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41 Quirky Laundry Accessories

From Cable Car Clothespin Carriers to Tree-Like Laundry Racks

— August 8, 2013 — Art & Design
Washing your clothes can be a tedious and often boring activity, but since it has to be done, why not add some of these quirky laundry accessories into the process? They'll surely add a bit of humor and excitement to this otherwise mundane chore.

Doing laundry is one of those weekly chores that most people just despise having to do. Whether it is because of its lack of creativity or all around repetitive tasks, washing clothes often becomes something people push to do as late as possible. These quirky laundry accessories however, are here to add some flavor and humorous elements into the mix, allowing you to efficiently clean your garments while simultaneously having some fun in the process.

From clothes cleaners that are shaped like hula hoops to hampers that resemble ferociously playful sharks, these quirky laundry accessories will definitely add a comical element to your otherwise ordinary washing routine.
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Laundering Robots
Laundering Robots
Willow Garage PR2 Will Knock Your Socks Off, Then Sort Them
Toasty At-Home Towel Heaters
Toasty At-Home Towel Heaters
The Towel Warmer by Brookstone Stops After-Shower Chills
DIY Clothing Ball Removals
DIY Clothing Ball Removals
The Fabulous on a Budget Video Improves the Quality of Clothing
Cute Bird Target Clips
Cute Bird Target Clips
The Sitting Ducks Clothespins are Just Waiting to be Shot
Odor Eater Hangers
Odor Eater Hangers
Bye Bye Laundry by Lisa Marie Bengtsson Helps Reduce Water Consumption
Cupid Pinion Clothespins
Cupid Pinion Clothespins
The Wing Clip by Lufdesign Can Make Lightweight Items Airborne
Sonic-Inspired Laundry Accessories
Sonic-Inspired Laundry Accessories
These Hedgehog Dryer Balls by Kikkerland are Spiketacular
Radioactive Laundry Holders
Radioactive Laundry Holders
These Biohazard Laundry Baskets by Thor-Hoy are for Filthy Clothing
Pea Clothes Cleaners
Pea Clothes Cleaners
The Easy Pod Washer Lets You Do Water Greenly On-the-Go
Rack-Like Seating
Rack-Like Seating
The Cutting Edge Chair by Jakkapun Charinratana is Simple and Modern
Six Pack Scrap Hampers
Six Pack Scrap Hampers
The Readymade Laundry Basket Kick Starts Your Cleaning After a Party
Playable Clothes Cleaners
Playable Clothes Cleaners
The Amusement Washing Machine Lets You Game Through the Spin Cycle
Cable Car Clothespin Carriers
Cable Car Clothespin Carriers
This Clothespin Holder Hangs off Your Clothes Line Like a Cable Car
Tree-Like Laundry Racks
Tree-Like Laundry Racks
The Casamania Alberto Clothesline Puts Natural Forms to Practical Use
Plaything Drying Racks
Plaything Drying Racks
This Plushie or Pillow Drying Rack Design Makes Laundry an Easier Task
Laundry Bag Barstools
Laundry Bag Barstools
Nexus Stool by Elementodiseno Cushions Your Bottom with Clothes
Hanging Laundry Racks
Hanging Laundry Racks
The Tree Hanger is a Clothing Hanger That Transforms Into a Drying Rack
Attack-Ready Clothes Hampers
Attack-Ready Clothes Hampers
The Shark-Shaped Laundry Basket Will Gobble Your Dirties
Hip-Centric Clothes Cleaners
Hip-Centric Clothes Cleaners
The Hula Washer Launders Your Garments with the Power of Your Groove
Raveled Rope Panniers
Raveled Rope Panniers
Knot Basket by Shigeki Fujishiro is Structurally and Practically Versatile
Scented Clothes Dryers
Scented Clothes Dryers
Breeze Racks Dry Clothes Straight Out of the Wash
Space-Saving Laundry Accessories
Space-Saving Laundry Accessories
The Dryer Top Ironing Board Makes the Most of an Unused Surface
Creature Clothes Pins
Creature Clothes Pins
The Sharky and Crocodile Clips are Incredibly Adorable
Transforming Toy Boxes
Transforming Toy Boxes
More Than Storage, the Prossima Fermata is an Engine for the Imagination
Disco Ball Clothes Cleaners
Disco Ball Clothes Cleaners
The Supernova Robot Uses Lasers to Eliminate Stains
Clothes-Drying Curtains
Clothes-Drying Curtains
The Blindry System Incorporates Two Functions Fit for Small Living Spaces
Sustainable Clothing Washers
Sustainable Clothing Washers
The 'GiraDora' Manual Washing Machine Could Drastically Aid the Poor
Android-Powered Washing Machines
Android-Powered Washing Machines
The Moshi*Matic Lets You Do Laundry from Your Cell Phone
Clothespin Flash Drives
Clothespin Flash Drives
The MemoryPin USB Stick is Doubly Useful for Laundry and Tech Situations
Motivational Laundry Bags
Motivational Laundry Bags
These Heavy Duty Laundry Bags Finish the Job Faster
Santa Laundry Lines
Santa Laundry Lines
This Festive Christmas Garland Appears to Hold Santa's Clothing Out to Dry
Stilted Hamper Hangers
Stilted Hamper Hangers
The Nouvelle Vague Keeps Your Lightly Worn Clothes Off of the Floor
Fly Guy Laundering
Fly Guy Laundering
The Arion Clothes Iron Turns Your Duds into Air Dancers for Drying and Pressing
Miniaturized Washing Machines
Miniaturized Washing Machines
The Swash by King Jim is Made with Small Apartments in Mind
Laundering Stationary Bikes
Laundering Stationary Bikes
Green Wash is an Eco Machine for Health and Hygiene
Salvaged Laundry Machine Lighting
Salvaged Laundry Machine Lighting
The To Martins REWASHLAMP Illuminates an Old Appliance
Remarkable Multi-Purpose Chairs
Remarkable Multi-Purpose Chairs
These Cleverly Designed Chairs Offer More Than Comfortable Seating
Compact Sack Laundry Dryers
Compact Sack Laundry Dryers
Oyer Portable Clothes Dryer is Easy to Store and Use and Quick to Work
Sanitizing Bathroom Accessories
Sanitizing Bathroom Accessories
The Puredesign Dry Clean Freshens Fabric to Reduce Your Laundry
Tiny Clothes Dryers
Tiny Clothes Dryers
The Mini Tumble Dryer is for Light Load Laundry
Portable Washing Machines
Portable Washing Machines
The Dismount Washer Makes Laundry Much Easier