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51 Outer Space Innovations

From Sci-Fi Spaceship Art to Upper Atmosphere Airships

— April 7, 2013 — Tech
Outer space innovations appeal to almost anyone who has a little bit of a nerdy side, or even just a genuine curiosity to what could possibly be out there. A vast universe exists far beyond anything even scientists could comprehend, and perhaps this is why some are so infatuated with the vast unknown and the many outer space innovations.

From outer space broadcasts to lunar real estate, there is so much to see and learn when it comes to our galaxy and even the universe. Historically man has marveled over the mysteries of space; countries all around the world have elaborate space programs that have done everything from sending men and women out into space to launching satellites that orbit our planet and explore deep space anomalies.
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Animated Outer Space Touchdowns
Animated Outer Space Touchdowns
The Curiosity Rover Landing Receives a Video Maekover
Designer-Made Space Patches
Designer-Made Space Patches
Obey Creator Shepard Fairy is Making Outer Space Fashion for CASIS
Recording Music in Space
Recording Music in Space
'Jewel in the Night' by Chris Hadfield is First Song Recorded in Space
Space Exploration Exhibits
Space Exploration Exhibits
The Opening of 'Beyond Planet Earth' Kicks Off with Marketing Ploys
Outer Space Game Broadcasts
Outer Space Game Broadcasts
The Angry Birds Nasa Announcement Video is the First of Its Kind
Intergalactic Space Charts
Intergalactic Space Charts
The 'Close Encounters Between Alien Planets' Infographic is Celestial
Red Planet Reality Shows
Red Planet Reality Shows
The Mars One Mission Will Televise the Colonization of the Planet
Space Traveling Tourism
Space Traveling Tourism
Boeing CST-100 Will Soon Launch People into Space Vacations
Space Travel Agents
Space Travel Agents
Virgin Galactic is Booking Flights to Space for $200,000
Frying Pan Planets
Frying Pan Planets
'Devour' from Christopher Jonassen Puts Dirty Dishes in a New Light
Astonishing Astrological Infographics
Astonishing Astrological Infographics
The ‘All 786 Known Planets to Scale’ Maps Space
Commemorative Cosmonaut Pens
Commemorative Cosmonaut Pens
The Montegrappa Yuri Gagarin Collection is Out of This World
Galactic Hotels
Galactic Hotels
Orbital Technologies Reveals Plans for a Cosmic Hotel in 2016
Upper Atmosphere Airships
Upper Atmosphere Airships
The Tandem Airship Heralds the Beginning of a New Space Age
Lunar Real Estate
Lunar Real Estate
Can Corporations Claim Lunar Property?
Galactic Art Installations
Galactic Art Installations
'Space Program: Mars' by Tom Sachs Brings Outer Space to Earth
Tiny Toy Take-Off Videos
Tiny Toy Take-Off Videos
'LEGO Space Shuttle' Clip Shows Oaida Raul's Homemade Spacecraft
Outer Space Sleeping Supplies
Outer Space Sleeping Supplies
The Full Moon Odyssey Floor Mattress is Out of this World
Outer Space Sport Luggage
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The Duct Line Bag Collection Eche the Design of a Space Suit and Tape
Outer Space Cooking Smocks
Outer Space Cooking Smocks
The NASA Astronaut Apron Pays Tribute to Apollo II
Galaxy Bezel Pendants
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The Astronomy Necklace is a Lovely Gift for the Star Gazer in Your Life
Outer Space-Ready Kicks
Outer Space-Ready Kicks
The Nike and Tom Sachs NikeCraft Sportswear is Space-Ready
DIY Remote-Controlled Spaceships
DIY Remote-Controlled Spaceships
David Windestal Flies a Homemade RC Plane to Space and Back
Space Voyage Contests
Space Voyage Contests
Guinness to Send One Lucky Winner to Space
Pop-Integrated Astronaut Illustrations
Pop-Integrated Astronaut Illustrations
Scott Listfield's Migrant Astronaut is Lost in Pop Culture
Average Astronaut Photography
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Alienation by Graziano Panfili Involves Dual Lives of Ordinary Folk
DIY Spaceship Beds
DIY Spaceship Beds
Jeremiah Gorman Creates an Outer Space Furniture Piece
Outer Space Energy
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Rocket Power Used to Create Solar Energy in California
Sci-Fi Spaceship Art
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These Star Trek Space Paintings by Jeff Foster are Far Out
Outerspace Outerwear
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Christopher Kane's Cosmic Hoodies are Perfect for Star-Studiers
Simple Outer Space Artistry
Simple Outer Space Artistry
Zach Terrell Renders Whimsical Images Depicting Clusters of Stars
Panoramic Otherworldly Concept Art
Panoramic Otherworldly Concept Art
Thor Concept Art Brings the World of Asgard to Life
Jupiter's Little Red Spot Growing Stronger
Jupiter's Little Red Spot Growing Stronger
Sleek Outer Space Photoshoots
Sleek Outer Space Photoshoots
The Harper's Bazaar Korea White Wars Editorial is Galactic
Outer Space Garden Orbs
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The Solar Ball Light is a Flashy Decoration
Outer Space Editorials
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The Oyster Magazine 'Earth to Hanne' Spread is Extra-Terrestrial
Intergalactic Gardening
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Piotr Szpryngwald's Plant Proposes a Way to Cultivate Crops in Space
Illuminating Intergalactic Illustrations
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Nebulae by Fabian Oefner are Photographs Made from Lamps
Somber Space Suit Retrospectives
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Matthias Schaller Photographs Old Astronaut Gear Emotively
Outer Space Radios
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George Abdoulas Designs the Desktop Radio for Alien Lovers
Spaceship-Resembling Homes
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The Capital Hill Residence by Zaha Hadid Will House Naomi Campbell
Upper Orbit Auberges
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The Russian 'Commercial Space Station' Doubles as an Atmospheric Hotel
Galaxy-Inspired Chronographs
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Watch Lovers Will Gravitate Towards the Orbit Watch
Cosmos-Inspired Canvas Kicks
Cosmos-Inspired Canvas Kicks
The Chuck Taylor All Star City Collection is a Charitable Process
Moon-Surface Watches
Moon-Surface Watches
The Lunokhod Timepiece Looks like it Came from Outer Space
Interstellar Wall Art
Interstellar Wall Art
Murals Your Way Brings Outer Space to Your Room
Caffeine in Space
Caffeine in Space
On-Orbit Coffee Cup Is A Must-Have For Zero-Gravity Baristas
Celestial Holiday Tree Decor
Celestial Holiday Tree Decor
These Shining Solar System Christmas Ornaments are Hand-Blown Glass
Spooky Sci-Fi Spaceships
Spooky Sci-Fi Spaceships
Galactic Horror Gallery of Stellar Vessels Will Creep You Out
Outer Space Luxury Rides
Outer Space Luxury Rides
The Rolls Royce Blackghost Could Disappear Before Your Eyes
Space Pod Homes
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Sodae-House by VMX Architects Looks Like it's From Outer Space