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53 Pop Culture USBs

From Fantasy Flash Drives to Sci-Fi Storage Devices

— August 28, 2014 — Tech
Helping to make the process of transferring data a little more comical, these pop culture USBs will surely entice any individual looking to pay tribute to their favorite movie or TV show.

When it comes to storing information or moving files, flash drives offer tech-savvy users an efficient way to do so without the need for hefty or cumbersome gadgets. These pop culture USBs however, have heightened ordinary flash drives with more flair, incorporating designs that reference everything from cult TV characters to infamous Japanese cartoons. A great way to add personalize touches to your everyday tech devices, these creative USB designs will surely make storing data much more entertaining.

From flash drives that resemble comic superheros to those that look like Star Wars characters, these USBs will certainly make a suitable addition to any pop culture collection.
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Geeky Data-Transferring Devices
Geeky Data-Transferring Devices
The Millennium Falcon MIMOMICRO Card Reader is Full of Force
Nerdy Cartoon Kitty USBs
Nerdy Cartoon Kitty USBs
This Hello Kitty Flash Drive is Perfect for Fans of this Adorable Feline
Machine Gun Marketing
Machine Gun Marketing
The Get Busy Committee Distributes New Album on Weaponized USB
Goofy Gag Thumb Drives
Goofy Gag Thumb Drives
The PC Prankster Causes Computer Problems When Attached to a Port
Cinematic Cyborg Flash Drives
Cinematic Cyborg Flash Drives
The Mimobot Classic Transformers USBs are Geeky Storage Devices
Galactic Weapon Chargers
Galactic Weapon Chargers
The Force Will Always Be With You with This Lightsaber Charger
Avian-Slinging USBs
Avian-Slinging USBs
Store Files in the Adorable Angry Birds Flash Drives
Thumbdrive Mix Tapes
Thumbdrive Mix Tapes
The Milktape USB Cassette is the Modern Way to Share Audio Compilations
Fantasy Flash Drives
Fantasy Flash Drives
These Game of Thrones Flash Drives are Geeky Chic
Sci-Fi Storage Devices
Sci-Fi Storage Devices
The Jabba the Hutt Mimobot USB Flash Drive is Geared Towards Geeks
Crude Cartoon USB Keys
Crude Cartoon USB Keys
The South Park USB Features a Headless Kenny
Defensive Gamer Thumbdrives
Defensive Gamer Thumbdrives
The Hyrule Shield USB is Inspired by Nintendo's Zelda Series
Cartoon Critter Memory Sticks
Cartoon Critter Memory Sticks
The Smurfs USB Flash Drive Travels from the Big Screen to Computers
Dubiously Designed Flash Drives
Dubiously Designed Flash Drives
Virus Usb Device is Modeled as a Cute but Questionable Character
Comic Book Flash Drives
Comic Book Flash Drives
The Green Lantern Mimobot USB Flash Drive Will Protect Your Files
Marvel Caricature USBs (UPDATE) 
Marvel Caricature USBs (UPDATE) 
Jeff Kuhnie Brings a Band of Hero and Villain Flash Drives
Playful Internet Keys
Playful Internet Keys
The Planex USB WiFi Dongle Provides Web Surfing with Personality
Sci-fi Salute USB Keys
Sci-fi Salute USB Keys
The Vulcan USB 2G Flash Drive Lets You Live Long and Prosper
Intergalactic Droid Memory Sticks
Intergalactic Droid Memory Sticks
The R2-D2 USB Flash Drive is for Techie Star Wars Fans
Cartoon USBs
Cartoon USBs
Mimoco Mimobots Flash Drives
Vintage Synth USBs
Vintage Synth USBs
The Roland TR-808 Flash Drive Pays Homage to a Legendary Beat Machine
Sci-Fi Tech Fashion Accessories
