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35 Gifting Ideas for Babies

From Electric Assist Strollers to Breath-Tracking Babywear

— December 8, 2019 — Life-Stages
This list of gifting ideas for babies contains products that are either meant to be enjoyed directly by the infant or gifts that will alleviate the stress of new parents, therefore creating a calm environment for the child.

For those who want to mix educational value and playtime, the developmental toy subscription by Monti Kids is a great option. The service is geared for children between the ages of zero and three. There are a total of eight levels and each category contains premium and specific products that advance the cognitive and motor responses of the user. For example, Level One is for 0 to 3.5-month-old infants. It contains an adjustable wooden Activity Gym, classic Montessori mobiles, toys that are designed for reaching, grasping and kicking, rattles, and a detailed guide for parents.
Developmental Infant Playmats
Developmental Infant Playmats
The Magical Tales Black & White Gymini Comes with a Guidebook
Croissant-Shaped Baby Pillows
Croissant-Shaped Baby Pillows
Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen is Offering a Croissant-Themed Gift Bundle
Anti-Dropping Baby Products
Anti-Dropping Baby Products
Drop It Baby Suctions to Flat Surfaces to Prevent Bottles from Falling
Precision Infant Bottle Heaters
Precision Infant Bottle Heaters
The Conceptual Nuvita Baby Bottle Warmer Preserves Nutrients
Free-From Teething Treats
Free-From Teething Treats
Healthy Times' Organic Baby Teethers Nourish with Fruits & Vegetables
White Noise Baby Monitors
White Noise Baby Monitors
The 'BreathJunior' Smart Speaker System Keeps an Eye on Infants
Adventurous Baby Meals
Adventurous Baby Meals
Tiny Organics Helps to Introduce Babies to Their First 100 Flavors
Clean Baby Care Collections
Clean Baby Care Collections
Pipette is a Clean Baby Care Brand That Emphasizes Transparency
Natural Infant-Focused Care Kits
Natural Infant-Focused Care Kits
Tubby Todd's Newborn Gift Set is Full of Gentle Products
Anti-Colic Baby Bottles
Anti-Colic Baby Bottles
The Options+ Wide-Neck and Narrow Anti-Colic Bottles Support Fussy Babies
Toxin-Free Newborn Skincare
Toxin-Free Newborn Skincare
Wash with Water's Lavender Plant Butter is Organically Sourced
Athletic Baby Carriers
Athletic Baby Carriers
The 'Pursuit Sport' is Lightweight, Water-Resistant & Moisture-Wicking
Bespoke Child-Specific Subscription Services
Bespoke Child-Specific Subscription Services
Rock a Box Baby is a Customizable Baby Gift Box Set
Imitation Breastfeeding Bottles
Imitation Breastfeeding Bottles
nanobébé's Breast-Shaped Bottle Helps Dads Nourish Young Children
Smart Baby Bassinets
Smart Baby Bassinets
4moms' mamaRoo sleep bassinet Offers Five Soothing Motions
Bluetooth-Connected Bassinets
Bluetooth-Connected Bassinets
The C-Qing Electric Baby Cradle Has a Voice-Activated Design
Training Baby Toothbrushes
Training Baby Toothbrushes
MAM's 'Learn to Brush Set' Helps Babies Practice Independently
Sustainable Seaweed Diapers
Sustainable Seaweed Diapers
Luisa Kahlfeldt's Reusable Cloth Diapers are Made with SeaCell
Wooden Design-Forward High Chairs
Wooden Design-Forward High Chairs
KAOS Produces a Functional and Elegant High Chair Design
Electric Assist Strollers
Electric Assist Strollers
The Bosch eStroller Reduces the Effort of Pushing a Young Child
Hands-On Sensory Toys
Hands-On Sensory Toys
Fat Brain Toys' Dimpl Provides Hours of Fun and Interactive Play
Scandinavian Crib Bed Houses
Scandinavian Crib Bed Houses
The South Shore Sweedi Bed Helps Toddlers Transition Out the Crib
Affordable Long-Lasting Babywear
Affordable Long-Lasting Babywear
The Hanes Ultimate Baby Line Grows with a Child Over 24 Months
Design-Friendly Adaptable Baby Bottles
Design-Friendly Adaptable Baby Bottles
Blond Releases a Hygienic Bottle with Aesthetic Charm
Temperature-Tracking Baby Monitors
Temperature-Tracking Baby Monitors
The Motorola Halo+ Monitors Motion, Sound and More
Subscription-Based Educational Baby Toys
Subscription-Based Educational Baby Toys
The Lovevery is Arranged by Child Development Experts
Developmental Kids Toy Subscriptions
Developmental Kids Toy Subscriptions
The Monti Kids Subscription Embraces the Montessori Program
Essential Baby Product Lines
Essential Baby Product Lines
Target's Cloud Island is Expanding by Offering Essentials
AI-Powered Baby Monitors
AI-Powered Baby Monitors
The 'Cubo AI' Provides Proactive Alerts to Parents and Caregivers
Affordable Plant-Based Baby Products
Affordable Plant-Based Baby Products
Hello Bello Shares Quality Baby Necessities Through Walmart
Air-Purifying Infant Cribs
Air-Purifying Infant Cribs
The Cuddle Smart Crib Concept Optimizes Air Quality for Young Ones
Transformative Baby Carriers
Transformative Baby Carriers
MOBY's 2-in-1 Baby Carrier + Hip Seat Supports Newborns and Toddlers
Breath-Tracking Babywear
Breath-Tracking Babywear
Nanit Breathing Wear Tracks Respiration, Sleep & Movement Patterns
Multi-Functional Diaper Bags
Multi-Functional Diaper Bags
This Diaper Bag is Perfect for New Parents and Everyday Use