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100 Gift Ideas for Babies

From Heat-Resistant Car Seats to Fever-Tracking Baby Stickers

— November 26, 2015 — Life-Stages
These gift ideas for babies are perfect for helping stressed-out parents survive the holiday season. In recent years, a number of companies have developed new products to help parents care for their newborns. These products range from high-tech gadgets such as temperature-telling soothers to more basic items such as eco-friendly nappies.

Many of these new products use technology to help parents monitor the health of their baby. For example, there are smart sensor sleeping pads that help parents keep track of their child's development. There are also breath-watching baby monitors that keep track of vital information such as an infant's breathing rate and temperature.

Beyond monitoring the health of their child, many parents are also looking for products that can encourage creativity and imagination. Some baby-friendly gadgets include orchestral audio toys, playful programming books and practical playmat beds. These kind of products are not only fun for infants to play with, but they can also help to foster logic and reasoning skills at an early age.

With so many options to choose from, these gifts for babies are sure to delight parents and infants alike.
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Infrared Baby Thermometers
Infrared Baby Thermometers
This Digital Ear Thermometer is Non-Invasive for Infants and Children
Video Baby Monitors
Video Baby Monitors
The Ovia Is a Video Baby Monitor That Helps Parents Multi-Task
Connected Child Thermometers
Connected Child Thermometers
The Vicks SmartTemp is an App-Connected Wireless Thermometer
Thermal Baby Carriers
Thermal Baby Carriers
This Insulated Infant Carrier is Intended for Extreme Temperatures
Stand-Alone Baby Jumpers
Stand-Alone Baby Jumpers
The ‘Space Saver Jumperoo’ Lets Babies Bounce without Blocking Doorways
Protective Infant Sleepwear
Protective Infant Sleepwear
HALO's ComfortLuxe Range is Designed for Babies with Sensitive Skin
Sleep Cycle Monitors
Sleep Cycle Monitors
This High-Tech Monitor Tracks Patterns to Give Users Tips for Healthy Rest
Stimulating Baby Phones
Stimulating Baby Phones
The VTech Touch and Swipe is a Smartphone For Babies and Toddlers
Baby-Protecting Ear Bands
Baby-Protecting Ear Bands
'Em's 4 Kids' Will Protect Babies Ears From Independence Day Festivities
Soothing Baby Monitors
Soothing Baby Monitors
The First Years Talk & Soothe Baby Monitor Helps Infants Fall Asleep Calmly
Playful Programming Books
Playful Programming Books
This Educational Series Introduces Infants to Computer Science
Ultra-Thin Thermometers
Ultra-Thin Thermometers
This Micro Thermal Sensor Can be Attached Directly Onto Baby's Skin
Space Suit Blankets
Space Suit Blankets
The Little Lotus Swaddles Are Made with Materials from NASA Apparel
Illuminated Giraffe Toys
Illuminated Giraffe Toys
The Soothe & Glow Giraffe From Fisher-Price Calms Infants' Senses
Sobbing Infant Translators
Sobbing Infant Translators
The 'Cry Translator' Determines What a Baby's Cry Means
Hands-Free Baby Rockers
Hands-Free Baby Rockers
The Bounceroo is a Portable Device that Rocks Baby's Cribs and Seats
Orchestral Audio Toys
Orchestral Audio Toys
The Mozart Magic Cube Stimulates a Baby's Senses
Crocheted Vegetable Toys
Crocheted Vegetable Toys
These Woven Baby Rattles Mimic Organic Produce
Baby Bonding Devices
Baby Bonding Devices
The 'Baboo' Allows Parents to Track Their Premature Baby's Movements
Pickup Truck Wagons
Pickup Truck Wagons
The Step 2 Ford F-150 Kids Wagon is Inspired by the Heavy-Duty Vehicle
App-Connected Baby Swings
App-Connected Baby Swings
This Smart Baby Accessory Can be Customized to Play Music
Sleep-Inducing Baby Blankets
Sleep-Inducing Baby Blankets
The HALO SleepSack is a Wearable Blanket That Encourages Infant Sleep
Eco Baby Bottles
Eco Baby Bottles
Organickidz Features Products That Are Sustainsble and Safe for Baby
Quirky Sumo Baby Mobiles
Quirky Sumo Baby Mobiles
PinkCheeksStudios Baby Mobile is Unconventional but Adorable
Smart Baby Bottle Sleeves
Smart Baby Bottle Sleeves
'Sleevely' Monitors Babies' Feeding Schedule and Nutritional Intake
Soothing Infant Mats
