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37 Innovations for Pill Poppers

From Digital Medical Reminders to Earrings Made of Capsules

— July 21, 2009 — Lifestyle
From horror stories about diet pills to ads for pills that claim to, er, get manly motors running, there's no denying the ubiquity of capsules in modern media. This cluster brings some of these innovations for pill poppers together and looks at everything from anti-pee pills to old capsules recycled into jewelery (I guess some people really hate waste) to necklaces that keep tabs on the meds you've ingested each day.

Implications - The most fashionable pill-popping innovation has got to be the pill-popping jewelry, which utilizes meds as adornments for necklaces and other accessories. Pill-themed jewelry all the way!
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Placenta Pills
Placenta Pills
Consuming Afterbirth Fluids that are Dried and Frozen Into Capsules
Pill Shaped Radio Clock
Pill Shaped Radio Clock
The Geluleto
Smart Pillbox
Smart Pillbox
MIT's uBox-uPhone Project Saves Lives
Necklace Tracks the Pills You Pop
Necklace Tracks the Pills You Pop
Pills That Prevent Heart Disease
Pills That Prevent Heart Disease
5-in-1 Polypill Could Also Prevent Stroke
Bad Memory Erasers
Bad Memory Erasers
In The Future, Popping A Pill Could Wipe Out a Painful Past Forever
Designer Vitamins for Pets
Designer Vitamins for Pets
Vetraceuticals Are Like Anti-Aging Pills for Canines
Anti-Counterfeit Drugs
Anti-Counterfeit Drugs
Vardex Laser Pill Etching
Exercise in a Pill
Exercise in a Pill
Will GW1516 Work on People Too?
Remote Controll Pill
Remote Controll Pill
Philips ePill Delivers Drugs Precisely on Demand
Hide Pills in Poo
Hide Pills in Poo
Govt Suggestion to Protect Marine Life
Reusable $300 Camera Pill
Reusable $300 Camera Pill
Detects Early Signs of Cancer
Ingestible Perfumes
Ingestible Perfumes
Fyber Sense Pills
Anti-flatulence pill for cattle
Anti-flatulence pill for cattle
Global warming gets new meaning
Medication Alert Watch
Medication Alert Watch
ePill Cadex
Pill-Shaped Chocolates
Pill-Shaped Chocolates
Sugar Addiction Satisfaction
Medicine for the Earth
Medicine for the Earth
Earthine Pills
Designer Vitamins
Designer Vitamins
Personalized Pills
Anti Stupidity Pills
Anti Stupidity Pills
German Researchers Close to Breakthrough
Fountain of Youth Pills
Fountain of Youth Pills
Anti-Aging Drugs
Pill Popping Jewelry
Pill Popping Jewelry
Andrew Hamilton Crawford Makes a Statement with Valley of the Dolls Collectio
Recession-Proof Drugs
Recession-Proof Drugs
Sleeping Pills and Antidepressants Are Immune to Economy
Slimming Pills for Overweight Dogs
Birth Control Pill For Pigeons
Birth Control Pill For Pigeons
Hollywood Birds on OvoControl P
Cow Poo Pill Being Used by Teenagers as Legal Party Pill
Cow Poo Pill Being Used by Teenagers as Legal Party Pill
New Zealand Banning BZP
Spearmint Flavored Chewable Birth Control Pills
Spearmint Flavored Chewable Birth Control Pills
Diet Pill for Obese Dogs
Diet Pill for Obese Dogs
Jewelry from Medicine
Jewelry from Medicine
Magic Pills Earrings
Pill Messages
Pill Messages
Capsule Letters Let You Pass Notes Like A Pill Popper
Anti-Pee Pills
Anti-Pee Pills
OTC ‘Lady Guard' Halts Urination
Online Teen Drug Craze
Online Teen Drug Craze
Snurf Pills: The New Ecstasy
Intelligent Pills
Intelligent Pills
The $1000 Philips iPill Is the Future of Ingestible Target Treatment
Alarm Clock Pill
Alarm Clock Pill
Gold Pills
Gold Pills
Ingest Your Wealth
Swallow a Pill, Sing Like A Rockstar
Swallow a Pill, Sing Like A Rockstar
The Pro Voice Pill
Medicating Models
Medicating Models
Controversial Pill-Popping Portraits for Vice Magazine
Ingestible Silver Pills
Ingestible Silver Pills
Twenty Four Hours of Sparkly Poo In a Pill