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42 Innovative Pop Art Installations

From Insensitive Artistic Inspiration to Warhol Celeb Portrait

— May 31, 2010 — Art & Design
This cluster of innovative pop art installations shows that we will always be inspired by our pop culture icons and commodities.

Andy Warhol is arguably the biggest pop artist to ever live, so it's no surprise that many of the trends seen here draw from his influence. From insensitive artistic inspiration to Warholesque celeb portraits, cultural icon and consumerism reign supreme in these innovative pop art installations.

Implications - Pop art was famously made popular through Andy Warhol designs, and has continued to grow in popularity ever since. Through incorporating pop art designs into product packaging and advertising campaigns, products can easily gain an updated persona and appeal to an established target audience of art lovers.
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Flammable Pop Art
Flammable Pop Art
Scented Candles by Keith Haring for Nuit Blanche
Peculiar Pop Art Paintings
Peculiar Pop Art Paintings
These Scott Anderson Masterpieces are Exploding with Creativity
Pop Art Perfume
Pop Art Perfume
Andy Warhol Silver Factory
Pop Art Espadrilles
Pop Art Espadrilles
Sauerkids & the String Republic Turn Classic Summer Footwear into an Art Piece
Graffiti Pop Art
Graffiti Pop Art
Steve Powers at the Show & Tell Gallery In Toronto
Celebrity Pop Art
Celebrity Pop Art
Leesa Leva's Olsen Twins
Surrealist Pop Art
Surrealist Pop Art
FriendsWithYou Fun Houses Are Great for Kids and Adults
Macabre Pop Art
Macabre Pop Art
Muaro Peruccheti's Disarming Life-Sized Sculptures
Custom Pop Art Hard Drives
Custom Pop Art Hard Drives
Meninos HDD Cases
Insect Pop Art
Insect Pop Art
The Weird and Wacky NIARK1 Art is Lots of Fun
Palace Pop Art
Palace Pop Art
Jeff Koons Versailles Exhibit
Pop Art Prophylactics
Pop Art Prophylactics
Ron English Condoms Ensure Your Willie Stays Under Wraps Fashionably
War as Pop Art
War as Pop Art
Mauro Perucchetti's 'Apopalyptic' Sculptures Are Dangerously Colorful
Pop Art Cameras
Pop Art Cameras
The Lomography Oktomat Camera Takes Eight Pictures in a Snap
Pop Surrealism Packaging
Pop Surrealism Packaging
Mountain Dew's Green Label Art Volume 3
Pop Art Watches
Pop Art Watches
Swatch by Gary Card is a Collection of Artistic Timepieces
Big Buck Pop Art
Big Buck Pop Art
Banksy's Kate Moss Sells for $150,000
Personalized Pop Art Bikes
Personalized Pop Art Bikes
KAWS TREK Madone Bicycle for Lance Armstrong Features Graffiti Graphics
Pop Art Carpets
Pop Art Carpets
Takashi Murakami Rugs for Louis Vuitton
Pop Art Pants
Pop Art Pants
The Andy Warhol Collection by Pepe Jeans
Pop Art Pet Portraits
Pop Art Pet Portraits
Immortalize Your Pooch With an Original Masterpiece
Ironic Pop Art Chairs
Ironic Pop Art Chairs
The Lick-Loving Tongue-in-Cheek Chair by Peter Harvey
You As Art
You As Art
Transform Yourself Into Pop Art With TrendyPortrait
Michael Jackson Street Art
Michael Jackson Street Art
Artsy Dedications to the King of Pop
Disfigured Street Art
Disfigured Street Art
Morbid Portraits of Pop Icons
Pop Art Furniture
Pop Art Furniture
Jamie Hayon & Nienke Klunder's 'American Chateau' Exhibition
Charitable Pop Art Shoes
Charitable Pop Art Shoes
Robert Indiana Converse Sneakers are the Latest Weapons to Fight AIDS
Pop Art Fairytales
Pop Art Fairytales
Check Out the Adorable Artwork of Christina Tsevis
Pop Art Surrealism
Pop Art Surrealism
Alexander Lyamkin's Artwork is a Picasso-esque Fantasy
Pop Art Plateware
Pop Art Plateware
Eat Off of Andy Warhol's Iconic Artwork
Pop Art Perfume Promos
Pop Art Perfume Promos
Brad Hamann's DKNY Be Delicious Posters & Packaging Have Bite
Pop-Up Art Bars
Pop-Up Art Bars
London's DoodleBar Lets You Draw on Everything, From Floor to Ceiling
Sci-Fi Pop Art
Sci-Fi Pop Art
'The Vader Project' Dresses Up ‘Star Wars' Helmets (UPDATE)
Pop Art One-Pieces
Pop Art One-Pieces
We are Handsome's Line of One Pieces Win Swimwear Supremacy
Homosexualizing Revolutionaries
Homosexualizing Revolutionaries
The Pop Culture Paintings of Benoit ATL
Pop Art Helmets
Pop Art Helmets
The Vader Project Returns to Los Angeles Before Auction (UPDATE)
Warholesque Celeb Portraits
Warholesque Celeb Portraits
The Mr Brainwash Icons Exhibit Casts Celebrities in a New Light
Pop Art Sneakers
Pop Art Sneakers
Nike Andy Warhol & Marilyn Monroe Kicks Bring Culture to Your Feet
Pop Art Furniture
Pop Art Furniture
Sarah Van Hoe's Collection is a Funky Artistic Journey Through Media and Culture
Pop Art Fall Fashion
Pop Art Fall Fashion
Blumarine Warhol-Inspired Pastel Brights