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61 Futuristic Aircraft Designs

From Automatic Flying Automobiles to Jet Boat Seaplanes

— October 18, 2013 — Autos
The ability of airplanes to transport passengers through the sky from destination to another is simply mind-blowing, but these futuristic aircraft designs are taking that concept to the next level by showcasing even more abstract and high-tech features.

While most people may not think that the concept of flying could get any better, creative aerospace engineers are constantly imagining new and improved ways for pilots and passengers to cruise across the open sky. And while some of these inventive aircraft designs may seem a little far fetched, it is only through creating new and outrageous models and concepts that change can come about.

From electric commuter jets to virtual fantasy aircrafts, these futuristic airplane designs are definitely making way for a whole new concept of flying.
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Day-Long Solar Flights
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Aerial Automobile Concepts
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The Sonicstar Supersonic Business Jet is Super Fast
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Infinitely Aloft Aircraft
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Printable Personal Airplanes
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The MakerPlane Lets Amateur Aviators Build Their Own Aircraft
Foldable Aircraft Awards
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The ICON Aircraft A5 Receives 2010 Red Dot Award for Design
Fuel-Sipping Aircraft
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The Yuneec Electric Sport Airplane is Eco-Friendly
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The Airbus Concept Plane is A Portal Into a High-Tech Oasis
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Unmanned War Planes
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See-Though Planes
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Oriens Motorglider Concept
Fly Like A Bird
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NASA's Latest Flight Project
Eco-Stunt Planes
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Fuel-Efficient Airplanes
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Unmanned Spy Planes
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Heliboarding Choppers
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Ultra-Lightweight Airplanes
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The Single-Seat Flynano by Aki Suokas Weighs Just 70 Kilograms
Next-Gen Flying Cars
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The Aeros Pelicanto Airship Eliminates Gaseous Atmospheric Waste
Car-Inspired Personal Aircraft
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Aerial Ocean Liners
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The Stratocruiser from NAU Lets You Take Your Vacation to the Skies
Demilitarized Commercial Aircrafts
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The Lockheed Stratoliner is Fiercely Futuristic and Green
Electric Commuter Jets
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The EADS VoltAir Plane is Completely Powered by Batteries
Military Transformers
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The USMC F-35B STOVL Lands Vertically
Travel on Land, Water & Air
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Evolution Aircraft
Reptilian Aircraft Vehicles
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Battery-Powered Airplanes
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The ElectraFlyer-C Delivers a Quiet Eco-Friendly Sky Ride
Mini Electroplanes
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The EQP2 Excursion Offers a Glimpse into the Future of Aviation
Military Aircars
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AVX Aircraft is Reveals Sketches of a Proposed Flying Car
Airborne Autos
Airborne Autos
The YEE Flying Car is a Futuristic Car For City Dwellers
Super Sleek Executive Jets
Super Sleek Executive Jets
The Dassault Falcon S Was Inspired by the Speedy Streamlined Fighter
Virtual Fantasy Aircrafts
Virtual Fantasy Aircrafts
The Airbus Concept Plane is Fantastically Modern
$50,000 Flying Cars
$50,000 Flying Cars
Air Creations' Tanarg Trike Makes Personal Aircrafts Affordable
Four-Seater Electric Airplanes
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The Panthera by Pipstrel is Eco-Friendly and Sleek
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Flying Car Hybrids
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The Terrafugia Transition is Ready to Take Flight (UPDATE)
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Aeroscraft ML866
Jet Boat Seaplanes
Jet Boat Seaplanes
The Privateer Prototype is an Amphibious Aircraft
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The Sky Voyage Uses a Balloon to Fly Instead of Spinning Blades
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The Sherpa Helicopter Design is Charged by Hot Air
Dual-Winged Planes
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Compact Personal Planes
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Budget-Efficient Foam Gliders
Budget-Efficient Foam Gliders
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