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18 Grotesque Jewelry Pieces

From Bursting Pimple Rings to Insect Filled Necklaces

— February 6, 2013 — Fashion
It's amazing to see some of the jewelry pieces some people cover themselves in. Jewelry is traditionally meant to decorate oneself and in some cases establish a sense of luxury and entitlement, but these items almost do the opposite.

Grotesque jewelry includes works that are bizarre, ugly and gross. Some examples would include dead ear necklaces and tooth encrusted rings. Now don't those pieces sound like something you want to strap onto your body and promenade around town in?

Besides Halloween, there are not very many occasions for which wearing these pieces would be deemed appropriate. They certainly would not go over well at a wedding or fancy dinner party.

But hey -- to each their own! You won't catch too many individuals sporting these decorative jewelry pieces, but they are certainly worthy of conversation and attention.
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