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29 High-Tech Baby Products

From Toddler-Targeted Tablets to Infant iPhone Apps

— July 10, 2013 — Life-Stages
It's never too earlier to get your little toddler accustomed to the advanced technology of this generation, and these high-tech baby products are a creative way to introduce infants to an advanced technological world.

Babies often learn from a young age how to talk, walk and improve their cognitive abilities, and what better way to keep them on the cutting edge of technology than by offering them the lastest and hippest baby products? From educational motion gaming that allows toddlers to interact with a screen to specialized infant tablets that incorporates learning and education into the process, these high-tech baby products will certainly help parents teach their little ones more about the uses of technology at an early age.
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Toddler-Friendly Keyboards
Toddler-Friendly Keyboards
The Jumboard is a Four-Key Keyboard Designed to Educate and Entertain
Techie Toddler Tapes
Techie Toddler Tapes
Juno Baby Introduces Original Live Music and Mobile Tech to Little Ones
Toddler-Friendly Microscopes
Toddler-Friendly Microscopes
The Zoomy Handheld Digital Microscope is Perfect for Baby Einsteins
Durable Toddler Technology
Durable Toddler Technology
The VINCI Tab II Touch Screen Learning Tablet is Child-Friendly
Digitized Baby Helpers
Digitized Baby Helpers
The Onaroo Personal Baby Assistant Documents Crucial Details
Tech-Savvy Tot Tablets
Tech-Savvy Tot Tablets
The InnoTab 2 Baby is Designed for Children as Young as 12 Months
Infant iPhone Apps
Infant iPhone Apps
This HAPPYBABY 'First Alphabet Flash Cards' App Helps Younglings Learn Letters
Network-Connected Baby Monitors
Network-Connected Baby Monitors
Wifi Baby 3G Lets You Stream Live Baby Images to Your iPhone
Educational Motion Gaming
Educational Motion Gaming
The iCam from Comfy Teaches Children Through Gaming
Tech-Integrating Teddies
Tech-Integrating Teddies
The Cocolo Bear Interacts with Children Using a Built-in Smartphone Dock
Web-Connected Infant Weighers
Web-Connected Infant Weighers
The Withings Smart Baby Scale Communicates with Your Computer
Video-Enabled Nursery Cams
Video-Enabled Nursery Cams
The Motorola MBP30L Baby Monitor Keeps an Eye on Your Infant
Toy Toddler Laptops
Toy Toddler Laptops
The Rasselfisch 'i-Wood' is Chalkboard Child's Play
Portable PC Tablets
Portable PC Tablets
The UBQT Home Web Appliance Makes Computing More Accessible
Technologically Equipped Onesies
Technologically Equipped Onesies
The Smart PJ's are an Interactive Bedtime Option for Toddlers
Baby Cry-Translating Apps
Baby Cry-Translating Apps
The Cry Translator App Will Translate Your Baby's Cries
Image-Based Alarms
Image-Based Alarms
The Zazoo Photo Clock Uses Graphics to Put Your Kids to Sleep
Sleep-Easy Baby Monitors
Sleep-Easy Baby Monitors
Be Worry-Free with the Snuza HALO Infant Breathing Movement Baby Monitor
Kid-Friendly Gadget Covers
Kid-Friendly Gadget Covers
The Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Baby iCan Play Case
Music-Playing Teddy Bears
Music-Playing Teddy Bears
Cuddletunes Brings Music Players to Cute Cuddly Teddy Bears
Tablet-Based Toy Cars
Tablet-Based Toy Cars
Appmates Cars Toys Will Have Parents Biting their Nails
Toddler-Targeted Tablets
Toddler-Targeted Tablets
The Tabeo is Designed Specifically for Young Hands and Minds
Toddler Tablet Toilets
Toddler Tablet Toilets
The CTA iPotty Makes iPad Potty Training a Reality
Wearable Infant Monitors
Wearable Infant Monitors
Jakk's Baby Watch Provides Parents With an Easy Way to Care for Tiny Ones
Hi-Tech Tot Alarms
Hi-Tech Tot Alarms
Withings' Smart Baby Monitor is Inspired by a Music Box
Transforming Baby Buggies
Transforming Baby Buggies
The Origami Stroller Unfolds Itself with the Push of a Button
Stuffed Toy Smartphone Cases
Stuffed Toy Smartphone Cases
The HappiTaps Beary Happi Keeps Devices Protected from Toddlers
Child-Friendly Tablet Cases
Child-Friendly Tablet Cases
The My Kid Pad Baby-Proofs Your iPad
Protective Baby Pillows
Protective Baby Pillows
Cocoon by Elodie Delassus Filters Noise and Germs for Sleeping Newborns