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70 Examples of Domed Design

From Modernized MOD Fashions to Orbed Architectural Constructions

— November 20, 2013 — Autos
Embracing curvilinear constructions, these examples of domed design pay tribute to the ancient architectural element. With its strong resemblance to a sphere's upper, hollow half, the element has been a design favourite throughout history and built out of various material mediums.

Spherical ceiling architecture, orb-shaped automobiles and curvilinear furnishings are just some of these many and impressive examples of domed design. Often a staple of Middle Eastern architecture and a symbol of retro futurism, the dome is synonymous with religious themes or otherworldly sci-fi imagery.

Whether representing a godly architectural aesthetic or painting a clean and streamlined vision of the coming future, the structural element evokes a sense of organic movement that opposes the stiff and two-dimensional quality of linear constructions.
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Nature-Recreated Printing
Nature-Recreated Printing
MIT's 'Biological Silkworm 3D Printer' is Something to Marvel
Illusionary Cleaning Covers
Illusionary Cleaning Covers
The Vaulot & Dyevre 'Edition Cinna' Fantome Collection Hides
Domed Desktop Illuminators
Domed Desktop Illuminators
The Light Drop Lamp from Pulpo is a Fresh Take on Retro Design
Cluttered Literature Sculptures
Cluttered Literature Sculptures
The Writer's Block Library Shows Where Unfinished Ideas Go to Wait
Minimalist Jellyfish-Like Lighting
Minimalist Jellyfish-Like Lighting
The Medusa Lamp by Thomas Merlin Boasts a Simple Silhouette
Figurine-Infused Fixtures
Figurine-Infused Fixtures
The Favorite Things Pendant Lamp Features Cute and Simply Scenes
Mega-Domed Islands
Mega-Domed Islands
The Havvada Island by Dror Benshetrit is Structural Marvel
Tab Light Brighteners
Tab Light Brighteners
The Vinge Table Lamp Has an Intensity Switch that Swivels 180 Degrees
Multimedia Material Presses
Multimedia Material Presses
The Steam B Iron Removes Wrinkles and Busts Beats
Glass-Domed Lighting
Glass-Domed Lighting
Ligne Roset's Chantal Table Lamp Resembles a Jellyfish
Tortoise Shell Domes
Tortoise Shell Domes
The Carapace by Arnaldo Pomodoro is Reptilian in Design
Retro Militant Collages
Retro Militant Collages
The Bunker Series by Maria Martinez-Canas and Rafael Domenech
Peeping Rain Protectors
Peeping Rain Protectors
The Submarine Umbrellas Let Users Indulge in a Little Practical Fantasy
Picnic-Improving Contraptions
Picnic-Improving Contraptions
W.E.T. Beacon Improves Park Atmospheres by Harnessing Sun and Rain
Office Supply Municipalities
Office Supply Municipalities
The Staple City Product Imitates Metropolitan Skylines
Whimsical Sculptural Chronographs
Whimsical Sculptural Chronographs
The Fable Mantle Clock is Inspired by Vintage Objects
Spherical Privacy Work Tables
Spherical Privacy Work Tables
The Vitra Sphere Table Helps to Conceal Those Working
Domed Plant Marvels
Domed Plant Marvels
The Thousand Bloom Chrysanthemum is a Sight to Behold
Fabulous Fish Scale Additions
Fabulous Fish Scale Additions
Studio Extension Fuses Traditional Brick with Technicolor Tectonics
Bread-Making Toys
Bread-Making Toys
Dough Globe by Mint Digital Ferments Yeast Culture in a Playful Way
Serving Platter Zappers
Serving Platter Zappers
The Domo-Wave Microwave Was Made to Better Match the Dishes
Whimsical Watery Urbanism
Whimsical Watery Urbanism
'City on the Sea' Imagines a Shanghai that Embraces Rising Shores
Geodesic Walking Pod Robots
Geodesic Walking Pod Robots
Scott Parenteau's Walking Pod is a Heavy but Graceful Robot
Glass-Domed Subway Stops
Glass-Domed Subway Stops
The New York Fulton Street Station Provides Commuters with Natural Light
Spherical Wire Seating
Spherical Wire Seating
The Nest Chair By Kirv Features an Unconventional Aesthetic
Sphere-Shielded Desks
Sphere-Shielded Desks
The Sphere Table Allows You to Protect Your Personal Space
Utensil-Inspired Illuminators
Utensil-Inspired Illuminators
The Spoon Variations Lights Make Fitting Fixtures for Your Kitchen
Green-Domed Gyms
Green-Domed Gyms
The $24-Million North Lincolnshire Sports Academy is Spectacular
Timber Mosaic Tubs
Timber Mosaic Tubs
The Stone Pixel Soaker Marries Glossy Crystalplant with Textural Wood Grain
Melon-Protecting Pillows (UPDATE)
Melon-Protecting Pillows (UPDATE)
The Hövding Airbag Collar is a Couture and Practical Helmet
Immersive Igloo-Like Installations
