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49 Real-Life Transformers

Amazing Morphing, Converting and Transforming Innovations

— July 4, 2010 — Art & Design
Why wait for 'Transformers 3' when you can satisfy your cravings for shape shifters with these real-life transformers?

These amazing morphing, converting and transforming innovations will make your life simpler and much more interesting. There are space-saving compact kitchen appliances, fashions that allow for multiple looks and pieces, and furniture that expands or contracts depending on your needs. Until the Autobots and Decepticons make their return, check out these morphing, converting and transforming innovations.

Implications - Technological innovations and advancements are an irresistible part of modern society. The fascination behind technology is increasing at a rapid rate, and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon, so it is a great idea for companies to adapt to this growing business venture through advanced marketing campaigns, as well as product design.
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Transformer Chandelier
Transformer Chandelier
Lamp Changes Shape
Transformer Gadgets
Transformer Gadgets
Flashlight Becomes Machine Gun
Converting Baby Cups
Converting Baby Cups
The Weil Baby Tritan Bottles Offer Toxin-Free Training
Morphing Mobile Interface
Morphing Mobile Interface
Samsung Soul
Convertable Wristwatch
Convertable Wristwatch
Von Zios is Also a Table Clock
Convertable Computer Components
Convertable Computer Components
The Trypticon Transforming Laser Mouse is a Programmer's Dream
Buenos Aires
Morphing Ball Lamps
Morphing Ball Lamps
The Travelite by Michelle Avelis Transforms into a Small Sphere
Transforming Glass Displays
Transforming Glass Displays
AIST Develops See-Through Solar Fluorescent Glass Technology
Transforming Traffic Signs
Transforming Traffic Signs
The Light Programmable Road Sign Aims to Make Roads Safer
Transforming Train Stations
Transforming Train Stations
Carlisle Rail Platform Turned into Lounge and Garden for Homebase
Transforming iPod Docks
Transforming iPod Docks
Optimus Prime Makes His Mark on the Apple Market
Transformer Living Rooms
Transformer Living Rooms
The Lider Interiores Ad Redecorates With a Click of the Remote
Transforming Floors
Transforming Floors
'Hydrofloors' Go from Dance Floor to Pool in No Time
Morphing Transit
Morphing Transit
RevoPower Turns Bikes Into Mopeds
Convertable Containers
Convertable Containers
Jack Bresnahan's Biodegradable Plastic Lids Make Disposable Cans Perm
Furniture with Transforming Fabric
Furniture with Transforming Fabric
Scroll Table Eliminates Tablecloths and Stains
Transforming Eating Utensils
Transforming Eating Utensils
'Chopsticks Plus One' is a Spoon and Chopstick Hybrid
Morphing Home Pieces
Morphing Home Pieces
The Extensions Furniture Series is Eco-Friendly
Transformer Laptops
Transformer Laptops
Office Robot is a Mini PC, USB Hub & Cassette Player
Transforming Self-Cleaning Phone
Transforming Self-Cleaning Phone
Nokia Morph Concept
Real-Life Transformer Cars
Real-Life Transformer Cars
The Central Academy of Fine Arts Exhibit Unveils the Transformer Truck
Transforming Furniture
Transforming Furniture
Stove Doubles As a Chair
Mighty Morphing Footwear
Mighty Morphing Footwear
The Adidas Originals Transformable Pack
Morphing Billboards
Morphing Billboards
German Bus Stop Exposes the Duality of Domestic Violence
Transformer Shoes
Transformer Shoes
'Goodie 2 Shoes'
Transformer Shoes
Transformer Shoes
Adjustable Camileon Heel
Shape-Shifting Supercars
Shape-Shifting Supercars
Peugeot Globule Concept Breaks from the Mode of a Standard Ride
Transforming Automobiles
Transforming Automobiles
The Halo Interceptor Will Make Your Current Car Jealous
Transforming Coat Hooks
Transforming Coat Hooks
Mobile Hangers Change Hooks for Ultimate Clothing Storage
Morphing Chairs
Morphing Chairs
The Mosaic Folding Chair Doubles as a Stylish Room Divider
Green Transformers
Green Transformers
Chiron Concept Transport Carrier Looks Like a Dump Truck
Transforming USB Toys
Transforming USB Toys
Ravage the Transformer Turns Into a USB Drive
Morphing Autobot Cameras
Morphing Autobot Cameras
The Spy Shot 6 Transformer Toy Camera is Deceivingly Geeky
Transforming Umbrellas
Transforming Umbrellas
Drip-Free Hybrid Combines Waterproof Protection & Handbag
Morphing Kitchen Counters
Morphing Kitchen Counters
The Transforming Boxetti Compact Kitchen Will Save You Cooking Space
Transforming iPad Stands
Transforming iPad Stands
The Ozaki 'iCarry Stand Pad' Doubles as a Case and a Bag
3-in-1 Baby Beds
3-in-1 Baby Beds
Evan Gant Designs Morphing Furniture for Needy Babies
Pop-Up Furniture Condos
Pop-Up Furniture Condos
Boxetti Provides Chic and Cluster-Free Storage Solutions
Transformable Business Cards
Transformable Business Cards
The ‘Tam Cargo' Business Cards Tap into Clever Branding
Secret Identity Furniture
Secret Identity Furniture
It's a Chair! It's a Desk! It's a Podium! It's Marius Goetze's Ecobank!
Transforming Scooters
Transforming Scooters
The ICIO Electric Walker Helps Keep the Eldery Independent
Transforming Baby Beds
Transforming Baby Beds
The Lunar 'Koo' Converts from Bassinet to Rocker for Easy Feeding
Transforming Kitchen Utensils
Transforming Kitchen Utensils
Click ‘N Cook Modular Spatula System Has Interchangeable Heads
Transformer Furniture
Transformer Furniture
Chair to Sofa
Modern Fortresses
Modern Fortresses
This Transforming Castle Protects Itself in the Absence of Owners
Transforming T-Shirts
Transforming T-Shirts
Mari Santos Customizes Oversized Shirts to Make them Chic
Transformer Couches
Transformer Couches
'Living Landscape Ludus Sofa' with Integrated Shelving
Transformer Couch
Transformer Couch
Sofa That Morphs Into Bunk Bed