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32 Jennifer Aniston Creations

From Playful Celebtography to A-List Political House Parties

— August 14, 2012 — Pop Culture
Jennifer Aniston creations have taken over Hollywood, fashion and media. As one of the top elite celebrities of, perhaps, all-time, Jennifer Aniston (or Rachel Greene, if you will) is one of the most talked-about women in Hollywood.

Her decade-long time on Friends truly brought this funny actress to the forefront of Hollywood, and she hasn't been forgotten. With quite a few box office hits to her name, Aniston has been at the forefront of many comedies, indie films and in many other genres.

The lovable, charismatic actress is also seen as a fashion maverick. As one of the first to bring back the boyfriend jeans, yoga wear, Uggs, and let's not forget the 'Rachel' haircut from the 1990s, Aniston has been prominent in many ways, maintaining success throughout.
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Reviving Killer Sitcoms
Reviving Killer Sitcoms
'Friends' the Movie To Star Jennifer Aniston & Co.
Cheeky Self-Help Flicks
Cheeky Self-Help Flicks
'He's Just Not That Into You' Stars Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly
Celeb Viral Campaigns
Celeb Viral Campaigns
The Jennifer Aniston Viral Tape Buzzes for Smart Water YouTube Ad
Really Good Jeans
Really Good Jeans
Fidelity For Breast Cancer Awareness
DIY Celebumorphing
DIY Celebumorphing
Twitter Remorse
Twitter Remorse
John Mayer Disses Twitter After Jennifer Aniston Dumps Him For His Obsession
Abtastic Celeb Ads
Abtastic Celeb Ads
The Jennifer Aniston ‘smartwater' Ad is Toned and Pure
A-List Political House Parties
A-List Political House Parties
Jennifer Aniston At Courtney Cox's Obama Bash
Celebrity Love For Sick Children
Celebrity Love For Sick Children
Jennifer Aniston in Children's Hospital Ad
Shock Factor Used To Boost Ratings
Shock Factor Used To Boost Ratings
Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston Kiss!
Rival Magazine Covers
Rival Magazine Covers
Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston Comparison Shots
Celebrity Designed Surfboards
Celebrity Designed Surfboards
Summer 2008 Evolution Surf
Celeb Height Comparisons
Celeb Height Comparisons
Who Tall Are You Mirror
Dotted Celebrity Portraiture
Dotted Celebrity Portraiture
'Hedcuts' by Randy Glass are Pointedly Poignant
Mature Cover Models
Mature Cover Models
May Fashion Magazines Feature Sophisticated Older Women
Ditching Hollywood for Indy Films
Ditching Hollywood for Indy Films
Jennifer Aniston Opts for Indie
Art Gallery Editorials
Art Gallery Editorials
Jennifer Aniston in NYT Magazine's "Screens Goddess"
Bridal Oscars Vibes
Bridal Oscars Vibes
White, Shimmering Gowns Triumph At The 2009 Awards
Playful Celebtography
Playful Celebtography
Jennifer Aniston and Drew Barrymore Make Funny Faces in Marie Claire
Boyfriend Jeans
Boyfriend Jeans
Celebs Fail at Making it Work
Doll-Like Celebs
Doll-Like Celebs
The Jennifer Aniston Allure Cover Shoot is Stunningly Blue-Eyed
Parody Nudetography
Parody Nudetography
Bruno Spoofs Jennifer Aniston in Attitude Magazine
Faux Antique Celebs
Faux Antique Celebs
Photoshopping French Classic Paintings Into Modern Celebrity Shots
Red Holiday Fashion
Red Holiday Fashion
Jennifer Aniston Covers December Vogue
Dark and Dreadful Calendars
Dark and Dreadful Calendars
Jennifer Aniston's Manic-Depressive 2009 Calendar
Reviving Long, Retro Hair
Reviving Long, Retro Hair
Heavy Bangs
Patriotic Nudevertising
Patriotic Nudevertising
Jennifer Aniston Hypes Upcoming Movies in GQ Magazine