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32 Modular Sofas

From Cheerful Modular Couches to Slithering Modular Sofas

— October 31, 2013 — Autos
Chances are that those who have a desire to constantly change the look of their living room have already come across one or two of the couches found among all of these modular sofas. These sofas are all designed to be changed at a moment's notice and with little effort. Said changes can be big or small (it depends on the designer) and can completely change the form and function of the furnishing.

Gone are the days when a couch, bed, table, chair etc... only had one look for its entire existence. Nowadays, consumers demand the ability to customize their furniture, and designers have responded in kind. These modular sofas may not be the norm just yet, but there's a great chance that the living room of the not-so-distant future will be decked out with a re-configurable couch.
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Calming Compartmentalized Cushions
Calming Compartmentalized Cushions
Luca Nichetto's Metro Sofa is a Contemporary Modular Collection
Eco-Car-Inspired Furniture
Eco-Car-Inspired Furniture
The Smartville Collection by BoConcept is Made for Stylish Urbanites
Curvy Neon Chairs
Curvy Neon Chairs
The Tennis Armchair by Tomek Rygalik Mimics a Tennis Ball
Horizon Line Loungers
Horizon Line Loungers
The Panorama Sofa Expresses a Serene Atmospheric Effect with its Color
Subtly Curved Couches
Subtly Curved Couches
The Bend Sofa Forgoes the Traditional, Static Furniture Form
Wacky Interwoven Seating
Wacky Interwoven Seating
The S2 System by Raky Martinez Encourages User and Object Connections
Cheerful Modular Couches
Cheerful Modular Couches
Galleria by PearsonLloyd is Likened to a Collage
Pinwheel Component Couches
Pinwheel Component Couches
The Ditre Italia 'Dune' Sofa is Complex and Customizable
Bean Bag Couches
Bean Bag Couches
The Tie-1-On Sofa Looks Like a Giant Life Jacket
Zipped-Up Couches
Zipped-Up Couches
The SSCC Sofa Unzips to Form Three Separate Lounge Chairs
Modular Furniture
Modular Furniture
Pantonova Chrome Sectional Couch
Modular Furniture Sets
Modular Furniture Sets
Entails by Philippe Nigro can Easily be Reconfigured
Modular Waiting Room Furniture
Modular Waiting Room Furniture
Common by Naoto Fukasawa is Functionally Timeless
Majestically Modular Couches
Majestically Modular Couches
The Itaca Sofa by Bontempi is a Stylishly Sophisticated Modern Sofa
Puzzle Piece Seating
Puzzle Piece Seating
'Jaks' Modular Couches by John Coleman for Zenith Interiors
Lumpy Modular Love Seats
Lumpy Modular Love Seats
The Hill Sofa by Esteban Gives an Interior Topography
Puzzling Modular Furniture
Puzzling Modular Furniture
The Tetris Couch is the Pinnacle of Geeky Gaming Decor
Modular Cushion Couches
Modular Cushion Couches
The Dunder Sofa and Easy Chair by Stefan Borselius
Slithering Modular Sofas
Slithering Modular Sofas
The Kler Swing W126 Has Four Units for a Varied and Customizable Couch
Strapped Leather Seating
Strapped Leather Seating
The Cuscino Easy Chair is Inspired by Vintage Luggage Trunks
Contemporary Modular Sofas
Contemporary Modular Sofas
This Studio Segers for Indera Tailor-Made Sofa Unites Form and Function
Multi-Form Furniture
Multi-Form Furniture
The Equalize Modular Sofa Comes in All Shapes and Sizes
Quirky Quilted Furniture
Quirky Quilted Furniture
Meritalia's La Michetta Sofa is Magnificently Modern and Modular
Side Table Sofas
Side Table Sofas
The Slow Sofa is a Modular Couch With Attached End Tables
DIY Modular Living Room Terrain
DIY Modular Living Room Terrain
The Mountain Sofa
Minimalist Modular Furniture
Minimalist Modular Furniture
The Nojiberlin Seating and Lighting Works for Small Living Spaces
Customizable Tetris Couches
Customizable Tetris Couches
Bloc’d Sofa is Assembled from an Assortment of Different Cushion
Metamorphic Furnishings
Metamorphic Furnishings
The HeyTeam Multiplo Transforms More Than 5 Ways
Modular Sofa Beds
Modular Sofa Beds
The Sofa Bed Meets Us in the 21st Century
Cozy Patchwork Seating
Cozy Patchwork Seating
Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola Are Like Large Knitted Sweaters
Eccentric Tetris-Style Sofas
Eccentric Tetris-Style Sofas
To Gather Presses the Piecing of Odd Modules Together
Expanding Modular Seating
Expanding Modular Seating
Phil Crook's Compact Sofa System Slides Out Into Chairs for Company