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Top 30 Pet Trends in July

From Vegan Pet Soaps to Intuitive Animal Trackers

— July 26, 2015 — Lifestyle
These July 2015 pets trends range from vegan pet soaps to intuitive animal trackers that aid in reuniting lost cats and dogs with their owners. Thanks to modern technology, lost pets are becoming more scarce while misplaced ones are more likely to be reunited with their loved ones. In addition to digital devices that track the location and health of one's pet, the month's other pet innovations include wholesome food and grooming products that further enforce pets' status as members of the family.

As consumer grow more health-conscious, they are not only curating their own diet and those of their children but are also ensuring that man's best friend is fed in a wholesome and nutritious way. These July 2015 pets trends include microwavable dog meals, DIY dog treats and even pet-approved sunscreens that help furry family members beat the summer heat.
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