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37 Eerie Insect-Inspired Furnishings

From Crawly Centipede Seating to Buggy Leather Armchairs

— October 20, 2013 — Unique
If creepy crawly insects make you squirm, then you better look away because these eerie insect-inspired furnishings feature all kinds of realistic references to those teeny tiny bugs.

While most people often cringe at the sight of a centipede or spider in their homes, others might be more interested in having these creatures around, and these insect-inspired furnishings are offering just the thing for those who enjoy eccentrically creepy decor. Featuring seating units that showcase multiple legs to resemble millipedes to furnishings shaped like beetles and butterflies, these insect-inspired designs will surely make any household feel like a whimsically eerie setting.

Ideal for those who aren't shy about expressing their offbeat and eccentric taste, these insect-inspired furnishings will surely make any guest feel a bit squeamish about sitting down.

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Insect-Inspired Seating
Insect-Inspired Seating
DesignJoo's Honeybee Stool is Sweetly Simple
Insect-Inspired Seats
Insect-Inspired Seats
Saut de Puce by Benjamin Crilout Features Two Legs and Intricate Weaving
Insect-Like Home Furnishings
Insect-Like Home Furnishings
The Steel and Glass Sinclair Coffee Table Comes in 12 Colors
Minimalist Insect Tabletops
Minimalist Insect Tabletops
The Ant Table by Oliver Nikoli Emphasizes Simplicity
Firefly Lighting
Firefly Lighting
'Lucciola' from Desislava Sredkova is an Insectified Speaker-Lamp Combo
Insect-Inspired Storage Boxes
Insect-Inspired Storage Boxes
'Les Ruches' are Stackable Storage Containers with a Beehive Design
Creepy Creature Furniture
Creepy Creature Furniture
The Iguana Box by Stephanie Dueck is a Creative Addition to Your Home
Adaptable Armchairs
Adaptable Armchairs
The Insecto Function Chair Orients for Your Optimal Comfort
Creepy Crawler Seating
Creepy Crawler Seating
The Caterpillar Bench by Philip Watts Has an Alienesque Aesthetic
Adorable Critter-Inspired Furniture
Adorable Critter-Inspired Furniture
The Insect Collection by Deesawat is Creepy, Crawly and Cute
Crawly Centipede Seating
Crawly Centipede Seating
The Shongololo Bench by Designer Louis Henri Looks Like an Insect
Fresh Honeycomb Appliances
Fresh Honeycomb Appliances
The Urban Beehive Provides Sweet Sticky Syrup at Home
Bug-Like Seating Designs
Bug-Like Seating Designs
The Wing of Steel Chair is About to Take Flight
Creepy Crawly Seating
Creepy Crawly Seating
The Esrawe Centipede Collection Worms Its Way into Your Heart
Insect Eye Lighting
Insect Eye Lighting
The Dragonfly.MGX Pendant Lamp is Created Via a 3D Printer
Slim Multi-legged Loungers
Slim Multi-legged Loungers
The Levity Chaise Longue Gives the Illusion That People Are Floating
Ant Farm Seating
Ant Farm Seating
The Rope Bench by Yoav Reches Looks Carved by Insects
$2,600 Insect Inspired Lamps
$2,600 Insect Inspired Lamps
The Nymph
Sleek Insect-Like Seating
Sleek Insect-Like Seating
The Millipede Bar Chair Features a Future-Friendly Design
Wing-Inspired Seats
Wing-Inspired Seats
The Butterfly Chair by Laurie Beckerman is Both Eloquent and Inspiring
Buggy Leather Armchairs
Buggy Leather Armchairs
The Rhinoceros Beetle Chair is Functional Art Furniture at Its Finest
Shell-Like Seating
Shell-Like Seating
The Globe Chair by Michiel van Gageldonk is Simply Sectioned
Dramatic Butterfly Benches
Dramatic Butterfly Benches
This Butterfly Bench by Cricket Forge is a Stunning Piece of Seating
Centipede-Inspired Furniture
Centipede-Inspired Furniture
'Psyche Lounge' by Dima Loginoff
Creepy Sci-Fi Seating
Creepy Sci-Fi Seating
The Millipede Bar Chair Looks Like the Sentinels from 'The Matrix'
Insect-Inspired Seating
Insect-Inspired Seating
The Mantis Chair is a Full of Predatory Allure
Creepy Crawler Furniture
Creepy Crawler Furniture
The Insect Chair
Beautiful Insect Holders
Beautiful Insect Holders
The Butterfly Jewelry Hanger Will Fly Away With Your Baubles
Swaying Slug-Like Seating
Swaying Slug-Like Seating
The Rocking Animal Marks an Insectile Evolution from the Typical Horse
Arachnid-Accommodating Jardinieres
Arachnid-Accommodating Jardinieres
The Co-Habitation Planter Gives Spiders a Home
Insect-Shaped Lighting
Insect-Shaped Lighting
The Mademoiselle Filou Lamps Look Like a Swarm of Fireflies
Rope Tables
Rope Tables
Fabio Novembre Creates Tied-Up 'Org' Table
Cutting-Edge Caterpillar Perches
Cutting-Edge Caterpillar Perches
The Feelchair Combines a Kooky Form with Hi-Tech Features
Millipede Dining Tables
Millipede Dining Tables
Centopeia Bench is an Exceptionally Supported Surface Upon Dozens of Legs
Futuristic Enveloped Lighting
Futuristic Enveloped Lighting
Voxel Studio's Cocoon Lamp is Futuristically Organic
Subtle Insect-like Seating
Subtle Insect-like Seating
The Arachnide Chair by Studioforma is Inspired by a Spider
Bugged-Out Furniture
Bugged-Out Furniture
Creepy Crawly Insect-Inspired Home Decor by Michel Haillard