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25 Funny Products for Rodents

From Designer Rodent Ensembles to Nimble Mini Mugs

— February 27, 2014 — Lifestyle
Squirrels, rats and mice are critters that are hard to get rid of, but these products for rodents are proof that their presence can still be amusing.

There are some humorous squirrel feeder designs that require the bushy-tailed creatures to stick their heads into a feeder shaped like the head of another animal. This is a pretty great way to let squirrels go about their business and give you a bit of a laugh at the same time.

For the most part, these are fairly harmless ways to mess with these unwelcome guests in your home or backyard, especially since they have no idea that they are being made fun of. Ultimately though, the rodents will get the last laugh because people are still spending money on products for them.
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