From Digital Medical Reminders to Earrings Made of Capsules
From horror stories about diet pills to ads for pills that claim to, er, get manly motors running, there's no denying the ubiquity of capsules in modern media. This cluster brings some of these innovations for pill poppers together and looks at everything from anti-pee pills to old capsules recycled into jewelery (I guess some people really hate waste) to necklaces that keep tabs on the meds you've ingested each day.
Implications - The most fashionable pill-popping innovation has got to be the pill-popping jewelry, which utilizes meds as adornments for necklaces and other accessories. Pill-themed jewelry all the way!
Implications - The most fashionable pill-popping innovation has got to be the pill-popping jewelry, which utilizes meds as adornments for necklaces and other accessories. Pill-themed jewelry all the way!