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30 Fancy Feline Illustrations

From Humorous Cat Paintings to Animated Illustrations

— January 27, 2014 — Art & Design
This collection of feline illustrations really showcases the true meaning and power of cats featured on the Internet. Many talented artists from around the world have made these humorous and heartwarming creations that range from different types of artwork. Some of these may include feline portrait paintings, prints, pencil or pen drawings.

The iconic animal figure has been reinterpreted in many ways that feature pop culture references, imitations, imaginary characters or other bizarre forms of these animals. It is believed that many enjoy the presence of cats as they make quite the entertainment, both live or in print. These feline illustrations are just some of the most memorable works that talented artists have put together in clever ways.
Bizarre Art-Projecting Cats (UPDATE)
Bizarre Art-Projecting Cats (UPDATE)
Submit Artwork to Laser Cat & It Could Appear on the Moon
Feline Cartoon Comics
Feline Cartoon Comics
Get A Weekly Fix of the Sanrio Cat with the Hello Kitty Graphic Novel
Phosphorescent Cartoon Cats
Phosphorescent Cartoon Cats
The Hello Kitty Christmas Lights Add Cutesy Decor to the Holidays
Chromatic Creature Portraits
Chromatic Creature Portraits
These Acrylic Animal Paintings by Sairah Ali Play With Perception
Artfully Multiplied Collages
Artfully Multiplied Collages
These Delicate Claire Softley Portraits Feature Festive Subjects
Feline Portrait Imitations
Feline Portrait Imitations
'Cats Imitating Art' is a Collection of Famous Works Being Replicated
Animated Anti-Feline Films
Animated Anti-Feline Films
The 'I Hate Kitties' Video is an Artistic Video Game Concept
Animalized TV Character Artworks
Animalized TV Character Artworks
The Houndton Tabby Series is a Different Take on 'Downton Abbey'
Feline Fecal Art
Feline Fecal Art
Artist Creates Beautiful Collages of Cat Paintings with Urine and Poop
Metallic Animal Illustrations
Metallic Animal Illustrations
Yo Az's Electro Animals Have a Distinct Metallic Feel to Them
Humanized Feline Illustrations
Humanized Feline Illustrations
The Heather Matton ‘Cats in Clothes’ Collection is Qui
Neon Feline Captures
Neon Feline Captures
These Cat Photos by Maro Hagopian are Inspired by Pop Art
Subtly Eerie Cat Illustrations
Subtly Eerie Cat Illustrations
Casey Weldon's Double Eyed Cats Drawings Reference Digital Editing
Hidden Cat Illustrations
Hidden Cat Illustrations
These Playful Felines Play Peek-a-Boo in Your Food
Celebrity Feline Paintings
Celebrity Feline Paintings
Aja Immortalizes the Memes of Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub in Paintings
Psychedelic Kitty Illustrations
Psychedelic Kitty Illustrations
The Art of Audrey May Erickson Features Fierce Felines
Feline-Faced Portraiture
Feline-Faced Portraiture
Rebeca Losada Renders Human Subjects with Cat Visages
Feline Screamtography
Feline Screamtography
Yulia Cosmos Captures Startling Images in 'Collage'
Animal Ballpoint Pen Portraits
Animal Ballpoint Pen Portraits
Mel Fischer Draws Intricately Details Cats, Birds and More
Pop Art Pet Portraits
Pop Art Pet Portraits
Immortalize Your Pooch With an Original Masterpiece
Superhero Lovers Portraits
Superhero Lovers Portraits
The Fabian Ciraolo Art Brings Together Close Knitted Superwomen
Chivalrous Feline Paintings
Chivalrous Feline Paintings
Eldar Zakirov's Cat Portraits Display the Furry Beasts as Gentlemen
Theatrical Pet Portraits
Theatrical Pet Portraits
Susan Herbert Infuses the World Of Shakespeare With Some Feline Flair
Controversial Colored Cat Books
Controversial Colored Cat Books
The 'Why Paint Cats: The Ethics of Feline Aesthetics' is Purrfect
Pop Culture Cats
Pop Culture Cats
Andrew Mark Hunter Illustrates Hello Kitty as Many Different Icons
Erotic Animal Art
Erotic Animal Art
Ginette LaPalme's Whimsical Sexy Critters are Surreal
Adorable 3D Latte Art
Adorable 3D Latte Art
Kazuki Yamamato's Coffee Canvasses Will Perk Anyone Up
Feline Crime Fighter Paintings
Feline Crime Fighter Paintings
Alana McCarthy Illustrates Cats in Superhero Costumes
Otherworldly Cat Illustrations
Otherworldly Cat Illustrations
Matei Apostolescu Renders Psychedelic Images of Felines
Cat Meme Cartoon Mashups
Cat Meme Cartoon Mashups
Eric Proctor's Digital Paintings Add a Twist to Grumpy Cat Memes