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29 Frightening Finds

Horror Inspirations, from Horror Conventions to Nightmare-Inspired Dolls

— September 16, 2010 — Art & Design
Disturbing mouthless photography and creepy video games are not the usual searches for the faint of heart. These horror inspirations are uniquely frightful in their skin-crawling nature.

For avid horror fans, terrorizing photo shoots and scary emo toys are for you! These horror inspirations are dreadfully enticing and bizarrely constructed for your dark days and darker nights.

Implications - If you're one to scare easy, you might not make it through this entire list, considering that the spook factor of these features is pretty up there. Although, if you are one of the few who want to heighten the level of fright, why not turn off the lights and shut the blinds while you begin to click through?
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Skin-Crawling Commercials
Skin-Crawling Commercials
13th Street Channel Shows Off Its Scare Tactics
Psychedelic Sublime Art
Psychedelic Sublime Art
The Captivating Artwork of Daniel Luna
Horror Book Cover Recreations
Horror Book Cover Recreations
Laz Marquez Puts a Contemporary Spin on Stephen King Classics
Scary Shrouded Shoots
Scary Shrouded Shoots
'Silent Shout' by Sara Berntsen is a Photographic Horror Story
Creepy Video Games
Creepy Video Games
Soul by Kydos Studio Will Mess You Up
Macabre Animal Art
Macabre Animal Art
The 'Tears of the Crocodile' Exhibit
Burger King's ‘Open Late' Campaign Caters to Scary Villains
Horror Flick Fashiontography
Horror Flick Fashiontography
Antoni Szczupal Shoots Spooky ‘After War' Wear
Horrifying Portrait Illustrations
Horrifying Portrait Illustrations
Aritst Michael Ostermann Will Leave You With Goosebumps
Macabre Photography
Macabre Photography
Alexander Binder Uses Symbolism & Occult Theories to Convey Meaning
Art to Cure Nightmares
Art to Cure Nightmares
Deranged Digital Mixed Media by Mia Makila
High School Horror Spreads
High School Horror Spreads
Brian Cummings Captures Teenage Terror with ‘Dead of the Class'
Horror Conventions
Horror Conventions
Blood Bath & Zombie Parties at the Fangoria Show
Dark Soultography
Dark Soultography
Amanda Norman's Horror Photography
Freaky Femme Photography
Freaky Femme Photography
The Manoj Jadhav Insignificant Collection is Frighteningly Beautiful
Gruesome Office Supplies
Gruesome Office Supplies
The 13th Street Stationery of Horror Makes Mondays a Little More Macabre
Nightmare-Inspired Dolls
Nightmare-Inspired Dolls
Krypt Kiddies
Evil Clown Obsessions
Evil Clown Obsessions
Coulrophobic Nightmares
Abandoned Asylum Photography
Abandoned Asylum Photography
Jenny Hardcore Stays True to Her Name
Vampire Horrortography
Vampire Horrortography
Terry Richardson Captures Bloodthirsty Stars
Horror Photoshoptography
Horror Photoshoptography
Digitally Edited Spooky Photography by Danielle_T
Horrifying Digital Manipulation
Horrifying Digital Manipulation
Deviant Art by Saber Core23 is Super Scary
Ghoulish Pin-Ups
Ghoulish Pin-Ups
Justin Erickson's Dark and Tempting Beauties
Gothic Horror Fashion Shoots
Gothic Horror Fashion Shoots
Jean-Francois Campos for Flair magazine
Forlorn Floating Photography
Forlorn Floating Photography
Karen Inderbitzen-Waller for NO Magazine Creates Lonely Surroundings
Disturbing Mouthless Photography
Disturbing Mouthless Photography
Pedro Donini's Horror/Macabre Collection is Terrifying
Horror Cosmetics
Horror Cosmetics
Extreme Facial Bodypainting
Children's Nightmare Photography (UPDATE)
Children's Nightmare Photography (UPDATE)
Scary Work by Joshua Hoffine