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31 Pieces of Poetry

From Spoken Word Poetry to Projected Poems

— February 14, 2010 — Art & Design
The big day of love is right around the corner, let's prepare together with some awesome pieces of poetry. If you are a V-Day loner (like me) stop reading this now; it will only hurt more.

Writing this is masochistic. Dateless wonders don't need to check out these pieces of poetry! But for date-having supermen/superwomen, this cluster is like your go-to-guide for Valentine's Day. Use it wisely.

Implications - I, for one, am eating up all the poor parenting poems, which describe all the ways Disney is corrupting the minds of youth. Obviously iconic songwriter muses, which reflects on people who have inspired Bob Dylan, is also a great find for those who love the prolific musician. My favorite of the bunch, however, has got to be politically conscious hip hop, as I'm a huge fan of Rage Against the Machine.
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