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28 India Innovations

From Cell Phone PSAs to Sari Couture

— November 8, 2008 — World
India doesn’t always get the same credit for influencing pop culture as other global powerhouses like France, Italy, the UK, Canada, and the US. Innovators in India have embraced technology and channeled creativity in ways that rival the rest of the world.

In terms of style, sari couture introduced global fashionistas to the inherent beauty of Indian culture. And during India’s Fashion Week, Manish Arora strutted jester-inspired designs down the catwalk, kicking off a worldwide circus revival.

There are plenty of responses to the social issues in India as well. Bill Gates is among the investors who funded an AIDS PSA to promote safe sex. And in May, we wrote about Indian barbers who gave free haircuts to impoverished children to raise awareness.

Check out some of the other Indiavations we’ve covered this year in the cluster below.
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Indian Politicians are Texting for Votes
Indian Politicians are Texting for Votes
Ringtones for AIDS Awareness
Ringtones for AIDS Awareness
Bill & Melinda Gates Funded Indian PSA
Mobile Phones for Developing Nations
Mobile Phones for Developing Nations
$20 Phone From India
Nokia Hires Cool Hunters
Nokia Hires Cool Hunters
Indian Design Students Influence Cell Phones
Whisky Fraud Rising
Whisky Fraud Rising
Protecting "The Recipe" in China, India
$10 Laptops?
$10 Laptops?
India Typo Leads to False Rumors
Indian Newspaper Suggests Google Phone Launch is 2 Weeks Away
India's Cut-Price Space Program
India's Cut-Price Space Program
Branson launches Virgin Comic with India appeal.
Branson launches Virgin Comic with India appeal.
Free Hair Cuts For The Poor
Free Hair Cuts For The Poor
4,000 Barbers Clean Up Indian Children
Ford Dumps Jaguar and Land Rover For Indian Brand
Ford Dumps Jaguar and Land Rover For Indian Brand
100,000 Tatas in 2008
Cricket Fever Hits India as World Cup Officially Begins
Cricket Fever Hits India as World Cup Officially Begins
India: Massive Market for High-tech Products
India: Massive Market for High-tech Products
India's Best World Cup Player Will Win The $68,500 Diamond-Bling Cricket Ball
India's Best World Cup Player Will Win The $68,500 Diamond-Bling Cricket Ball
Daily Dump
Daily Dump
Indian Composting Company Launches to Achieve Zero Waste
Personalized Websites For Low Income Job Seekers
Personalized Websites For Low Income Job Seekers
Babajob India
Nike Cricket?
Nike Cricket?
Nike Gets into India
Two Faced Baby
Two Faced Baby
Revered as a God by Indian Villiage
Posh Princess Pictorials
Posh Princess Pictorials
Victoria Beckham for Vogue India
Vogue India Debuts
Vogue India Debuts
Mumbai-Based Magazine
The Mini Electric Car from India
Guerilla Awareness
Guerilla Awareness
Child Poverty Ads in India: Begging Child on Glass
$2,500 Car
$2,500 Car
India's Tata Nano Car (FOLLOW UP)
Wild Canopy Reserve Hotel, India
Wild Canopy Reserve Hotel, India
Living in the Jungle
McDonalds India Uses Baby Ronald
McDonalds India Uses Baby Ronald
Scaring Customers Away?
Saree Couture
Saree Couture
Breakthrough Design from India
Jester Fashion
Jester Fashion
Manish Arora at India Fashion Week