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32 First Aid Supplies

From Duct Tape Band Aids to Spray on Skin

— December 21, 2009 — Lifestyle
You never know when you’ll be in need of first aid supplies. Well, unless you’re me. I mean, with my track record, I’m usually in need of something at least once a day—sadly. Yet even if you’re are one of the most cautious people in the world, anything is possible and you should always be prepared.

With these first aid supplies, you will be.
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Bug Bite Gadgets
Bug Bite Gadgets
Heated Itch Relief Soothes Scratchiness Electronically
-40 C Bug Freezing Spray (Chemical Free)
-40 C Bug Freezing Spray (Chemical Free)
Hi-Tech Band-Aid
Hi-Tech Band-Aid
The Sensium
Facial Hair Healers
Facial Hair Healers
The Mustache Bandages Make Being Hurt Fun
Meat Band-Aids
Meat Band-Aids
Apligraf, Factory-Grown Living Tissue, Heals Chronic Wounds
Customized Band-Aids
Customized Band-Aids
The Long and Short Plaster Acts Like a Tape Dispenser
Wysi Wipes
Wysi Wipes
Miracle Tablets For The Accident Prone
Spray on Skin
Spray on Skin
A New Treatment for Second Degree Burn Victims
Kiss Bandaids
Kiss Bandaids
Boo Boo Adhesives
Bacon Bandages
Bacon Bandages
Sexy and Delicious
Gross Illustrated Band-Aids
Gross Illustrated Band-Aids
Scabs Bandages Put Maggots and Spiders on Your Sores
Razorbladed Bandages
Razorbladed Bandages
Band-Aids Get a Gruesome Touch From Stephen J. Shanabrook
18k Gold Boo Boo Brooches
18k Gold Boo Boo Brooches
Bandages for the Heart
Tattoo Bandages
Tattoo Bandages
Look Tough When You Cover Your Boo Boo
Gold Bandage Rings
Gold Bandage Rings
Alyssa Dee Kraus Designs
Intelligent First Aid Kits
Intelligent First Aid Kits
Talking Box Gives You Instructions
Healing Burn Wraps
Healing Burn Wraps
The Burnaid Emergency Medical Device Reduces Pain and Damage
Leather Band-Aids
Leather Band-Aids
Scott Amron's Badass Black Bandages for Fashionable First Aid
Superhero Bandages
Superhero Bandages
Ouch Comic Strip Bandages
Body Taping
Body Taping
SpiderTec's Kinesiology Tape Therapy, Comes to North America (UPDATE)
Cartoon Bandages
Cartoon Bandages
Mariah Carey Reignites Old Trend
Miniature Safety Accessories
Miniature Safety Accessories
Bill Burns' Safety Gear for Small Animals is Adorably Artistic
Minimalist Durable Tape Dispensers
Minimalist Durable Tape Dispensers
The TapeWORM
Oddball Bandages
Oddball Bandages
Cupcake and Eyeball Bandaids Cover Your Wounds in Style
Anti-Scar Bandage
Anti-Scar Bandage
Memory Polymers Preserve Your Beauty
Band-Aid Engagement Rings
Band-Aid Engagement Rings
Declaring Your Love (for First Aid) With Romantic Bandages
Itch Relief Gadget
Itch Relief Gadget
ZapperClick For Mosquito Bites
Crystal Encrusted Bandaids
Crystal Encrusted Bandaids
Band-Aid Jewelry
Band-Aid Jewelry
Pflasterringe Rings
Duct Tape Band Aids
Duct Tape Band Aids
Manly First Aid by 3M Nexcare
a Bandage Made for Your Shade
Fashion Bandages
Fashion Bandages
Artsy Band-Aids