Immersive Igloo-Like Installations
PODS by Danielle Tay Provides Topographical Atmospheres Within
Chic 60s Chapeaus
Chic 60s Chapeaus
These Shapobaa Hat Designs Marry Retro and Modern Concepts
Visually Stimulating Shelving
Visually Stimulating Shelving
The Gradient Cabinet by Ka-Lai Chan Partially Hides Objects Up Top
Wild Wheeled Furnishings
Wild Wheeled Furnishings
The Tire Table Enhances Spaces with an Eccentric Automotive Aesthetic
Organically Domed Religious Structures
Organically Domed Religious Structures
The Pristina Central Mosque by OODA is Monumental
Transparent-Topped Autos
Transparent-Topped Autos
The Honda Puyo Concept Car Offers an Uninterrupted Outdoor View
Orb-Shaped Ovens
Orb-Shaped Ovens
The Microwave SymB Heats Your Meals in a Revolutionary Way
Arboreal Tech Company HQs
Arboreal Tech Company HQs
The Amazon Biosphere Office Would House People and Plants
Spherical Coral Concert Halls
Spherical Coral Concert Halls
The (a) Ball Auditorium is Enclosed by Polyps that Disseminate Sound
Curvaceously Shaped Structures
Curvaceously Shaped Structures
The People’s Meeting Dome Sparks Design Discussions
Massive Monument Installations
Massive Monument Installations
Anish Kapoor's Cathedral-like Installation in Paris is Incredible
Geodesic Dining Tables
Geodesic Dining Tables
The Web Table Expands Beyond the Simplicity of the Typical Eating Surface
Dynamically Domed Structures
Dynamically Domed Structures
The Win Changzhou Culture Centre is China's Next Landmark
Realistic Racing Simulators
Realistic Racing Simulators
The SimRoom SimPod 1 Provides an Immersive Gaming Experience
Upcycled Umbrella Artwork
Upcycled Umbrella Artwork
The Stunning 'Harvest Dome 2.0' Floats Along the Water in New York City
Geometric Dome Structures
Geometric Dome Structures
The King's Cross Train Station Redevelopment is Dynamically Designed
Floating Orb Archiecuture
Floating Orb Archiecuture
The National Art Museum by MAD Architects Design is Otherworldly
Doubly Geometric Lighting
Doubly Geometric Lighting
Dancing Squares Lamps by Nendo are Delicately Sculptural
Domed Ceiling Bookshelves
Domed Ceiling Bookshelves
The Wade Davis Writing Studio Boasts a Sky-High Library
Ergonomic Student Seating
Ergonomic Student Seating
The 'Ray' School Chair Design is Meant to Improve Posture in Class
Decoupage-Like Seating
Decoupage-Like Seating
The Fase #3 Stool by Bernardita Marambio B. is Eco-Friendly
Sci-Fi Pool Pavilions
Sci-Fi Pool Pavilions
The Aquarena Aqua Leisure Center Embodies its Futuristic Inspiration
Giant Sheathed Domes
Giant Sheathed Domes
iGuzzini Headquarters by MiAS Architects is a Spectacular Structure
Portable Jungle Gyms
Portable Jungle Gyms
The Easy Outdoor Geodescent Space Dome is Fun for Your Kids
Domed Sea Creature Structures
Domed Sea Creature Structures
This University of Stuttgart Pavilion was Inspired by Biology
Sweet Treat Protection
Sweet Treat Protection
'Cupcase' Individual Cupcake Carriers Prevent Damage and Contamination
Egg-Shaped Automobiles
Egg-Shaped Automobiles
The uCar by Garcia-Verdugo Makes the One Man Commute More Eco-Friendly
Jewel-Cut Concept Cars
Jewel-Cut Concept Cars
The EXO NURBS Vehicle Revisits Dymaxion Design for Superior Strength
Arched Geometry Structures
Arched Geometry Structures
The Roskilde Dome Pavilion is Home to the Danish Music Festival
Lotus Solar Desalinators
Lotus Solar Desalinators
The Waterdome Desalination Plant Replicates and Respects Nature
Space Colony Architecture
Space Colony Architecture
RFM FM Radio Station Headquarters, Poland
Powerful Wind-Proof Tents
Powerful Wind-Proof Tents
The Cave by Frackenpohl Poulheim is Robust and Easy to Set Up
Geodesic Domed Lodges
Geodesic Domed Lodges
The Loveland Farms Offers Pod Accommodations for Creative People
Snow Shelter Resorts
Snow Shelter Resorts
The POD Hotel by Robust Outdoor Brands is Comfy and Compact
Sheltered Enclosure Pods
Sheltered Enclosure Pods
The Abri-Boca Lounge Chair Design Contains a Collapsible Shell
Cosmic Orbital Chronographs
Cosmic Orbital Chronographs
The Tourbillon Black Hole Wristwatch Defines Time and Space
Portable Wooden Huts
Portable Wooden Huts
Robust Outdoor Brands' POD Houses Make for Eco-Friendly Camping
Eco Domed Abodes
Eco Domed Abodes
The Solaleya Pearl Dwelling Embraces Passive Energy Practices
Ballooning Eco Abodes
Ballooning Eco Abodes
These 'Binishells' Structures Bring the Hobbit Shire to Sustainable Reality
Melodic Folding Campers
Melodic Folding Campers
The Opera Trailer by Axel Enthoven is a Stylish Way to Travel