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25 High Flying Finds

Skydiving, Bungee Jumping, and Parachuting Galore

— November 15, 2009 — Marketing
Even if your fear of heights would keep you from ever trying these things, that doesn't have to stop you from enjoying others' daredevil activities. These high flying finds feature people from around the globe as they cheat death and gravity.

Check out all of these high flying finds in the slideshow below.

Implications - Humans have been captivated by flight for hundreds of years, so it's no surprise in this day and age that there would be a multitude of products and advertisements that appeal to that ageless fascination. When you design campaigns and items that bring people one step closer to their seemingly unattainable dreams, you make a cultural connection that is both valuable and resolute.
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Sweet Bungee Stunts
Sweet Bungee Stunts
Ritter Sport Shows What Daredevils Will Do for Chocolate
Skydiving Catapult
Skydiving Catapult
Why Jump Out of a Plane?
Airborne Army Upgrades
Airborne Army Upgrades
The T-11 Parachute Gives U.S. Army a Much-Needed Update
Skydiving Into Another Plane
Skydiving Into Another Plane
Bungee Cord Backpack
Bungee Cord Backpack
Lighten Your Load
Bungee Jumping Elephants
Bungee Jumping Elephants
The Samsung Jet Phone Launched with Flying Saucer in London
Free Falling Clocks
Free Falling Clocks
The Bungee-Jumping Clock Catches you by Surprise
Baby Leaping
Baby Leaping
Strange Global Festivals, From Jumping Over Infants to Wife Carrying
Parachuting Publicity Stunts
Parachuting Publicity Stunts
'Cow' Sends Noodles and Cash Towards the Heavens
Skydiving Mount Everest
Skydiving Mount Everest
29,035 ft Group Dive
Global Bed-Jumping
Global Bed-Jumping
InterContinental Hotels Group Stages World's Largest Bed Jump
Champagne Parachute
Champagne Parachute
Skydiving Graffiti
Skydiving Graffiti
Honda Publicity Stunt
Stylish Parachute Bag
Stylish Parachute Bag
Von Wedel & Tiedeken Bag
Wingsuit Base Jumping
Wingsuit Base Jumping
Flying Off Cliffs Like an Eagle
Skydiving Mice
Skydiving Mice
Microsoft Uses Daredevil Rodent to Plug PC Peripherals
Flying Fashion Campaigns
Flying Fashion Campaigns
Jumping LASC Ads by Bradford Rogne
Bungee Condoms
Bungee Condoms
Jumper Uses 18,500 Condoms as Rope
World's Highest Bungee Jump
World's Highest Bungee Jump
Macau Tower is 764 Ft Up
Skydiving Elevators
Skydiving Elevators
Swiss Skydive Uses Simulation To Get You In The Mood For Jumping
Recycled Parachute Fashion
Recycled Parachute Fashion
The Raeburn 'Cold War' Collection
NSFW Publicity Parachuting
NSFW Publicity Parachuting
Danish Supermarket's Controversial Ad for Siemens
Group Jumping Ads
Group Jumping Ads
Lacoste Spring/Summer 2009 Campaign Shot in Mid-Air
Hollywood Photography Stunts
Hollywood Photography Stunts
GQ Magazine Shows Zac Efron Jumping on Cars
Landing Without a Parachute
Landing Without a Parachute
Bird Man Suits