Soothing Infant Mats
This Bedding Accessory is Comfortable and Aids in Sleep Monitoring
Vibrating Sleep Pads
Vibrating Sleep Pads
Lulla-Vibe's Mattress Accessory Soothes Babies to Sleep
Heat-Resistant Car Seats
Heat-Resistant Car Seats
The Evenflo Infant Car Seat Combats Heat Stroke-Related Instances
Connected Mattress Sensors
Connected Mattress Sensors
This High-Tech Baby Monitor is Connected Directly to the Infant's Crib
Stylish Smart Cameras
Stylish Smart Cameras
The Withings Home Can Respond to Emotions and Regular Discrepancies
Infant-Soothing Devices
Infant-Soothing Devices
The Gro-Hush Emits a Soft White Noise for a Baby
Geeky Baby Blocks
Geeky Baby Blocks
These Blocks Gets Children Started Early with Geeky Pop Culture References
Practical Playmat Beds
Practical Playmat Beds
Mamas & Papas' Babyplay 4-in-1 Playmat and Activity Gym is Fun and Engaging
Wearable Baby Duvets
Wearable Baby Duvets
Snugbags' Merino Wool Sleeping Bags Keep Infants Cozy and Comfortable
Smartphone-Connected Thermometers
Smartphone-Connected Thermometers
This Mobile Thermometer for Babies is Portable and Easy to Use
Whimsical Mushroom Humidifiers
Whimsical Mushroom Humidifiers
This Kids Air Humidifier by Duux Soothes Babies and Young Kids
Rodeo Baby Bibs
Rodeo Baby Bibs
This New Line of Bandana Bibs are Practical and Colorfully Vibrant
Tactile Teething Toys
Tactile Teething Toys
Fat Brain Toys' pipSquigz Figurines Create a Sensory Experience for Kids
Smart Thermometer Patches
Smart Thermometer Patches
TempTraq is a Wearable, Wireless Thermometer Coming Out of CES 2015
Inexpensive Infant Incubators
Inexpensive Infant Incubators
This Light-Filled Incubator Can Help Treat Babies with Jaundice
Dessert-Themed Infant Toys
Dessert-Themed Infant Toys
These Donut Rattles from POKETO Resemble Sugary Snacks
Eco-Friendly Nappies
Eco-Friendly Nappies
Mother Nature Products is a South African Social Enterprise for Babies
Hygienic Baby Soothers
Hygienic Baby Soothers
This Pacifier is Specially Designed to Retract If Dropped onto the Floor
Newborn Sleeping Sensors
Newborn Sleeping Sensors
The Watch Over Me Dream Station Monitors Slumber Patterns for Babies
Minimalist Baby Swings
Minimalist Baby Swings
The Filzschaukel 'Babyswing' by Johannes Mohr Uses Only Felt and Cable
Avian Inflatable Baby Tubs
Avian Inflatable Baby Tubs
This Inflatable Baby Tub From Munchkins Will Keep Your Little One Safe
Rocking High Chairs
Rocking High Chairs
The 3-in-1 Chair is a High Chair, Rocking Chair and a Writing Desk
Safety-Conscious Building Blocks
Safety-Conscious Building Blocks
The Ouchless Baby Blocks are Designed to Prevent Infant Injuries
Self-Heating Baby Bottles
Self-Heating Baby Bottles
These On-the-Go Baby Bottles Heat Up and Are Completely Disposable
Smart Baby Thermometers
Smart Baby Thermometers
This Device Safely Records an Infant's Temperature Via a Smartphone
Breast-Mimicking Baby Bottles
Breast-Mimicking Baby Bottles
The Bare Bottle Addresses Newborn Malnourishment and Stomach Pains
Knotted Sleep Sacks
Knotted Sleep Sacks
Snuggle Bugz' Merino Sleeping Bag is Made from Pure and Organic Fibers
Soothing Owl Toys
Soothing Owl Toys
Cloud B's Nighty Night Owl Guides Babies and Kids Back to Sleep
Infant-Cradling Wagons
Infant-Cradling Wagons
The 'Comfort Embrace Wagon' is Designed to Comfortably Carry New Babies
Infant Sleeping Pods
Infant Sleeping Pods
The 'Sleep Guardian 360' Protects a Baby During the Night
Galactic Baby Bodysuits
Galactic Baby Bodysuits
These Star Trek TNG Baby Onesies are Perfect for Geeky Babies
Temperature-Controlled Onesies
Temperature-Controlled Onesies
37 Degrees' Baby Onesies Encourage Healthy Sleep Patterns
Plant-Based Baby Teethers
Plant-Based Baby Teethers
These Baby Teether Designs Are Made from All Natural Starches
Wearable Baby Monitors
Wearable Baby Monitors
This Wearable Device Monitors an Infant's Temperature and Position
Car Seat Baby Blankets
Car Seat Baby Blankets
7 A.M. Enfant's Nido Wrap Provides Cozy Warmth without the Need of a Coat
Cozy Baby-Supporting Pillows
Cozy Baby-Supporting Pillows
The 'Boppy' is a U-Shaped Pillow That Improves an Infant's Posture
Versatile Baby Monitors
Versatile Baby Monitors
'Good Night Charly' is a Multipurpose Baby Monitoring Device
Smartphone Baby Monitors
