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100 Fluorescent Light Features

From Neon Gangster Art to LED Love Statements

— February 28, 2015 — Art & Design
Neon light has become a highly popularized form of art. Often used in art installations, the fluorescent bulbs mainly spell out words and mimic geometric shapes. The most notable neon signage is the art work of Tracey Emin and Olivia Steele, which is based around messages of love, hate and lust. From spy-revealing sculptures, heartfelt neon messages to endearing neon signs, words have become the most popular form of expression using neon lights as its platform.

Fluorescent light bulbs have even bled into fashion. Designers are not only re-creating their runways as art installations, they are also incorporating neon lights into their garments. Salons and restaurants are even updating the dreaded 'Open/ Closed' neon signs with artistic company-branded neon lights.
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Times Square Art Takeovers (UPDATE) 
Times Square Art Takeovers (UPDATE) 
New York Sees the Tracey Emin #Midnight Moments
Neon Slang Installations
Neon Slang Installations
Dylan Neuwirth Illuminates the Power of Internet Slang
Rope-Like Pendent Lamps
Rope-Like Pendent Lamps
Miguel Flores Soeiro's Stream Light Collection is Dramatic and Stunning
Fluorescent Long Exposure Lamps
Fluorescent Long Exposure Lamps
The Fluorescent Glow Light Can Last Up to Five Hours
Exposed Component Illuminators
Exposed Component Illuminators
The 003.5 Light Object Frames its Electrical Components on Acrylic
Interior-Contrasting Wineries
Interior-Contrasting Wineries
La Cabuche in Switzerland by Bureau A Firm has an Opposing Interior
Water Tower Art Exhibitions
Water Tower Art Exhibitions
Artist Iván Navarro Features Small Water Towers in His New Exhibi
Spy-Revealing Sculptures
Spy-Revealing Sculptures
The 'I Can Burn Your Face' Installation Hints at Spy Identitites
Thug City Skateboard Videos
Thug City Skateboard Videos
The 5boro X Carhartt Collaboration is Commemorated With Epic Sessions
Precarious Household Sculptures
Precarious Household Sculptures
'Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child' Installation Defies Gravity
Electrifying Neon Cars
Electrifying Neon Cars
The Blair Thurman Supermodels Installation Lights up the Room
Orange-Powered Billboards
Orange-Powered Billboards
The Tropicana Energie Naturelle Campaign Advocates Clean Energy
Melted Lighting Exhibits
Melted Lighting Exhibits
The Navid Nuur Exhibit at Max Hetzler Gallery Fuses Neon Light Bulbs
Geometric Neon Exhibits
Geometric Neon Exhibits
The Jay Shinn 'Op Art' Morphs Minimalism with 3D Neon Lights
Familial Floor Lamps
Familial Floor Lamps
IZZI Design Studio Designs the Perfect, Luminous Family
Neon Vortex Reflectors
Neon Vortex Reflectors
These Orbital Mirrors by Marcus Tremonto Embraces Sci-Fi Design Principles
Illuminated Football Fan Art
Illuminated Football Fan Art
The Neon / FIFA World Cup Series by Rizon Parein Celebrates Soccer
Gnarly Neon Lighting
Gnarly Neon Lighting
Michael Sillitoe Uses a Neon Conduit to Light Up an Entire House
Illuminating Sport Nets
Illuminating Sport Nets
These Nets Make Playing B-Ball a Glow-in-the-Dark Event
Neon Park Benches
Neon Park Benches
The LED Bench by Opulent Items Will Brighten Up Those Nightly Strolls
Asian Re-Imagined Logos
Asian Re-Imagined Logos
Mehmet Gozetlik's Chinatown Puts a Neon Sign Spin on Iconic Brands
Vibrant Metal Lights
Vibrant Metal Lights
These Steel Box Lamps Emit Soft Glows from Behind Hard Shells
Neon LED Belts
Neon LED Belts
Halo by Vincent Pilot Ng Increases Biker Visibility at Night
Heartfelt Neon Messages
Heartfelt Neon Messages
Artist Tracey Emin's Neon Hearts Sculpture to go on Display in New York
Paneled Outdoor Light Installations
Paneled Outdoor Light Installations
The LED Cloud by Sophie Valla Architects Takes Over a Gas Stop
Futuristic Cuisine Areas
Futuristic Cuisine Areas
The ParametriX Kitchen by Geometrix Design Channels ‘TRON: Legacy&#
Neon Noodle Bars
Neon Noodle Bars