Sci-Fi Tech Fashion Accessories
The R2-D2 Flashdrive Cufflinks sre Appropriate for Work or a Gala
Star Wars USB
Star Wars USB
Geeky Gizmos Have Fun Extras
Upcycled Batman Flash Drives
Upcycled Batman Flash Drives
Save Computer Files on the Epic 1980s Corgi Batmobile USB
Transforming Jungle Cat USBs
Transforming Jungle Cat USBs
This Transformer USB Flash Drive is More Than Meets the Eye
Fantastic Film Animation USBs
Fantastic Film Animation USBs
The Disney Pixar Flash Drives Bring Loving Characters to Life
Feline Flash Drives (UPDATE)
Feline Flash Drives (UPDATE)
Hello Kitty's 'Mimobot' Friends Have Joined the USB Family
Movie Robot Flash Drives
Movie Robot Flash Drives
The Transformers Age of Extinction USB Flash Drive Celebrates the Movie
Cybertron Memory Sticks
Cybertron Memory Sticks
Transformer USB Drive Stores Data and Pops Open Beer Bottles
Yoda Flash Drives
Yoda Flash Drives
These 'Star Wars' MIMOBOT USBs Bring Out Your Inner Geek
Fluorescent Flash Drives
Fluorescent Flash Drives
The Yoda with Illuminated Light Saber USB Memory Stick
Superhero Flash Drives
Superhero Flash Drives
The Bat Stick 4GB Memory Stick is Ready to Keep Your Files Safe
Detonative Memory Sticks
Detonative Memory Sticks
The Bob-Omb USB Flash Drive Will Blow Super Mario Fans Away
Dark Knight Flash Drives
Dark Knight Flash Drives
Mimoco & DC Comics Collaborate to Bring Us Batman Memory Sticks
Cartoon Character Memory Keys
Cartoon Character Memory Keys
The Simpsons USB Drives are a Fun Way to Hold Your Data
Expressive Hand Memory Sticks (UPDATE)
Expressive Hand Memory Sticks (UPDATE)
These Hand Sign USB Drives Add Personality to Computers
Cinema-Inspired Flash Drives
Cinema-Inspired Flash Drives
Dave Delisle's Ghostbuster Ghost Trap USB Will Capture Your Files
Superhero Helmet USBs
Superhero Helmet USBs
The Iron Man Flash Drive for Fans of Marvel's Billionaire Playboy
Comic Book Flash Drives
Comic Book Flash Drives
The DC Batman x Mimobot USBs are Absolutely Adorable
Salsa Sachet Thumbdrives
Salsa Sachet Thumbdrives
The Taco Bell Border Sauce USB Drive Thinks Outside the Bun
Angry Avian Memory Sticks
Angry Avian Memory Sticks
The Angry Birds USB Flash Drives are Designed for Angry Birds Superfans
Sci-Fi Data Storing Devices
Sci-Fi Data Storing Devices
The Star Wars Flash Drives Let You Carry the Force Around with You
Geeky Game Villain USBs
Geeky Game Villain USBs
Fans of Mario Will Jump for Joy Over This Piranha Plant USB Key
Manga Flash Drives
Manga Flash Drives
The Izumi Konata Lucky Star USB Stick is Perfect for Comic Fans
Arc Reactor Flash Drives
Arc Reactor Flash Drives
This Realistic Iron Man 3 USB Looks Like the Real Thing
Internet Sensation Memory Sticks
Internet Sensation Memory Sticks
The Psy Gangnam Style USB Drive Gets Its Groove On
Playful Promotional Branding
Playful Promotional Branding
The Adidas N30 Neo Robot is Both Toy and Tech Accessory
Marvel Comic Memory Sticks
Marvel Comic Memory Sticks
Get Your Geek on With the Superhero USB Flash Drives
Sharpened Flash Drives
Sharpened Flash Drives
The Legend of Zelda Sword USB Stores Files in Style
Jazzy Java Chargers
Jazzy Java Chargers
The Coffee Adapter Decal Gives a Caffeine Hit to Your Power Cord
Adventurous USBs
Adventurous USBs
The Indiana Jones Flash Drive Saves Your Data from the Temple of Doom
Superhero Gauntlet USBs
Superhero Gauntlet USBs
This Iron Man Flash Drive is Extremely Detailed and Has Moveable Fingers