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24 Glorifications of Perverts

From Peeping Tom Perversion to Underwear Vending Machines

— July 1, 2009 — Naughty
Perversion takes many forms, and the innovations below celebrate most of them. From peeping tom photography and voyeuristic pop art to bizarre global products like vending machines that sell used underwear, there's a growing market that caters to the fringe of society.

Take a look at the unusual innovations that celebrate perversion below.

Implications - In this age of information, everything is shared and accepted amongst a group of people, even if that particular group is very niche. Thus, consumers are becoming much more open-minded, with even the most odd, unconventional things becoming less taboo. Even the nature of sexuality is changing, with perversion being accepted as a simple part of human nature for some.
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Voyeuristic Auctions
Voyeuristic Auctions
'Is This Your Luggage?' Collects Lost Bags from Airports
Voyeuristic Lighting
Voyeuristic Lighting
The Magic Apartment Light
Anti-Pervert Shot Guard Underwear
Anti-Pervert Shot Guard Underwear
Blocks IR Cameras
Kia Soul Ad Campaign Gives Mobsters a Sneak Peek Inside
Pervy Couture
Pervy Couture
Lanvin's Spring 2010 Menswear Has Stalker Styling Notes
High Tech Peeping Toms
High Tech Peeping Toms
HBO's Virtual Voyeurism
Creepy Voyeuristic Virals
Creepy Voyeuristic Virals
LG Phone Ad Proves Touch Screens Make Women Obey
Peeping Google
Peeping Google
Street View Invades Privacy
Personified Trees With Eyes
Personified Trees With Eyes
Voyeurs in Nature
Voyeuristic Dwellings
Voyeuristic Dwellings
The Glass Pyramid House by Yukihide Mizuno
Voyeuristic Pop Art
Voyeuristic Pop Art
Shag's Peeping Toms
Perverse Arcade Games
Perverse Arcade Games
Japanese Claw Machine Lets You Grab Boobies of Your Choice
Perverted Furniture
Perverted Furniture
Pervert-Proofing Cell Phone Cameras
Pervert-Proofing Cell Phone Cameras
3G iPhone in Japan
Protesting Peeping Toms
Protesting Peeping Toms
Clothed Tourist Sparks “Mini-Riot” at White Cockatoo
Fake Naughty
Fake Naughty
Beate Uhse TV Ads for Parental Controls and Supervision
Gigapixel Photography's Vancouver Yaletown Condos
Voyeuristic Ads
Voyeuristic Ads
Nikon S60 Camera Face Detection
Peeping Tom Photography
Peeping Tom Photography
'Someone is Watching You' in Out Magazine
Perversely Pretty Photography
Perversely Pretty Photography
Sarah Sitkin's 'Morbid Sense of Humor' Exhibits Just That
Used Underwear Vending Machines
Used Underwear Vending Machines
In Japan, Everything Goes
Photoworkers Use Voyeuristic Bathroom Pictures for New Calendar
Voyeuristic Photography
Voyeuristic Photography
Peep Into 'The Transparent City'
Fondling Breasts For AIDS
Fondling Breasts For AIDS
Could Perversion Save The World?