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20 Fascinating Food Photos

From Studded Bananas to Flying Food Photography

— May 10, 2013 — Tech
The phrase, "don't play with your food" doesn't apply to the photographers of these intriguing food photos. These photos are peculiarly intriguing, fascinating and intricate -- though not necessarily appetizing.

Photographers have incorporated non-edible elements like studs and fabrics to accompany foods. There are also non-traditional combinations of foods that transform into an artistic piece.

Food photography becomes art when it delivers a shock factor. All of these photos are radical and confuse the senses. Our pre-conceived notions of food is broken for a moment. These photos of food show us food like never seen before, in a different light.

From informative images that capture what 200 calories of various foods would look like to in-dish landscapes, these photos are sure to have you in awe. Perhaps take them as a little inspiration for the next time you Instagram your food.
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Flying Food Photography
Flying Food Photography
Matthew and Erik Huber Create Levitating Cuisine
Banning Food Photography
Banning Food Photography
NYC Chef Bans Food Photography, Bloggers Rebell
Rustic Food Photography
Rustic Food Photography
Chris Court Photography Captures the Messiest Foods
Playful Food Photography (UPDATE)
Playful Food Photography (UPDATE)
The Stephanie Gonot Still Life Snaps Show Obscure Foods
Fine Art Junkfood Photography
Fine Art Junkfood Photography
Bobby Henderson Taco Art
Sour Cartoon-Inspired Portraits
Sour Cartoon-Inspired Portraits
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Limes Series Nostalgically Portrays Food
Messy Meal Photography
Messy Meal Photography
Ania Wawrzkowicz Captures Exquisite Culinary Images
Limb-Infused Food Photography
Limb-Infused Food Photography
The ‘Food and Body’ Series Will Leave you Wanting to Gra
Surreal Food Photography
Surreal Food Photography
The Foodist Manifesto Series Features a Mad-Scientist Twist
Avant-Garde Food Photography
Avant-Garde Food Photography
Andrew Stellitano Creates Decadent Designs out of Delicious Dishes
Beautifully Bundled Food Photography
Beautifully Bundled Food Photography
'The Perfect Pairings' by Kyle Dreier Boasts Delicious Combos
Fat-Conscious Food Photography
Fat-Conscious Food Photography
WiseGEEK Demonstrates What 200 Calories Look Like on Your Plate
Studded Legume Photography
Studded Legume Photography
Artist Scott Young Gives Nutricious Food a Punk Rock Edge
Minimalistic Mealtography
Minimalistic Mealtography
The Food Photography for Marina Aurora is Appetite-Enhancing
French Food Photography
French Food Photography
Feast Your Eyes on the Carl Kleiner 'The French Baker' Shoots
Delectable Dish Photography
Delectable Dish Photography
Bob Noto Shoots His Food in a New Way
Deconstructed Dinner Photography
Deconstructed Dinner Photography
Feast Your Eyes on William Matthew Valle's French Cuisse Site
Delectable Culinary Captures
Delectable Culinary Captures
The Food Photography of Julia Hoersch is Good Enough to Eat
Landscape Food Photography
Landscape Food Photography
Alexander Crispin Paints a Canvas With Edible Treats
Delicious Everyday Dioramas
Delicious Everyday Dioramas
Christopher Boffoli Creates Real-Life Scenes with Food and Figurines