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35 Gifts for Ice Cream Lovers

From Heated Ice Cream Scoops to Frozen Treat Sneaker Lines

— December 23, 2015 — Lifestyle
These gifts for ice cream lovers range from heated scoops to sneakers that are inspired by refreshing frozen treats. Standouts include unique ice creams like a James Bond popsicle that is sculpted to resemble the iconic spy along with a wasabi ice cream tub that features exotic and unexpected flavors.

In addition to edible gift ideas, other favorites include ice cream-printed phone cases and faux popsicle notepads that are a fun stationary accessory for kids. Furthermore, examples like melted ice cream paintings and popsicle-inspired nail wraps will appeal to fans of DIY beauty routines and crafts while DIY ice cream kits are a fun gift for foodies who love to create confections at home.

Additionally smart ice cream makers and gelato delivery services target ice cream lovers who can get access to their favorite treats by connecting to their mobile devices.
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Wasabi Ice Cream
Wasabi Ice Cream
The Wasabi Aisu Ice Cream Brings Together Flavor Extremes
Ale-Inspired Ice Creams
Ale-Inspired Ice Creams
This Frozen Treat is Inspired by a Sweet Brown Ale
Ice Cream-Based Breads
Ice Cream-Based Breads
This DIY Ice Cream Cake is Made from Just Two Ingredients
Ice Cream-Flavored Cereals
Ice Cream-Flavored Cereals
The Ice Cream Pebbles Cereal Sherbet Variety Will Inspire Nostalgia
Customizable Ice Cream Makers
Customizable Ice Cream Makers
The 'Snoflaek' Ice Cream System Can Bring Any Flavor into Reality
Heirloom Ice Cream Scoops
Heirloom Ice Cream Scoops
Belle-V Kitchen Designs a Sculptural Scoop to Be Passed Down Generations
Kickball Ice Cream Makers
Kickball Ice Cream Makers
This Ice Cream Maker Will Help You to Work Up an Appetite
Writing Popsicle Pads
Writing Popsicle Pads
These Danity Sticky Note Pages are Ideal for Writing Down Quick Ideas
Towering Ice Cream Printers
Towering Ice Cream Printers
Chen Liyuan's 3D Printing Ice Cream Dispenser Doles Out Cones Fairly
Popsicle-Inspired Nail Wraps
Popsicle-Inspired Nail Wraps
This Graphic Nail Print is Reminiscent of Melted Popsicles
International Spy Popsicles
International Spy Popsicles
This Delicious Summertime Ice Pop Comes with a James Bond Design
Frozen Treat Tech Accessories
Frozen Treat Tech Accessories
Pixie Market's Popsicle Glitter iPhone Case Fits 5 and 5S Models
Meatball Pasta Cones
Meatball Pasta Cones
This Reinterpretation on the Ice Cream Cone is a Savory Dish
Cutesy Couples' Cutlery
Cutesy Couples' Cutlery
His and Hers Ice Cream Spoons Bring Even More Sweetness to Dessert
Melted Popsicle Portraits
Melted Popsicle Portraits
These Illustrations Replace Paint with Melted Ice Cream
Heated Ice Cream Scoops
Heated Ice Cream Scoops
This High-Tech Ice Cream Scooper Give You the Perfect Scoop Every Time
Fortune Cookie Ice Creams
Fortune Cookie Ice Creams
This Frozen Dessert is Infused with Crunchy Fortune Cookie Pieces
$816 Ice Cream Sundaes
$816 Ice Cream Sundaes
Dubai's Scoopi Café Offers the World's Most Expensive Ice Cream Scoop
Ice Cream-Inspired Sneakers
Ice Cream-Inspired Sneakers
The Newest Puma Sneakers Reminisce on Summertime Snacks
Cute Narwhal Figurines
Cute Narwhal Figurines
These Ice Cream-Covered Toys are Absolutely Adorable Accessories
Customizable Chalkboard Dishware
Customizable Chalkboard Dishware
These Dessert Bowls are Featured on Etsy's Quotes and Notes Shop
Redesigned Ice Cream Scoops
Redesigned Ice Cream Scoops
Midnight Scoop by Michael Chou is Made for Hard Ice Cream
Gelato Delivery Services
Gelato Delivery Services
In Australia, Ice Cream Delivery is Available Just In Time For Summer
Realistic Junk Food Decor
Realistic Junk Food Decor
Shop Jeen's Snack Pillow Accessories are Modeled After Food
Porcelain Ice Cream Cups
Porcelain Ice Cream Cups
15.0%'s Dessert Cup Looks Just Like an Edible Ice Cream Cone
Sugary Sequin Accessories
Sugary Sequin Accessories
This Statement Ice Cream Clutch is Inspired by Frozen Treats
Sugar Rush Mobile Accessories
Sugar Rush Mobile Accessories
This Ice Cream Phone Case from Etsy is Colorfully Graphic
Controversial Rapper Accessories
Controversial Rapper Accessories
This Gucci Lapel Pin by Valley Cruise Pays Tribute to Gucci Mane
Futuristic Ice Cream Machines
Futuristic Ice Cream Machines
This Electronic Ice Cream Maker is Smartphone-Connected
Pint-Sized Scoops
Pint-Sized Scoops
This Giant Ice Cream Scoop Can Serve a Whole Pint at the Same Time
Dinosaur Dessert Drawings
Dinosaur Dessert Drawings
The Jurassic Sweet Mashup Illustration Project is by Alejo Malia
DIY Frozen Treat Gifts
DIY Frozen Treat Gifts
The Ice Cream Sundae Kit is a Delicious Homemade Present for Summer
Popsicle-Cataloguing Infographics
Popsicle-Cataloguing Infographics
This Ice Cream Infographic Catalogs Famous Frozen Treats
Fashionable Food Accessories
Fashionable Food Accessories
These Quirky Fashion Accessories Play with the Idea of Food
Paper Ice Cream Playsets
Paper Ice Cream Playsets
Mr. Printables' No-Mess Paper Popsicle & Ice Cream Toys Won't Melt