Mary Wong Collaborates with Fork to Create an Illuminated Interior Design
Daydreaming Audiovisual Installations
Daydreaming Audiovisual Installations
Nonotak Uses Neon Lighting to Capture Space Distortions
Fluorescent Piping Sculptures
Fluorescent Piping Sculptures
Russell Maltz Uses Neon Tubes in His Immensely Stacked Installation
Trontastic Art Exhibits
Trontastic Art Exhibits
Simon Birch Re-Creates the Disney Film for His 'Hope & Glory' Exhibit
Prismatic Neon Illuminators
Prismatic Neon Illuminators
The XiX Light by Formfjord is Psychedelically Chic
Symmetrical Neon Cityscapes
Symmetrical Neon Cityscapes
The Photography of Shinichi Higashi Showcases Tokyo's Futuristic Look
Futuristic Neon Furniture
Futuristic Neon Furniture
The Interlux by Manfred Kielnhofer is a Spectaularly Brillaint Seat
Star Wars-Themed Lighting
Star Wars-Themed Lighting
The X Wing Lamp by Benjamin Rice is Darkly Futuristic
Effervescent Cityscape Photography
Effervescent Cityscape Photography
Chris Eayres’s ‘BY-PASS_NY’ Heartbeat Art Giv
Shelterless Light Shows
Shelterless Light Shows
Fanny Allie Crafts a Lit-Up Silhouette of a Homeless Person Resting
Jarringly Juxtaposed Neon Signage
Jarringly Juxtaposed Neon Signage
The Olivia Steele Neon Art Installations are Severely Contrasted
Seaside Light Installations
Seaside Light Installations
The Spinifex Group PLAY Art Piece Reworks Sydney's Opera House Sails
Glowing Orb Street Art
Glowing Orb Street Art
This Luminescent Art Installation was Created by Artist Leo Villareal
Squiggly Neon Lights
Squiggly Neon Lights
Karim Rashid's DNA Lighting is Electricfyingly Futuristic
Neon Art Mash-Ups
Neon Art Mash-Ups
Postcards from Vegas by Rob and Nick Carter is Visually Electric
Neon Smoke Art
Neon Smoke Art
The Captivating Industrial Art of Nicholas Groves
Colorfully Illuminated Overpasses
Colorfully Illuminated Overpasses
The Rainbow Bridge Glows Whimsically in the Night
Glow-in-the-Dark Biking
Glow-in-the-Dark Biking
A Neon Bike Provides Extreme Visibility for Cyclists
Prismic Liquor Branding
Prismic Liquor Branding
Atlantic Vodka Packaging Alters its Colored Accents Beneath Club Lighting
Flexible Cord-Inspired Lamps
Flexible Cord-Inspired Lamps
The 2084 Lamp by Geoffroy Gillant Integrates the Cord into the Design
Neon Light Swings
Neon Light Swings
Artist Su-Mei Tse Uses Illuminated Tubes for Everyday Sculptures
Upcycled Fairground Signs
Upcycled Fairground Signs
The Latest Chris Bracey Collection Showcases His Neon Masterpieces
Multifunctional 3D-Printed Flashlights
Multifunctional 3D-Printed Flashlights
Hi-Tech Multitool is Made from Stainless Steel and Tritium
Predictive Neon Signs
Predictive Neon Signs
Tim Etchells Creates Fragments of Narratives to Provoke Thoughts
Late Night Snack Shoots
Late Night Snack Shoots
Eiterquellen by Stefan Fuertbauer Focuses on Glowing Diners
Contemporary Cantilevered Crossings
Contemporary Cantilevered Crossings
Metaform Pedestrian Bridge Joins City and Sanctuary
Luminescent Anatomy Art
Luminescent Anatomy Art
'Anatomical Neon' by Jessica Lloyd-Jones is a Bedazzling Spectacle
Psychedelic Neon Artworks
Psychedelic Neon Artworks
These Roomba Light Paintings Were Created Using Vacuum Cleaners
Urban Artisan Eateries
Urban Artisan Eateries
The Stack Restaurant by Wilson Lee and Alex Siu Boasts Retro Design Details
LED Love Statements
LED Love Statements
Lee Jung's Lit Text Installations are Heartbreakingly Gorgeous
Futuristic Car Accessories
Futuristic Car Accessories
The Neon Blue LED Tire Caps Gives Vehicles a Sci-Fi Makeover
Endearing Neon Signs
Endearing Neon Signs
These Light Up Sculptures by Olivia Steele Lighten One's Mood
Taco Bell Tributes
Taco Bell Tributes
Artist Michael Phelan Works with Words at Art Basel Miami
Geometric Neon Desk Lamps
Geometric Neon Desk Lamps
The Tetra Light by Brooks Atwood is Inspired by the Film 'Bladerunner'
Illuminated Pedal Cars
Illuminated Pedal Cars
The Artikcar by Ben Wilson Lights Up like a Neon Sign
Neon Word Installation Art
Neon Word Installation Art
The Tracey Emin Neon Sign Frenzie Has Taken Over Tumblr
