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23 Kickass Croatian Creations

From Translucent Architecture to Ribbed Arenas

— January 12, 2011 — Pop Culture
If you fell asleep in eastern European history, then consider these kickass Croatian creations a refresher course. This top list is full of pieces of art, architecture and fashion that you would've never guessed could come from such a tiny country.

Some times the smallest countries pack the biggest creative punch. If you love innovative museums or interior design, then you'll love these kickass Croatian creations.

Implications - The availability of an array of information has resulted in a hunger for experience within consumers, increasing the attraction to travel even in the midst of an economic recession. That being said, companies that integrate an air of internationalism or exotic culture into their products will seem appeal to consumers who cannot afford to travel.
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Pipe Organs Played By Waves
Pipe Organs Played By Waves
Sea Organ
Western Icons Inspiring Eastern Europe
Western Icons Inspiring Eastern Europe
Serbia Erects Bob Marley Statue
Crowdsourced City Collages
Crowdsourced City Collages
Collective Flickr Photos Render 3D City View
Artifacts of Ex Lovers Exhibit
Artifacts of Ex Lovers Exhibit
Broken Heart Museum
Lightning Cyborg Structures
Lightning Cyborg Structures
The UPI-2M Biooctanic Building Betters Urban Cities
Surreal Architectural Masterpieces
Surreal Architectural Masterpieces
The Croatian Pavilion Will Overwhelm its Audience
Zip-Tie Seating
Zip-Tie Seating
Victor Matic's DIY Zipit Chair is a Wobbly Must Have
Decadent Chessboards
Decadent Chessboards
Chocolate Chess Provides Winner With a Treat
White Out Pictorials
White Out Pictorials
Elle Croatia May 2010 Takes on Light & Fashion
Surreal Waterscapes
Surreal Waterscapes
Sime Basioli's HDR Photography Inspires Croatian Wanderlust
Gratuitous Beard Blogs
Gratuitous Beard Blogs
The Beards and Bellies Blog Adds Beards to Cartoons
Ribbed Arenas
Ribbed Arenas
Upi-2m'S Award-Winning Arena Zagreb in Croatia
Braille Neck Ties
Braille Neck Ties
Middle-Earth Menswear
Middle-Earth Menswear
Damir Doma Fall/Winter 2008
Dictionary-Based Interior Design
Dictionary-Based Interior Design
Branimir Sabljic's Decor is Perfect for Word Nerds
Mysteriously Scarfed Menswear
Mysteriously Scarfed Menswear
The Braille 2010 Autumn Collection is Inspired by Croatian Culture
Bizarre Drugtography
Bizarre Drugtography
Fillon Quentin's Subjects Show You How Illicit Substances Work
Modern Garden of Edens
Modern Garden of Edens
Plitvice National Park in Croatia is Amazing
Seeking Natural Symbols of Love
Seeking Natural Symbols of Love
Mother Nature Sends Her Love Through Heart Shapes
Translucent Architecture
Translucent Architecture
Produkcija 004 Creates a Glowing Emergency Terminal
Post-Apocalyptic Menswear
Post-Apocalyptic Menswear
Tijana Pavlov Spring 2010 at Cro-a-Porter in Zagreb, Croatia
Men's Pushup Underwear
Men's Pushup Underwear
Lidoli Push-Up Boxer Shorts Help Fake A More Manly Package