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27 Education-Based Infographics

From Career Opportunity Graphs to High-Tech Scholastic Stats

— August 13, 2012 — Social Good
Learn how to take advantage of university degrees, potential career opportunities and high-priced education endeavors by consulting the contents of these education-based infographics. While a university degree is the first step to distinguishing oneself in the job market, many individuals are unable find opportunities that are worthy of their academic talents and the mountainous expenses incurred in order to achieve them.

Identify which career opportunities offer the greatest starting incomes, which cities hold the best jobs and how to strategically set yourself apart from the competition using the insightful and straightforward tips inclosed. As the job market's barriers to entry become more cutthroat, undergraduate and graduate students must find ways to make their university majors, minors and degrees work from them.

Master the skills you need to take advantage of your post-secondary education with some helpful and much-needed advice from this collection of education-based infographics. In particular, students who are about to complete their final year of university can learn to optimize their success in a particular industry and hit the ground running when they graduate.
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School Instructor Graphs
School Instructor Graphs
The 'Teaching in Higher Education' Infograph Shows the Numbers
Post-Education Spending Stats
Post-Education Spending Stats
The Average Expenses of Recent Graduates Infographic Breaks it Down
High-Tech Scholastic Stats
High-Tech Scholastic Stats
The 'Robot Study Buddies' Infograph Explores Futuristic Educations
Scholastic Acceptance Charts
Scholastic Acceptance Charts
The 'College Admissions: What Really Matters' Graphic is Educational
Chinese Student Deportation Statistics
Chinese Student Deportation Statistics
The 'Export of Studies' Infographic Shows Overseas Movement
Scholastic Return Stats
Scholastic Return Stats
This Back-to-School Infographic is Mom-Focused
Shocking Plagiarism Graphs
Shocking Plagiarism Graphs
The 'You Are What Your Write' Tackles the Issue Head-On
Commencement Goodie Charts
Commencement Goodie Charts
'The Gifts Grads Get' Infographic is Revealing
Gender Schooling Graphs
Gender Schooling Graphs
The 'Trends in Higher Education' Infographic Goes by Degree
Academic Preparation Graphs
Academic Preparation Graphs
The 'Ready or Not' Freshman Infograph Shows Weak Points
Digital Scholastic Graphics
Digital Scholastic Graphics
The 'Online College' Chart Explains the Downsides of Virtual Learning
Career Opportunity Graphics
Career Opportunity Graphics
The ‘Make The Most of Your Major’ Infographic Examines Deg
University Degree Infographics
University Degree Infographics
The ‘Higher Education, Ethnicity, Race’ Graphic Examine
Online Education Graphics
Online Education Graphics
The 'Online Colleges' Study Shows Free Virtual Learning is Beneficial
Comparative Educational Stats
Comparative Educational Stats
The 'America's Schools' Infographic Offers Surprising Information
Educational Excelling Charts
Educational Excelling Charts
The 'Rise of the AP' is Smarter Than Ever
Evolving Virtual Learning Charts
Evolving Virtual Learning Charts
‘The History of Online Education’ Infographic
Pay Grade Scaling Infographics
Pay Grade Scaling Infographics
The 'Intuit' Chart Shows Small Businesses How to Establish Salaries
Tech-Savvy Student Charts
Tech-Savvy Student Charts
The 'Apps & Education' Infographic Determines Technological Success
Costly College Charts
Costly College Charts
The High Price of Higher Education Infographic Reveals School Tuitions
Scholar Tendency Graphs
Scholar Tendency Graphs
The 'Successful College Student's Pyramid' is Hilarious
Alternative Education Graphics
Alternative Education Graphics
The 'Self-Learning: The New Masters Degree?' Infographic
Graduate Career Charts
Graduate Career Charts
The 'Numbers Behind Graduate Employment' Infographic Talks Money
Education Investment Infographic
Education Investment Infographic
The 'Is College Still Worth It' Chart is Insightful
Job-Hunting Strategy Stats
Job-Hunting Strategy Stats
The '7 Secrets To Making Recruiters Find You' Infographic is Useful
Teenager Comparison Infographics
Teenager Comparison Infographics
Best Educational Degrees Compares Kids from 1982 and 2012
Opportunistic Employment Stats
Opportunistic Employment Stats
The '7 Best Cities to Find a Job' Infographic is a Must-See