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25 Deceitful Disguises

Worse Than a Rorshach Test, From Denim Masks to Antique Guns

— July 30, 2009 — Celebs
A disguise is just like a Rorschach test; you think you know what it is but you can't be 100% sure.

Like a Rorschach test, disguises can be completely random or planned out. These disguises come in a wide range of facades from iPhone stun guns to vending machine skirts.

See if you can decipher these Rorschach test-inspired disguises.

Implications - Disguises can be exciting things that have the ability to stimulate the senses. Recently more items have been disguised either for safety purposes or just for fun. Disguises can be useful to businesses that want to give their product a suspenseful edge that will draw people in. People love a sense of mystery and tend to gravitate towards the unknown.
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Stun Gun Disguised As Phone
Stun Gun Disguised As Phone
The Immobilizer
Disguise Your Ipod Nano as a Candy
Hidden Monster Scribbles
Hidden Monster Scribbles
Bill Dunlap's Acrylic Art Works Disguise Beasts Among Colors
Disguised Animal Dolls
Disguised Animal Dolls
Nanimarquina Creates Beastly ‘Today I Want to be' Design
Trees to Hide Tech
Trees to Hide Tech
Stealthy Wireless Equipment Disguises Preserve Community Decorum
Chocolate Lighters
Chocolate Lighters
A Delicious Disguise for Hiding Your Pyro-Maniac Syndrome
Wall-Integrated LEDs
Wall-Integrated LEDs
Disguised Torn Lighting
3D Ink Blot Tests
3D Ink Blot Tests
Peter Marigold Creates Interpretive Rorschach Art Using Mirrors
Denim Disguises
Denim Disguises
Wrangler 700 Ads Show Jean Masked Men
Office Supply Disguises
Office Supply Disguises
Mustache Pencils
Vending Machine Skirts
Vending Machine Skirts
Aya Tsukioka's Sneaky Apparel is An Instant Disguise (UPDATE)
Street Artist Disguises
Street Artist Disguises
D*Face As A Council Worker
Juicy Alarms
Juicy Alarms
The Juice Box Alarm Clock is a Wake Up Call in Disguise
Urban Camoflouge
Urban Camoflouge
Vending Machine Disguise
Disguised Celebrity Dates
Disguised Celebrity Dates
Pam Anderson's Incognito Companion
Weapons in Disguise
Weapons in Disguise
Lipstick Stun Gun
Camouflaged Public Art
Camouflaged Public Art
Los Angeles' Disguised Utility Boxes
Models Disguised as Trees
Models Disguised as Trees
‘The Night Shift' in Vogue
Inkblot Advertising
Inkblot Advertising
Rorschach-Inspired Graphics Heighten Social Awareness
Naughty Psych Tests
Naughty Psych Tests
FHM Rorschach Test Proves 98% of Men Have Dirty Minds
Cassette iPod Cases
Cassette iPod Cases
Retro MP3 Case From 45's Disguises Your Gadgets
Hidden Home Spouts
Hidden Home Spouts
Kohler Fountainhead Bathroom Fixtures Disguise Piping
Guns Disguised as Antiques
Guns Disguised as Antiques
Club Littlegun Curios
Red-Carpet Halloween Costumes
Red-Carpet Halloween Costumes
10 A-List Disguises
Camouflage Body Painting
Camouflage Body Painting
Body Art as a Disguise