Jolting Floating Geometric Art (UPDATE)
Jolting Floating Geometric Art (UPDATE)
Street Art by Aakash Nihalani Makes a Statement
Neon Nightlife Editorials
Neon Nightlife Editorials
How To Spend It Magazine's Colour Coated Series is Couture-Clad
Electric Superhero Bar Signs
Electric Superhero Bar Signs
These Famous Superhero Logos are Rendered into Neon Signs
Moody Motel Portraits
Moody Motel Portraits
Vicky Moon's Neon Light Photography Captures Los Angeles at Night
Electric Ensemble Editorials
Electric Ensemble Editorials
‘Nightcall' by Edina Csoboth is Inspired by 'Drive'
Architecture for Gamers
Architecture for Gamers
Sako FlatFlat Store Design Combines Real and Virtual Reality
Glowing Pink Displays
Glowing Pink Displays
Studio Raar Highlights Le Coq Sportif Shoes With Neon Lighting
Neon Illuminating Installations
Neon Illuminating Installations
The Topographical Light Paintings by Janne Parviainen are Vibrant
Iconic Film Neon Posters
Iconic Film Neon Posters
Mr. Whaite's Latest Project is Full of Pop Culture References
Retro Rave Illuminators
Retro Rave Illuminators
The Neon Stick Light from Anthropologie is Versatile and Interchangeable
Phosphorescent Public Seating
Phosphorescent Public Seating
Illuminated Benches Defy Practicality in their Beauty
Neon Neodymium Headphones
Neon Neodymium Headphones
The Afterglow Headset Offers a Fun and Futuristic Aesthetic
Modern Louis XV Furniture
Modern Louis XV Furniture
The Neo Neon Collection
Psychedelic Art Exhibits
Psychedelic Art Exhibits
Cosmology +1 by Peter Coffin Questions the Universe
Illuminated Skeleton Installations
Illuminated Skeleton Installations
Embodiment by Eric Franklin is Anatomically Delicate
Light Vomiting Toys
Light Vomiting Toys
The Marcus Tremonto ‘Lightbotz' are Colorfully Cute
Fluorescent Stick Figures
Fluorescent Stick Figures
Ivan Navarro Transforms Everyday Objects into Works of Art
Trippy Neon Silhouettes
Trippy Neon Silhouettes
Dianne Harris Debuts Creative, Bright Pieces at the Kinetica Art Fair
Neon Light Wallpapers
Neon Light Wallpapers
Astrid Krogh Creates a Bright Light ‘Flora' Installation
Neon Gangster Art
Neon Gangster Art
'Come In, We're Closed' Puts an Electric Spin on Hood Situations and Sayings
Cyberpunk Christmas Tree Fashion
Cyberpunk Christmas Tree Fashion
Gareth Pugh for Topshop
Industrial Pipeline Lamps
Industrial Pipeline Lamps
Atomic Lighting Tubes Illuminate Spaces with a Utility-Chic Style
Eco Lighting Exhibitions
Eco Lighting Exhibitions
'In Praise of Shadows' Challenges the Way We Think About Light
3D Neon Light Frames
3D Neon Light Frames
Ivan Navarro Turns Walls 3D With His Unique Light Canvases
Neon Pharmacies
Neon Pharmacies
Buj+Colon Arquitectos Designs Illuminated Drug Store in Spain
Light Art Performance Photography
Light Art Performance Photography
Jan Wollert and Jorg Miedza Master Lapp
Personalized Neon Clocks
Personalized Neon Clocks
Handmade Curtis Clocks Give Modern Decor a Nostalgic Touch
Illuminated Sexual Advice
Illuminated Sexual Advice
The Neon, USB-Powered Kama Sutra Lights
Glowing Geodesic Lights
Glowing Geodesic Lights
The Witch Moth Lamp is a Sharp Tectonic Fixture for Futuristic Interiors
Fluorescent Plumbing Fixtures
Fluorescent Plumbing Fixtures
The Phosphorescent Bathroom Glows Brightly for Nighttime Use
Digit-Shaped LED Clocks
Digit-Shaped LED Clocks
This Minimalist Digital Clock Has Alarm, Date and Time Features
Neon Typography Installations
Neon Typography Installations
Meryl Pataky Brings Light to Plato's Words
Glowing Electric Sneakers
Glowing Electric Sneakers
The Neon Converses from Etsy Will Light up the Night Sky
Hypnotic Lighting Installations
Hypnotic Lighting Installations
Onion Skin by Olivier Ratsi Explores Concept of Time and Space
Loopy Solar Loungers
Loopy Solar Loungers
SOFT Rockers are Oscillating Recliners that Charge Your Gadgets Outdoors
Retro Hollywood Salons
Retro Hollywood Salons
Vintage Glam 'Pimps & Pinups' Hair Salon in NYC
Bedazzling Futuristic Fashion
Bedazzling Futuristic Fashion
The Vice German 'Weltraumober' Editorial Stars Elizaveta Porodina