parodies
Political SNL Parodies
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton
Patriotic Comedian Cover Shoots
Patriotic Comedian Cover Shoots
Tina Fey Does Vanity Fair
Political Parody Raps
Political Parody Raps
Amy Poehler's Sarah Palin Rap on SNL
Character Reinvention
Character Reinvention
Tina Fey on How The Sarah Palin Spoofs Reinvented Her Career
Political Dance Spoofs
Political Dance Spoofs
Sarah Palin and Obama on Dancing With the Stars
Self-Parodying Popularity
Self-Parodying Popularity
Megan Fox Gets Naked for SNL Season Premiere
Cross-Dressing SNL Skits
Cross-Dressing SNL Skits
Justin Timberlake as Beyonce's Backup Dancer
80s Cartoon Bombshells
80s Cartoon Bombshells
Sexy Jessica Rabbit Revived By Jessica Biel on SNL