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24 My Little Pony Spin-offs

From Offbeat Fashion Look Books to Classic Toys Revamped

— May 25, 2012 — Life-Stages
These My Little Pony spin-offs range from grotesque stripped-down equines to pony-branded weaponry. The playful Hasbro character has inspired artists, animators and product designers with its colorful childlike aesthetics.

Although the girly frolicking foal claims friendship creates magic, some spin-offs appear to be taking a more monstrous path. Artists like Jason Freeny have stripped down these cuddly creatures into anatomical masterpieces. More recently this year, the 'My Little Pony Project' brought together a number of notable artists to create their own version of the childhood character. You also can't help but smile when a Captain Sparrow-clad pony -- complete with swashbuckling dreads -- comes trotting along.

These My Little Pony spin-offs will bring delight and disturbance for those who have yet to let go of this adolescent icon.
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Debauched Pony Mashups
Debauched Pony Mashups
BronyVids' 'The Hayngover' Video Goes on an Unlikely Adventure
Creepy Pony Creations
Creepy Pony Creations
The 'My Little Ood' Toy is a Disturbing Twist on the Original Product
Pony-Loving Fanboys
Pony-Loving Fanboys
Bronies Are a Growing Group of Male 'My Little Pony' Enthusiasts
Playful Pony Parodies
Playful Pony Parodies
The New My Little Pony Promo Spoofs iPhone Ads
Samurai Toy Makeovers
Samurai Toy Makeovers
Jacob Borshard Presents the Clans of the Great Pony Rebellion
Cute Toy Transformers
Cute Toy Transformers
The Solid Snake Little Pony is a More Manly Version of the Classic Toy
Badass Pony Prose
Badass Pony Prose
The My Little Wu-Tang Clan Video Hilariously Dubs Rap Over My Little Pony
Badass Toy Horses
Badass Toy Horses
Revamp Innocent Childhood Toys With My Little Pony Alternatives
Bejeweled Childhood Toys
Bejeweled Childhood Toys
The ‘My Little Pony Project 2012' Presents One-of-a-Kind Char
Gruesomely Attached Dolls
Gruesomely Attached Dolls
The My Little Pony Centipede is Shockingly Sickening
Classic Toys Revamped
Classic Toys Revamped
My Little Pony for the New Decade
Gender-Specific Toy Remixes
Gender-Specific Toy Remixes
'Inspectornills' Fuses My Little Pony and Transformers Together
Zombie Pets
Zombie Pets
My Little Pony-Inspired Friends Aren't For The Faint-Of-Heart
Custom My Little Pony's
Custom My Little Pony's
Alternative Toy Pimping by Spippo
Undead Horned Equines
Undead Horned Equines
The Zombie My Little Pony Will Change Your Childhood Memories
Real Life My Little Pony
Real Life My Little Pony
Color Dyed Ponies For Parties
Offbeat Fashion Look Books
Offbeat Fashion Look Books
Elizabeth & James Spring 2009 Pairs Models With Kids' Toys
Celebrity Toy Ponies
Celebrity Toy Ponies
Mari Kasurinen's My Little Pony Collection Celebrates Pop Idols
Pimped Plastic Ponies
Pimped Plastic Ponies
The My Little Pony Project
Mutilated Toy Models
Mutilated Toy Models
Melting Plastic Sculptures Heat up the 'Sustainable Trash' Exhibition
Stripped-Down Icons
Stripped-Down Icons
The Hello Kitty Anatomy Sculpture from Jason Freeny
Anatomical Toy Ponies
Anatomical Toy Ponies
This 'My Little Pony' Anatomical Sculpture Provides Insight
Guns Get Girlie
Guns Get Girlie
The Hello Kitty Gun
Magical Princess Makeovers
Magical Princess Makeovers
Ida Mikkonen Assigns Hogwarts Attire to Famous Disney Females