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32 Headline-Making Beauty Pageants

From Child Beauty Pageants to Prison Pageants

— April 10, 2010 — Fashion
Although beauty pageants have been around for decades, only recently--due, of course, to the sensationalizing media--have they become a parading spectacle of controversy. If you're not convinced, check out these headline-making beauty pageants.

From plastic surgery to inappropriate remarks and more, we sure like our pretty women to be entertaining as well. These headline-making beauty pageants are sure to start your day off right.
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International Beauties Promote Environment
International Beauties Promote Environment
Miss Earth 2007
Light-Hearted Bluffs
Light-Hearted Bluffs
Live Poker Campaign
Reality Pageantry
Reality Pageantry
Revamped 2009 Miss America Contest Disappointed, Despite Hype
Changes to Iconic Pageants
Changes to Iconic Pageants
Reality Show-Inspired Contest Crowns Katie Stam As New Miss America
Pageant Firings
Pageant Firings
Carrie Prejean Loses Miss California Title
Depth of Beauty Pageant
Depth of Beauty Pageant
Where Inner Beauty Counts
Miss S. Carolina Impersonators
Miss S. Carolina Impersonators
YouTube Spoofs
Peculiar Pageant Responses
Peculiar Pageant Responses
Miss Panama Channels Miss Teen South Carolina
Policewoman Pageants
Policewoman Pageants
Don't Miss out on the Miss Belarus Detective 2010 Competition
Miss Universe Makeovers
Miss Universe Makeovers
Japanese Competition Shows Off Updated Styles
Pageant Queen Comebacks
Pageant Queen Comebacks
Carrie Prejean Keeps Miss California Title, Angers Perez Hilton
Delight in Stupidity
Delight in Stupidity
Miss South Carolina Fumbles at Miss Teen USA; 1.5 Million Youtubers Enjoy
Pageant Kidtography
Pageant Kidtography
Meghan Petersen 'Beauty Pageant' Project Takes You Behind the Scenes
Fake Beauty Pageants
Fake Beauty Pageants
Katie Price Appears at London's Clothes Show After Divorce
Pageant Fallouts
Pageant Fallouts
Shanna Moaker Resigns Over Carrie Prejean Fiasco
Prison Pageants
Prison Pageants
Russian Women's Jail Puts on Biker Chic Beauty Contest for Inmates
Ugly Pageants
Ugly Pageants
The Award for the Ugliest Icelandic Native Goes to...
Ice Carving Beauty Queens
Ice Carving Beauty Queens
Dominique Colell Carves Cool Sculptures Using a Chainsaw
Blogger Launches Inmate Beauty Contest
Blogger Launches Inmate Beauty Contest
Winner Gets Bail!
Glam Pink Garters
Glam Pink Garters
Miss Universe Contestant Shocks With Leg-Bearing Looks
Miss England Told to Gain Weight
Miss England Told to Gain Weight
Next Miss World To Have Curves
Online Beauty Bullying
Online Beauty Bullying
Mean Facebook Comment Inspires Lowri Ryland to Get Nose Job
Brainy Beauty Pageants
Brainy Beauty Pageants
Nuclear Energy Hotties Enter Russia's "Miss Atom" Contest
Child Beauty Pageants
Child Beauty Pageants
'High Glitz' by Susan Anderson Gives a Glimpse of Pint-Sized Glamor
Offbeat Beauty Contests
Offbeat Beauty Contests
Transvestite Pageants
Falling at Miss Universe
Falling at Miss Universe
Miss USA 2008 Stumbles, Miss Venezuela Wins
Bald is Beautiful
Bald is Beautiful
Miss Tanzania Has No Hair
Plastic Surgery Pageants
Plastic Surgery Pageants
Miss Plastic Hungary Contestants Flaunt Cosmetic Enhancements
Eccentric Beauty Pageants
Eccentric Beauty Pageants
Alternative Miss World is Quite a Colorful Competition