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38 Examples of 3D Printers

From Kid-Friendly 3D Printers to 3D Makeup Printers

— January 14, 2015 — Eco
These examples of 3D printers show how far the industry has come in such a short time. Although the technology isn't that mainstream yet, there is a huge focus on diversity, portability and versatility, making its use even more tempting for those interested in being makers rather than traditional consumers. Makers might be far and few in between when compared to consumers, but these examples of 3D printers makes it easier to take on such a role.

From food to makeup and even tattoos, these examples of 3D printers reach far and wide. They are also becoming much more compact, which is ideal for small businesses and domestic settings. Not to mention that a variety of different materials are being sourced including carbon fiber, textiles, ceramics and, of course, edible ingredients.
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3D-Printed Letterpress
3D-Printed Letterpress
The A23D Letterpress Font Premiered at the London Design Festival
Massive Mutiple Object Printers
Massive Mutiple Object Printers
The Makerbot Z18 Industrial 3D Printer Shines Big at CES 2014
Color-Blending 3D Printers
Color-Blending 3D Printers
The 3D4C Color 3D Printer is the First Color-Blending 3D Printer
Pocket-Size 3D-Printers
Pocket-Size 3D-Printers
LumiPocket is a Small 3d Printer That is Powerful and Affordable
Suspended 3D Aerial Printers
Suspended 3D Aerial Printers
The MX3D-Metal Will Be Able to Print Metal Pieces Out of Thin Air
Search Engine Printers
Search Engine Printers
Hands on Search is a 3D Printer for the Visually Impaired
Tattoo-Making 3D Printers
Tattoo-Making 3D Printers
This 3D Printer Tattoo Machine Was Developed by French Design Students
Robotic 3D Manufacturing Printers
Robotic 3D Manufacturing Printers
The Robox 3D Printer by CEL is a Micro Manufacturing Platform
Crazy Cuisine Printers
Crazy Cuisine Printers
Imagine 3D Printer is the Closest Thing to Star Trek's Food Replicator
Carbon Fiber 3D Printers
Carbon Fiber 3D Printers
Mark One by MarkForged is the World's First Carbon Fiber Printer
3D-Printed Fossils
3D-Printed Fossils
The Sam Noble Museum is Remaking History
Surgical Handheld 3D Printers
Surgical Handheld 3D Printers
This Handheld 3D Printer Will Let Surgeons 'Draw' in New Cells
Domestic 3D Printers
Domestic 3D Printers
Equipped with the Modernized Version of 3D Printing, the UP! Start Plus 3D
Budget-Friendly 3D Printers
Budget-Friendly 3D Printers
The Buccaneer is the Most Budget-Friendly 3D Printer
3D Carving Machines
3D Carving Machines
The Carvey 3D Carving Machine Can Sculpt Different Materials
Consumer 3D Printers
Consumer 3D Printers
The Micro by M3D is Reliable, Consistent and Accessible
Multitasking 3D Printers
Multitasking 3D Printers
AIO Robotics Invented the First All-In-One 3D Printer, Scanner & Faxer
Portable 3D Printers
Portable 3D Printers
PopFab by Ilan Moyer and Nadya Peek Fits in a Briefcase & Works Anywhere
Electronics-Building 3D Printers
Electronics-Building 3D Printers
The Voxel8 3D Printer Can Blend Electronics and Plastics
Personal 3D Printers
Personal 3D Printers
The Idea Building is a Personal 3D Printer For Novices and Experts
Modular Mexican 3D Printers
Modular Mexican 3D Printers
The MakerMex MM1 Modular 3D Printer Can Easily Be Upgraded
Inexpensive 3D Printers
Inexpensive 3D Printers
Deltaprintr is an Affordable 3D Printer That's Faster at Printing
3D Candy Printers
3D Candy Printers
The ChefJet Printer Series Creates Delicious Candy Concoctions
Portable 3D Printers
Portable 3D Printers
This Mobile Printer Folds Down to an Inch for Easy Transportation
Tabletop 3D Printers
Tabletop 3D Printers
This Tiny 3D Printer is Fast and Hardly Takes Up Any Space
3D Makeup Printers
3D Makeup Printers
Mink Makeup Printer Lets You Print 3D Makeup From a Regular Computer
Plastic-Repurposing Printers
Plastic-Repurposing Printers
The Ekocycle Cube Uses Plastic Filaments to Print Things in 3D
Kid-Friendly 3D Printers
Kid-Friendly 3D Printers
These Mainstream 3D Printers Will Give Your Tiny Tots Creative Reign
Sweet Tooth 3D Printers
Sweet Tooth 3D Printers
The Choc Creater V2 3D Chocolate Printer is Expensive and Effcient
Kid-Friendly 3D Printers
Kid-Friendly 3D Printers
Printeer Boasts a Playful and Easy to Use Design for Children
Textile 3D Printers
Textile 3D Printers
OpenKnit Printer by Gerard Rubio Makes Sweaters in Under an Hour
Affordable 3D Printing Technology
Affordable 3D Printing Technology
This Successful Indiegogo Campaign is for an At Home 3D Printer
Mainstream 3D Printers
Mainstream 3D Printers
Desktop Factory's 3D Printer
Large Object Printers
Large Object Printers
The Cubex 3D Printer by Cubify Can Produce a Basketball
Revolutionary Home 3D Printers
Revolutionary Home 3D Printers
BotObjects ProDesk3D Brings Color 3D Printing to Your Living Room
Affordable 3D Printers
Affordable 3D Printers
The RoBo 3D R1 was Released at CES 2014
At-Home 3D Printers
At-Home 3D Printers
The Cube 3D Home Printer Lets Users Print Objects From Their Own Space
Easy-to-Use 3D Printers
Easy-to-Use 3D Printers
European Market is the First to Get the HP Designjet 3D Printer Series