From Broken Glass Fashion Ads to Femme Fatale Fashiontography
Susan Keefe — February 23, 2012 — Fashion
These captivating film noir-inspired shoots transport you into a world of stylish shadows and dangerous gun-toting women. Femme fatales, intrigue and fabulous trench coats dominate these startling photographs. Filled with unease mixed with a quiet sensuality, these moody images are hopelessly alluring.
From deliciously retro lingerie captures to sultry curves painted in seductive shadow, these film noir-inspired shoots are sure to have you purring. For those who've always had a soft spot for the likes of Bogie and Marlene Dietrich, you're sure to love these sexy, shaded snaps. Enough to make you wish you'd seen a different time, these film noir-inspired shoots are simply stunning.
Mysterious, sensual and shrouded in shadow, these film noir shoots celebrate an important high note in the history of classic cinema.
From deliciously retro lingerie captures to sultry curves painted in seductive shadow, these film noir-inspired shoots are sure to have you purring. For those who've always had a soft spot for the likes of Bogie and Marlene Dietrich, you're sure to love these sexy, shaded snaps. Enough to make you wish you'd seen a different time, these film noir-inspired shoots are simply stunning.
Mysterious, sensual and shrouded in shadow, these film noir shoots celebrate an important high note in the history of classic cinema.