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52 Mobile Working Innovations

From Collapsible Mobile Desks to Wallet-Sized Charging Hubs

— March 17, 2016 — Lifestyle
Designed for on-the-go professionals, these mobile working innovations range from collapsible standing desks to wallet-sized charging hubs that can be used to power up smartphone and laptop devices effectively. In addition to fold-out desks, stools and even portable laptop stands, other standouts include digital products like handheld typewriters that transfer notes into digital files in seconds. Additionally, fold-out keyboards and USB-sized micro computers boast powerful capabilities while appealing to commuters or travelers who are looking for portability and easy transport.

When looking at on-the-go internet sources, notables range from smart internet routers along with connected mini printers that are ideal for artists or photographers looking to do process work while on the road or in flight.

Additional mobile networking innovations include in-flight phone mounts and even backpacks and rolling suitcases that are embedded with strategic tech pockets and charging sources that ensure full power while on the go.
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Cloud-Based Conferencing Tools
Cloud-Based Conferencing Tools
This Platform Facilitates Point-to-Point Audio and Video Calling
Capacious Wireless USBs
Capacious Wireless USBs
The SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick Offers 200GB of Data Space
Live Chat Sales Tools
Live Chat Sales Tools
This Lead Generation and Qualification Company Enhances Client Communication
Sleek Micro PCs
Sleek Micro PCs
The New Asus VivoMini Mini PCs Pack Powerful Components
Cloud-Enabled Hard Drives
Cloud-Enabled Hard Drives
The Seagate Backup Plus Hard Drive Unveils a Thin Design at CES 2016
Smartphone Storage Drives
Smartphone Storage Drives
The PhotoFast i-FlashDrive Upgrades iPhone Storage Capabilities
NFC-Enabled Printers
NFC-Enabled Printers
The Fujifilm PicKit Portable Printer Enables Smartphone Printing
Rapid-Processing Laptops
Rapid-Processing Laptops
The New $3,200 Surface Book Offers Unprecedented Power and Performance
Touchscreen Conferencing Systems
Touchscreen Conferencing Systems
Beijiayue's Conferencing Tool Includes a Generous High-Res Screen
Compact Backup Power
Compact Backup Power
The BatteryBox Brings 12 Hours of Off-the-Grid Charge to Your Computer
Affordable Charging Suitcases
Affordable Charging Suitcases
The Away Carry-On Offers a Portable Battery for on-the-Go Tech Use
Connected Conference Gadgets
Connected Conference Gadgets
Huawei's DP300 Desktop Presence System is Ideal for Video Calls
Digital Check-Depositing Apps
Digital Check-Depositing Apps
The Checkbook App Allows User to Email Digital Checks
Mini PC Hard Drives
Mini PC Hard Drives
The Western Digital 'PiDrive' 314GB Hard Drive Device is for Small Systems
Computer-Charging Bags
Computer-Charging Bags
The 'GoPlug' Powered Battery Bag Provides 18 Additional Smartphone Charges
Digitally Connected Typewriters
Digitally Connected Typewriters
The 'Freewrite' Typing Keyboard Disconnects Writers from the Web
WiFi Hotspot Luggage
WiFi Hotspot Luggage
Andiamo iQ Smart Luggage is Designed to Keep You Productive During Travel
VR Teleconferencing Cameras
VR Teleconferencing Cameras
The 'WebEye VR' Web Camera Brings Virtual Reality to Conferencing
Modular Multipurpose Backpacks
Modular Multipurpose Backpacks
This Modular Backpack Lets You Pack According to Activity
Device-Detecting Chargers
Device-Detecting Chargers
The iClever 'BoostCube' Travel Wall Charger Optimizes for Fast Charging