Smartphone Baby Monitors
The 'MINI Avent Baby Monitor' Lets You Listen In on Your Baby's Naps
Two-Way Baby Bouncers
Two-Way Baby Bouncers
Sassy's Baby Jumper Can Be Used Suspended or Stationary
Formula-Automating Appliances
Formula-Automating Appliances
This Automatic Baby Formula Maker is Perfect for Parents On the Go
Culinary-Inspired Baby Foods
Culinary-Inspired Baby Foods
Plum Organics Creates Healthy Options Exposing Babies to Many Flavors
Evolving Baby Rockers
Evolving Baby Rockers
The Nuna Leaf Curv Bouncer is a Product That Grows With Baby
Calming Baby Projectors
Calming Baby Projectors
The Magical Firefly Soother and Projector Helps Babies Unwind Before Bed
Wearable Infant Thermometers
Wearable Infant Thermometers
This Smart Bracelet Provides Continuous Temperature Measuring
Smart Baby Monitors
Smart Baby Monitors
Withings' Baby Monitor System is Compatible With Multiple Devices
Ergonomic Infant Cuisine Makers
Ergonomic Infant Cuisine Makers
The Deluxe Food Mill Combines Fresh Food with Efficiency
Night Vision Infant Cameras
Night Vision Infant Cameras
The D-Link Night Vision Camera Monitors Babies Sleeping
Inedible Fruit Cushions
Inedible Fruit Cushions
Etsy's Winter Petals Shop Sells Charming Pillow Decor For Kids
Temperature-Telling Soothers
Temperature-Telling Soothers
The Pacifier Thermometer Reads Baby's Body Temp Without Discomfort
Smart Sensor Sleeping Pads
Smart Sensor Sleeping Pads
Singapore-Based Brand OPSICON Developed an Intelligent Sleep Mat
Infant Formula Machines
Infant Formula Machines
The Wyeth BabyNes Preps Infant Formula from Capsules
Adaptable Baby Furniture
Adaptable Baby Furniture
i'coo's Grow With Me 1-2-3 Includes a Bassinet, Bouncer and More
Infant Temperature Stickers
Infant Temperature Stickers
Raiing Medical's Smart Baby Thermometer Adheres Under the Arm
Portable Baby Cots
Portable Baby Cots
Phil & Teds' Traveller Tent Doubles as a Playpen for Infants and Toddlers
Bulky Baby Recliners
Bulky Baby Recliners
The Babylounge is a Wide-Set and Sturdy Seating Solution for Youngsters
Hanging Felt Cradles
Hanging Felt Cradles
The Little Nest Mimics the Womb for Newborn Babies
Fever-Tracking Baby Stickers
Fever-Tracking Baby Stickers
The Fever Scout Stick-On Tattoo Tracks an Infant's Temperature
Advanced Comforting Baby Monitors
Advanced Comforting Baby Monitors
The New HD Baby Monitor by Foscam is Modish and Practical
Stuffed Animal Seating
Stuffed Animal Seating
Restoration Hardware Kids' Chairs Resemble Plush Toys
Minimalist Infant Furnishings
Minimalist Infant Furnishings
The Charlie Crane Baby Products Exhibit Sleek Scandinavian Design
Soother-Like Baby Feeders
Soother-Like Baby Feeders
The Food Feeder Plus Helps Babies Learn to Eat Solid Foods
Smart Baby Onesies
Smart Baby Onesies
The Ultra-Comfortable Mimo Baby Monitors Your Baby While It Sleeps
Upscale Designer Baby Accessories
Upscale Designer Baby Accessories
The Ralph Lauren Layette Line is Baby Accessory Bliss
Luxe Infant Accessories
Luxe Infant Accessories
These Baby Shoes by Etsy's Aja Lor Rival Adult Styles
Multi-Functional Baby Rockers
Multi-Functional Baby Rockers
This Portable Baby Crib Doubles as a Seat and Bed Accessory
Tablet-Integrated Baby Seats
Tablet-Integrated Baby Seats
The iPad Apptivity Chair Replaces the Old Mobile with Mobile Tech
Superhero Nursery Decor
Superhero Nursery Decor
Etsy's Cute Baby Superheroes are Perfect Accessories for Newborn Bedrooms
All-Natural Baby Food
All-Natural Baby Food
Beech-Nut Brings Real Food for Babies That Taste Great
Artisanal Stuffed Animals
Artisanal Stuffed Animals
These Aquatic Toys are Handcrafted and Distinctive
Breath-Watching Baby Monitors
Breath-Watching Baby Monitors
The SmartOne debuts at CES 2014 and Gives Parents All of the Control
Air-Purifying Pacifiers
Air-Purifying Pacifiers
This Baby Pacifier Actually Combats Air Pollution
Multifunctional Baby Rockers
Multifunctional Baby Rockers
Rokii's Baby Chair Doubles as a Rocker and Toy
Chic Modern Cribs
Chic Modern Cribs
Nursery Works Reimagines Boxy Baby Furniture
Cosmic Crescent-Shaped Cribs
Cosmic Crescent-Shaped Cribs
The Cute Baby Crib Just Might Make You Want to Start a Family
Cozy Infant Seats
Cozy Infant Seats
The Baby Bean Bag Chair is Perfect to Keep Toddlers Comfy and Secure