Convertible Creative Laptops
Convertible Creative Laptops
The Vaio Z Canvas is Targeted Towards Artists and Photographers
Smart Travel Internet Routers
Smart Travel Internet Routers
The Satechi Smart Travel Router Combines a Router & Travel Adapter
Device-Charging Luggage
Device-Charging Luggage
The AWAY Carry-On Case Features an Integrated Backup Battery for Gadgets
Pocket-Sized Computer Servers
Pocket-Sized Computer Servers
The 'Ocean' Wireless Server is Focused on Portable Usage
Eco-Friendly Customized Printers
Eco-Friendly Customized Printers
The Cocodori Printer Only Prints Snippets of Your Computer Screen
On-the-Go Wi-Fi Devices
On-the-Go Wi-Fi Devices
A Portable Internet Router Keeps Five Gadgets Connected When Off the Grid
Wireless Charging Suitcases
Wireless Charging Suitcases
This Suitcase Will Charge Your Phone Without a Plug or Cord
Versatile Wallet-Sized Chargers
Versatile Wallet-Sized Chargers
Illume Adaptor Can Be Carried About for Emergency Gadget Rejuicing
Adaptable Lap Pads
Adaptable Lap Pads
This Mobile Mountable Desk Keeps Your Compact Office on the Move
Lightweight High-Energy Chargers
Lightweight High-Energy Chargers
The Zolt Charger by Fuseproject is the Weight of Half an Apple
Tablet-Powered 3D Printers
Tablet-Powered 3D Printers
The 'LumiFold' Compact Resin 3D Printer Takes up Little Space
Multi-Touch Computer Pad
Multi-Touch Computer Pad
The Sensel Acts as an Touch Extension Turns into Virtually Any Tool
Travel-Friendly Printers
Travel-Friendly Printers
The Epson PX-S05 is Small Enough to Slip into a Carry-On
Cable Travel Bags
Cable Travel Bags
These Handy Cable Organizer Bags Keep Traveling with Tech Tidy
Data-Storing Smart Backpacks
Data-Storing Smart Backpacks
The CO.ALITION Bag Has a Built-in Wireless Hard Drive and Charger
Student Suitcase Desks
Student Suitcase Desks
This Handy Bag From Staples Doubles as a Portable Surface to Write On
In-Flight Phone Mounts
In-Flight Phone Mounts
The 'Lockjaww' Mobile Device Holder Keeps Smartphones at Eye Level
Transformative Briefcase Tables
Transformative Briefcase Tables
This Fold-Up Desk Collapses into a Small Suitcase Shape
Ink-Free Photo Printers
Ink-Free Photo Printers
The 'droPrinter' is an App-Connected Portable Printer Used for Smartphones
Device-Charging Suitcases
Device-Charging Suitcases
The G-RO Carry-On Bag Provides Power Without the Need for an Outlet
Smart Backpack Solutions
Smart Backpack Solutions
The APLM SmartBag Fits All of One's Work Essentials
Portable Laptop Desks
Portable Laptop Desks
The StandStand Workspace Allows You to Work Standing Up
Foldable Mobile Desks
Foldable Mobile Desks
The 'Levit8' is a Standing Desk That Comes in the Size of a Magazine
Simple Foldable Offices
Simple Foldable Offices
Devide by Rami Santala is a Helpful Accessory for Remote Workers
Comfortable Mobile Desks
Comfortable Mobile Desks
The Tab LapDesk by iSkelter is Perfect for Laptops or Tablets
Complete USB-Sized Computers
Complete USB-Sized Computers
The Google and ASUS Chromebit Turns Monitors into Working Computers
Ergonomic Laptop Add-Ons
Ergonomic Laptop Add-Ons
The VEYEM Dual Monitor Laptop Stand Makes Productivity Better Than Ever
Ergonomic Lap Desks
Ergonomic Lap Desks
The 'LapPad' is a Transportable Lap Desk That Can Be Used Anywhere
Transformative Travel Suitcases
Transformative Travel Suitcases
The 'Transformers' Luggage Doubles as a Seat, a Desk and Cabinet
Lifechanging Internet Devices
Lifechanging Internet Devices
Karma Go Lets You Take the Internet Everywhere
Computer Compartment Suitcases
Computer Compartment Suitcases
These Laptop Carry Ons Make Going Through Airport Security Easier